二行目の大文字の「ブレイクたち/Blakes」は、正直これでよいのか自信がありませんが、同じ行の「vision」からの連想でウィリアム・ブレイクではないかということにしておきました。ブレイクの作品についてはカテゴリ「W・ブレイク」でTigerとThe Sick Roseを訳しております。
以下は雑感になります。今回の第十五段落の後半の'there never was a time'を三回繰り返すリフレインの部分には、理知的な散文作者のなかにふと詩人が顔を出してしまったような、おこがましいながら微笑ましさを感じました。そしてふと「バーント・ノートン」の冒頭を思い出しました。↓
おそらくは どちらもまだ来ぬときのうちに在り
Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
if all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.
T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature
*ブレイク〔William Blake/1757-1827〕英国の詩人・画家
If the contemporary authors were really individualists, every one of them inspired Blakes, each with his separate vision, and if the mass of the contemporary public were really a mass of individuals there might be something to be said for this attitude. But this is not, and never has been, and never will be. It is not only that the reading individual today[or at any day] is not enough an individual to be able to absorb all the ‘view of life’ of all the authors pressed upon us by the publishers’ advertisements and reviewers, and to be able to arrive at wisdom by considering one against another. It is that the contemporary authors are not individual either. It is not the world of separate individuals of the liberal democrat is undesirable; it is simply that this world does not exist. For the reader of contemporary literature is not, like the reader of the established great literature of all time, exposing himself to the influence of divers and contradictory personalities; he is exposing himself to a mass movement of writers who, each of them, think that they have something in individually to offer, but are really all working together in the same direction. And there never was a time, I believe, when the reading public was so large, or so helplessly exposed to the influences of its own time. There never was a time, I believe, when these who read at all, read so many more books by living authors than books by dead authors; there never was a time so completely parochial, so shut off from the past. There may be too many publishers; there are certainly too many books published; and the journals ever incite the reader to ‘keep up’ with what is being published. Individualistic democracy has come to high tide: and it is more difficult today to be an individual than it ever was before.
二行目の大文字の「ブレイクたち/Blakes」は、正直これでよいのか自信がありませんが、同じ行の「vision」からの連想でウィリアム・ブレイクではないかということにしておきました。ブレイクの作品についてはカテゴリ「W・ブレイク」でTigerとThe Sick Roseを訳しております。
以下は雑感になります。今回の第十五段落の後半の'there never was a time'を三回繰り返すリフレインの部分には、理知的な散文作者のなかにふと詩人が顔を出してしまったような、おこがましいながら微笑ましさを感じました。そしてふと「バーント・ノートン」の冒頭を思い出しました。↓
おそらくは どちらもまだ来ぬときのうちに在り
Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
if all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.
T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature
*ブレイク〔William Blake/1757-1827〕英国の詩人・画家
If the contemporary authors were really individualists, every one of them inspired Blakes, each with his separate vision, and if the mass of the contemporary public were really a mass of individuals there might be something to be said for this attitude. But this is not, and never has been, and never will be. It is not only that the reading individual today[or at any day] is not enough an individual to be able to absorb all the ‘view of life’ of all the authors pressed upon us by the publishers’ advertisements and reviewers, and to be able to arrive at wisdom by considering one against another. It is that the contemporary authors are not individual either. It is not the world of separate individuals of the liberal democrat is undesirable; it is simply that this world does not exist. For the reader of contemporary literature is not, like the reader of the established great literature of all time, exposing himself to the influence of divers and contradictory personalities; he is exposing himself to a mass movement of writers who, each of them, think that they have something in individually to offer, but are really all working together in the same direction. And there never was a time, I believe, when the reading public was so large, or so helplessly exposed to the influences of its own time. There never was a time, I believe, when these who read at all, read so many more books by living authors than books by dead authors; there never was a time so completely parochial, so shut off from the past. There may be too many publishers; there are certainly too many books published; and the journals ever incite the reader to ‘keep up’ with what is being published. Individualistic democracy has come to high tide: and it is more difficult today to be an individual than it ever was before.