


2023-11-07 07:07:13 | 日記



English version⬇

[Searching for past blog posts to confirm information (laughs)
One chance led me to search the web for my past articles. I already have over 6,000 articles, so I want to work on organizing them next time. ...

A bit of necessity compelled me to search through my past blog posts.
 I started writing this blog when I visited Aichi Expo in 2005, so it has been 18 years since I started. I have been writing 24/7, 365 days a year, including times of illness and hospitalization (laugh).
 So, the total number of articles is more than 6,000. Well, there are some daily "idle articles," but mainly on the "house and people" theme. Even within that range, there is still a "trend" in terms of what I write about, so when I search the web in preparation for a new article, I find that my blog appears at the top of the list. Sometimes I read a blog I wrote thinking, "Oh, this is interesting," and end up in a dumb situation like, "Oh, this is the one I wrote" (laughs).
 The article that I wrote around March 2015 was the one that I used as a graphic for the scribble. The rest of this article is below.

The report was compiled based on discussions with Hokkaido officials during the last days of a visit to Japan by housing researchers from Germany, including government officials, who came to Hokkaido.
 The supply of fossil fuels and natural gas from Russia is now being threatened by the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, and Germany is in the process of switching from Russian to other domestic sources from the standpoint of the EU. The unrealistic choices made in energy policy are said to have caused the industrial base to deteriorate significantly.
 In Japan, when I speak with people in the central organization, government administration, and third-sector research institutes, I often hear them say, "We will not follow Germany alone in the future. In a sense, this is a deep lesson and trauma for the Japanese national organization, which was forced to experience hell by its alliance with Germany in World War II.
 In this blog post, we will discuss how Germany has raised its housing performance standards dramatically, partly due to the so-called "passive house" trend, but in reality, the majority of the population lives in concrete apartment buildings, and the scale of construction of wooden houses is extremely small, only about 1% of the total number of houses at the time of this blog post, As of the time of this article, only about 1% of the total number of houses had been constructed to meet these standards. The government was aware of how difficult it would be to "retrofit existing" houses. The article also expressed the fact that raising the standard value does not necessarily mean that the standard will be applied to the entire society.
 In reality, he introduced the fact that in Hokkaido, it is quite common to build houses with a cost-effective insulation level (Q-value of 1.6). I remember that the German side was also surprised at this.
 This is a blog post that I put together myself, but after reading it again now, I felt that it might be necessary to collect the latest data and "update" it.

