数年前に脳梗塞で倒れ、入院と施設への入所を繰り返し、今は殆ど動く事もできなくなり、さらに、一か月前に起こした誤嚥性肺炎によって、状況は一気に深刻になり、食事は摂れず、意思表示もできず、ただ毎日、500㏄ の点滴だけの生活が続いています。
だから、僕は 黄色のジャケットに赤いネクタイ、黒いシャツに黒いズボンを着て、目を閉じれなくなっている姉に、僕の姿がはっきりと見える様に、ベッドサイドから身体を乗り出す様にして話をしてきました。きっと、姿が見えていると信じて、声も届いていると信じて、たわいも無い事を30分間ほど話し続け、最後に「春になったら、一緒に桜を見に外出しよう」と伝えてきました。主治医の推測がどうであれ、きっと、出来ると信じています。
Today, I went back home to visit my sister-in-law.
A few years ago, she collapsed from a cerebral infarction, and was repeatedly hospitalized and admitted to a facility. Now, she can barely move. Furthermore, a month ago, she developed aspiration pneumonia, and her condition became more serious. She can no longer eat or express her feelings, and she continues to live on 500cc of intravenous drip every day.
So, I wore a yellow jacket, red tie, black shirt, and black pants, and leaned over the bedside so that my sister, who could no longer close her eyes, could see me clearly. I believed that she could see me and hear my voice, and we talked about trivial things for about 30 minutes, and finally I told her, "When spring comes, let's go out together to see the cherry blossoms." Whatever the doctor's guess, I believe she can do it.