


2007-11-30 13:30:40 | Weblog





来年正月明けにまたセブに行かれるそうで、うらやましい限りです(笑)その人に感化されたわけではないのですが、来年6月に行く予定にしていたセブ行きを、日本の寒い1月末に実行したいと考えています。問題は旅費なんですが秘策が出てきました。それは秘密です。(爆笑) いずれにしてもこれからその準備に入ります。

Monday Walking

2007-11-26 15:58:13 | Weblog

今日はボスと買い物に出掛けました。そうなんです。月曜の特価日で魚や果物が安いのです。買い物を終えてから、今日は天気もいいので遠回りをして帰りました。昔”月とっても青いからが遠回りして帰りましょ~♯”なんて歌がありましたね。(笑) 秋の終わりで紅葉や落葉が目立ってますね。


Today I went shopping with my boss. Yes! Today is monday special sales day. We can but fish and fruits with discounted price. After shopping  we returned home with roundabout way sice it is very good weater today. In the parst, there was a romantic song " Since the moon is blue, lets return to home with roundabout way....". Due to end of autumn red leaves and fallen leaves are getting more remarkable.




I do not feel to explain particularly. Pls have a look following photograph. Pls feel autumn feeling of Japan. I love the autumn of Japan best. I sincerely wish that this secenerary will be kept forever.













所で今朝のテレビで50歳以上の離婚に対し、男性は4%に対し女性は19%が離婚を望んでいるらしい。寂しいことですが、これが現実の様です。(苦笑)。By the way, today's TV program was forcusing the devorce ratio of over 50 years couples. It is said that men wish to devorce at 4% ratio but ladies are 19%. Although it is quite sad for men, this is true. 

Again, Mt. Fuji !

2007-11-24 12:43:37 | Weblog

昨日は天気もよく、空気が澄んでいたので、富士山の見えるポイントを目指して歩きました。 別の場所に咲いていた紅葉を写真で撮ってみました。綺麗ですね!


Yesterday was good weather and air was very clean and therefore I started to walk to the point where I can see Mt. Fuji. I took several picture of autumn tint which were planted in deferent places. It is really beautiful!





Althou I took photograph of autumn tint aimin the blue sky. This is also nice. 





They are lots of tree with deferent colors planted on the straight road. I can fee the end of autumn from the fallen leaves on the road.







I arrived the point(place) in the late evening, from where Mt. Fuji can be seen. I can recognize Mt. Fuji vaguely in a long distance. Judging from the shape of mountain, it should be Mt. Fuji. I took photograph (picture) of Mt. Fuji with zoom conditions of my degital camera. However it looks not nice. Pls feel Mt. Fuji only by its shape. 






Christmas is comming!

2007-11-22 10:46:20 | Weblog



Christmas season is comming in due course. I took a photograph on our Christmas decorartion. Except upper photograph, all the masterpiece were made by my boss. Underneath photo is sleeping Santa Cross. I just put decoration on the floor.  





This is round decoration.





This is chrsitmas tree. Since ir is very samll, I put this tree on the upper corner of TV.





This is also round decoration and hanged on the wall.





This is Santa flying in the sky.





This is bg and small tree. I just decorate them near the main door.





This is wall hanging made by patch works.





We are not christchian but felt the joy of chrsitmas first time in Hong Kong where we stayed during 6 years (1980 and 1986). All the hotel were decorated with christmas illumination and they were really beautiful.




When chrsitmas season approaches, my boss decorate chrsimas tree etc., and enjoy this festive season.



It is getting cold!

2007-11-20 10:15:24 | Weblog



Yeterday, it was getting clod. I brought heater and put in my room. Although I was patient till yesterday, I can not endure amy more. It is really cold. However I would not take a walk. I went out for a walk around 3 PM.  Autumn tint are getting red leaves.





I walked in a opposite direction. I felt very nice feeling with blue sly and  sinking sun.





Although I also walk here fluently, I felt feeling of the evening. Here, on the spring, lots of cheery blossoms bloom and it is really beautiful place. However there is no flower. 





I took a photograph on opposite side.





Underneath building is junior high school. The tress planted in front of school are also climax of of red leaves.





Saturday Walking

2007-11-18 12:03:27 | Weblog

親戚から贈り物が到着しました。開けてみるとおかきや甘納豆の詰め合わせ。甘いものが好きなので超嬉しい!(笑) ちと早いクリスマス・プレゼントです。


 I received the package from my relative. Upon opening package, I found lots of baked rice cakes and sweet beans. I love sweet and therefore, I feel very happy. It is a bit early Christmas gift!





We went for a afternoon walking. Pink colored sasanqua  were bloomed at the corner of park. It is really beautiful and graceful.





After that, we cross pedesterian over pass and proceed to opposite side. What a nice view !





I took a photograph from pedesterian overpass. I feel the appearance of autumn from the beautiful street and town, with the row of gingko trees.





Looking at opposite side, I found that red leaves are getting more remarkable. It is really splendid red leaves.





I took a photograph with short distance. red leaves are getting more briliant. I feel the end of autumn. It is really cold!





When I was looking at gingko tree, Boss pointed out gingko tree and said " there are lots on nuts on the branch!" Immediatly we started searching nuts of gingko trees.  We gathered about 50-60 pieces of small nuts of gingko tress.





Repairing works of the condominium wre undergoing near here. There are lots of crane. When I looked at cranes closely, I found the name on crane. Name of cranes are " Hichirou" and "Hachirou". I laughed involantarily.





After that, we made shopping in the super maket and returned home. Again I took photograph from pedesterian overpass, red leaves are getting more remarkable. Winter of the country is just in front of us!


今日はマラソンの番組を見ながらの英訳でハチャメチャな英文になってしまいました。(笑) でもボケ防止には持ってこいです。金を払わずに英語の勉強も楽しいものです。

Evening Waking

2007-11-17 10:18:53 | Weblog



Last evening, I too a walk around station. This is scenerary from pedesterian overpass. Trees under the condominium have beautiful red leaves.





I arrived at park. Autumn tint of leaves are getting more remarkable. It is bit cold. The winter is comming just in fornt of us. There are lots of fallen leaves on the ground. Since it is evening, there are no people in the park.





We can see university's school house. The tress along the road seems very nice.





This is the park shining in the evening sun. I meditate in the quietness. It is really autumn to feel such a thing.





At the end of walking, i arrive at the station. I took a photograh of same place shown in the upper side of this blog. It is the town in twilight of the darkness. It is really romantic!



時間がたっぷりありすぎて困るので、大体午後は散歩に出掛けています。(笑) 変化のない生活の中で、出来るだけ変化をもたせた暮らしをしたいのですが、現実にはなかなかそうもいきませんね。

Walking around my place!

2007-11-16 10:55:50 | Weblog



Yesterday was goo weather and I took a walk in the afternonn. These day, I am walking everyday. It is very nice becasue no need to spend money and goo for health. Autumn tint is getting more remarkable. Maple palnted here is really beautiful





I approached bronze statue, titled " the poetry of gathering", homeless cat was sleeping. It seemed that there might be someone who feed homeless cat. It is old aged lady!  If she loves cat so much, she shoul bring cat and feed it in her house.





I walked out its road straightly. Every tree's leaves turned yellow color and I found lots of fallen leaves on the road. It is quite comfortable to walk, stepping on the leaves. It is more pleasant if these leavs are 10,000 money sheet.








I took the photo of the surronding of station from pedestrian overpass. Autumn tint here are also in progress. It is already end of November. It is just in front of December. Cristmas and new year are following. Surronding od station here is quite crowded but if we talk a walk for few minutes, we arrive at hill/forest. Winter is comming just in front of us. I wish to enjoy walking of end of autumn , from now on too. 



今日の言葉: 継続は力なりと言いますが、英語でブロウ書くのはちと




Studying english in Cebu

2007-11-15 12:28:00 | Weblog



Although it is quite unknow to Japanese peole, There are many Korean people who study english in Cebu. In fact, I saw many Korean people in Cebu this time. Philippine is the only country in Aisia which English is very common language. Korean people study englsih in Ceb and therafter they go to Australia and USA. They are very much internationalized nation, comparing with Japanese. 



There is one gentleman who kindly comments on my blog and is studying english in Cebu and writing his life in Cebu. He seems enjoying his studying and life. 




I am intending to say in Cebu one(1) month. Since I am pensioner, I can not playing gold everyday in Cebu.  I wish to study  english in Cebu in a short terms, say 1-2 weeks. The other day, I became freind with Philippina who is english school teacher in Cebu and presently am communication with her by chatting through computer. However my englsih speaking ability does not improove unless we no not have face to face talking. Since this is a sort of time killing after retiremnt, I should not think so seriously and wish to study english, enjoying life in Cebu.


