おもしろき ー熊本、鹿児島、宮崎で過ごした日々🌟🌟🌟

おもしろきことのなき世をおもしろく!Carpe Diem. 人間万事塞翁が馬。人生いろいろあるから、おもしろい!

Have a nice day.

2011年04月02日 13時16分46秒 | 英語シリーズ
Today is off.
I slept for 10 hours.
I felt like having a good dream last night.
When I woke up, I felt better than usual.

I'm going to have my hair cut after taking a bath.
I would be happy if I could drink with someone who has the same ideas as I have tonight.

Thank you so much for seeing my blog.
I'm very happy to get in touch with you throuh this blog.
Be happy,my friends.
I always hope you will be great and happy.

Have a nice day.