Since I made trip to Aichi Banpaku last week, today I stayed home and enjoyed reading books and watched TV. I sometime opened the computer to invetsigate the information of Indonesia.
Since my wife got free entrance ticket of Tokyo National Musueun in Ueno, I together with my wife will go to the Musueum to see the "Treasure of Berlin"(Masterpeice of Museum Island, Berlin-Visions of the Divine in the Sanetuary of Art). We are living a bit far from central of Tokoy and quite seldom go to central of Tokyo.
I like to go to museum to see the masterpiece which give me a sort of frefreshment of my feeling and can have a nice dining with wife. Although we are not rich enough, it is our custons to go to central of Tokyo and take a lunch or dinner, once a month, so. It is our samll joy.
Since my wife got free entrance ticket of Tokyo National Musueun in Ueno, I together with my wife will go to the Musueum to see the "Treasure of Berlin"(Masterpeice of Museum Island, Berlin-Visions of the Divine in the Sanetuary of Art). We are living a bit far from central of Tokoy and quite seldom go to central of Tokyo.
I like to go to museum to see the masterpiece which give me a sort of frefreshment of my feeling and can have a nice dining with wife. Although we are not rich enough, it is our custons to go to central of Tokyo and take a lunch or dinner, once a month, so. It is our samll joy.