親戚から贈り物が到着しました。開けてみるとおかきや甘納豆の詰め合わせ。甘いものが好きなので超嬉しい!(笑) ちと早いクリスマス・プレゼントです。
I received the package from my relative. Upon opening package, I found lots of baked rice cakes and sweet beans. I love sweet and therefore, I feel very happy. It is a bit early Christmas gift!

We went for a afternoon walking. Pink colored sasanqua were bloomed at the corner of park. It is really beautiful and graceful.

After that, we cross pedesterian over pass and proceed to opposite side. What a nice view !

I took a photograph from pedesterian overpass. I feel the appearance of autumn from the beautiful street and town, with the row of gingko trees.

Looking at opposite side, I found that red leaves are getting more remarkable. It is really splendid red leaves.

I took a photograph with short distance. red leaves are getting more briliant. I feel the end of autumn. It is really cold!

When I was looking at gingko tree, Boss pointed out gingko tree and said " there are lots on nuts on the branch!" Immediatly we started searching nuts of gingko trees. We gathered about 50-60 pieces of small nuts of gingko tress.

Repairing works of the condominium wre undergoing near here. There are lots of crane. When I looked at cranes closely, I found the name on crane. Name of cranes are " Hichirou" and "Hachirou". I laughed involantarily.

After that, we made shopping in the super maket and returned home. Again I took photograph from pedesterian overpass, red leaves are getting more remarkable. Winter of the country is just in front of us!

今日はマラソンの番組を見ながらの英訳でハチャメチャな英文になってしまいました。(笑) でもボケ防止には持ってこいです。金を払わずに英語の勉強も楽しいものです。