The teacher gets a haircut(Grade 3)Part 10.

2012年10月04日 19時04分47秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


’The teacher gets a hair-cut’ exchange activity.

There were 2 things to think about.

①   What do you think when you see what is drawn? Why is that?

②   What does the ‘voice’ of the painting say to you? How does it say this?

Thinking about the form and colour when we look at the work.

I will introduce some pieces of work.


 Miss YH’s work ‘Mr. Y gets a cool hair-cut’

I see the way Mr.M is standing with his legs apart.

My eyes are drawn towards Mr. Y’s haircut as I can see how hard the hair-dresser is concentrating.Mr. Y has a serious expression as he sits and waits to see his hair-cut.

                                          From Miss MY


Here is another piece of work, and I spoke to the artist.

 Miss KS’s work ‘A hair-cut’

I worked hard to draw my picture of Mr. Y getting his haircut.

I’ve drawn the best expression of Mr. M.


You can feel the image here by looking at the expression of Mr. M!






