The other day (3/29), I talked about how I was looking forward to submitting some documents that are essential for an NPO to the prefectural office and the Legal Affairs Bureau, and once again, I am looking forward to it. There were errors in some of the documents I submitted, and both the prefectural office and the Legal Affairs Bureau asked me to make corrections.
The person in charge at the prefectural office has been in charge of the matter for many years, and they receive detailed feedback via email, so it seems like it would be a relatively simple fix, but the Legal Affairs Bureau is different. Masu. First of all, we do not respond to emails at all.
But it's okay. The person who pointed this out to me this time was more thorough and explained in an easy-to-understand manner than the person at the counter when I submitted the documents the other day.
All five documents submitted to the Legal Affairs Bureau must be submitted by creating a document called a "letter of withdrawal," and then once they are returned, submit new documents with no errors on the spot. I'm still low on energy right now, but I'm looking forward to meeting each of you and my energy level will rise.
Well, I'll report again.
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