実際の調色例<2>An instance of color matching (2)

基本としてまず 黒・赤・黄・白から混ぜてゆきます。
予想配色割合 黄40%・黒20%・赤20%・白20%
First of all, I mix black, red, yellow, and white ink.
It’s basic way I learned by experience.
The following is the percentage of each color I thought in advance.
Yellow 40%, black 20%, red 20%, white 20%

Printing repeatedly, through the screen for color-matching,
I bring the ink closer to the designated color.

いまいち深みというか 青みが足りないようです。
このような場合 すぐ青を入れるのではなく
The color looks in short of depth and a tincture of blue a little.
In this case, I add green first, not blue immediately.
In the order of th12 basic hue circle, I tried to start with green
toward blue. (Sorry, I can't show the subtle shade on the blog)

結果配色割合 黄35%・黒25%・赤15%・白20%・緑5%
This is the closest color, after the seventh try.
This percentage is as follows,
Yellow 35%, black 25%, red 15%, white 20%, green 5%
つづく to be continued

基本としてまず 黒・赤・黄・白から混ぜてゆきます。
予想配色割合 黄40%・黒20%・赤20%・白20%
First of all, I mix black, red, yellow, and white ink.
It’s basic way I learned by experience.
The following is the percentage of each color I thought in advance.
Yellow 40%, black 20%, red 20%, white 20%

Printing repeatedly, through the screen for color-matching,
I bring the ink closer to the designated color.

いまいち深みというか 青みが足りないようです。
このような場合 すぐ青を入れるのではなく
The color looks in short of depth and a tincture of blue a little.
In this case, I add green first, not blue immediately.
In the order of th12 basic hue circle, I tried to start with green
toward blue. (Sorry, I can't show the subtle shade on the blog)

結果配色割合 黄35%・黒25%・赤15%・白20%・緑5%
This is the closest color, after the seventh try.
This percentage is as follows,
Yellow 35%, black 25%, red 15%, white 20%, green 5%
つづく to be continued