one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


リターン オヴ ジョウビタキ1  rougequeue aurore

2014-11-09 11:32:18 | birds, fish and others(生物)
Last winter I enjoyed the female daurian redstart flying around me
when I stood on the train watch scaffold.
She disappeared in the beginning of May. I miss her.
In the middle of October, I listened the happy song of bird.

"It must be her"...I thought.
But I found it was him...I disappointed.

Then soon he started flying around the place. And at last she appeared.
He chased her, but she kicked him to confirm her territory. Lollol.

Now, the poor fellow never gives it up, and a few times a day he comes back to chase her.
Will this stoker be able to become a lover any day?

(八高線、石川町付近、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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リターンオブジョウビタキ2 Rougequeue aurore

2014-11-09 10:11:42 | birds, fish and others(生物)
This Daurian Redstart is she.
I prefer her dress to his suits.
Last winter season, I only saw the female one which rarely sang.
But this late autumn she sings well.
The sound resembles the sound of hitting flints,they say. I dare say it resembles the click sound of computer mouse.

(八高線、石川町付近、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)

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マイ ソウルフード nouille chaud

2014-11-09 09:52:48 | Foods(食)
This hot short noodle bowl is my soul food.
In my childhood, my mom cooked this bowl on the memorial days of the ancestors.
The noodle is called "Shiroisi hot noodle (白石温麺(ウーメン))" which is cut very short to be able to be used in a small bowl.
It was cooked with small cut vegetables and fried soy curds.

My version is a little different from mom's menu. I add minced meat with black peppers and ginger. And I often used consommé soup.
Thus it turns one of meat noodle soup menu. lol
It's so nice to have in the not-hot seasons.

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釣れるのかな une aigrette

2014-11-09 09:43:51 | birds, fish and others(生物)
Under a bridge near the Zenpukuji pond, I found a small heron fishing tiny things.
I strained my eyes to see what those are in vain.
But surely, somethings to be eaten by him (or by her) must be there.

(善福寺川、西荻北、Nishiogikita, Suginami ward)
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善福寺川の水草2 plante aquatique 2

2014-11-09 09:31:40 | 荻窪あたり
The stream looks clean around here. lol
I took this after the two typhoon and a few autumn rainy days. May it be, those heaven's water has swept away the dirty ones. Yes, it must be, the river has been showered.
Everyday it is shampooed with detergent from millions of families, lolol.

(善福寺川、西荻北、Nishiogikita, Suginami ward)
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善福寺川の水草 plante aquatique

2014-11-09 09:09:19 | 荻窪あたり
Zenpukuji river starts flowing from the Zenpukuji pond in the Suginami ward)
The view of the pond and park is often uploaded in this blog.
So I will upload the pictures of the river.
The stream is not so clean, but it is cleaner than other streams or rivers of Tokyo, I think.

(善福寺川、西荻北、Nishiogikita, Suginami ward)
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水浴びセキレイ bergeronnette

2014-11-09 09:01:26 | birds, fish and others(生物)
I prefer the French name of this bird, bergeronnette, to the English wagtail.
She takes bath in the shallow water in the Zenpukuji river.

(善福寺川、西荻北、Nishiogikita, Suginami ward)
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お店番するんでしょ petites vendeuses

2014-11-09 08:54:05 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)
--- We must tender our shop.
--- You, too, out of the shop.
--- ......
--- Let's go. The parade goes there!.

(阿佐ヶ谷パールセンター、阿佐谷南3丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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