〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]
〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]
本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社
第4章 東アジア世界 1東アジアにめばえた文明
第4章 東アジア世界1東アジアにめばえた文明
仏教は、南北朝時代の社会不安のなかで、中華文明の世界に根をおろした。華北では、五胡十六国時代に西域の亀茲(クチャ)出身の仏図澄(ぶっとちょう、ブドチンガ ?~348)や鳩摩羅什(くまらじゅう、クマラジーヴァ、344~413)らが布教に努め、身分を問わず平安を願う多くの人々に受けいれられた。江南では、インドにおもむいた東晋の求法僧法顕(337ごろ~422ごろ)の活躍もあって、老荘思想をとおして理解され、貴族の間に流行し、南朝の首都の建康には仏寺が林立した。北魏で国教とされたのは、寇謙之(363~448)によって大成された道教であったが、やがて仏教が国家の庇護を受けることになり、首都洛陽を中心に多くの寺が建立された。敦煌(甘粛省)の石窟寺院の造営は、五胡十六国時代にはじまり、北魏の雲崗(山西省大同市の西郊)・竜門(洛陽市の南郊)をへて、のちの時代に受けつがれた。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、66頁~68頁)
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、70頁)
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、73頁~74頁)
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、84頁~85頁)
科挙制度の整備にともない、漢代以来の訓詁学が改めて重視され、孔穎達(くようだつ、こうえいたつ, 574~648)らの『五経正義』がつくられた。また、科挙で詩作が重んじられたこともあり、李白(701~762)・杜甫(712~770)・白居易(772~846)らが独創的な詩風で名声を博した。唐代の中期からは、文化の各方面で、形式化してきた貴族趣味を脱し、個性的で力強い漢以前の手法に戻ろうとする気運がうまれてきた。韓愈(768~824)・柳宗元(773~819)の古文復興の主張、呉道玄(8世紀頃)の山水画、顔真卿(709~785頃)の書法などはそのさきがけといえる。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、89頁~90頁)
福井憲彦、本村凌二ほか『世界史B』(東京書籍、2016年[2020年版])と村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)との対応関係は、だいたい次のようになる。
Dawn of the Huang He Civilization/Emergence of Village-Based States
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、63頁~64頁)
Brief description of a Hundred Schools of Thought
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、65頁~66頁)
Culture in the Han Period
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、69頁)
Culture in the Southern and Northern Dynasties
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、71頁)
Society and Culture of the Sui and Tang Dynasty
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、73頁~74頁)
Culture of the Song Dynasty
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、139頁~140頁)
Society and Culture of the Yuan Dynasty
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、144頁~145頁)
Thoughts and Culture in the Ming Period
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、171頁)
Economy and Culture of the Qing Dynasty
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、176頁~177頁)
North China or the drainage area of the Huang He (Yellow River, 黄河) is located in the northern part of the Huai River-Qin Mountains line. The area, which belong to the subarctic and temperate zones, is very dry, has rain only in summer. There lies a thick loess (黄土) which the monsoons brought from the Mongolian plateau. Loess tend to develop in very rich soils which is suitable for agriculture. In the loess area, it was possible to raise foxtail millet, proso millet or other crops if only by conserving water and preventing its waste, and with simple agricultural tools of stone or wood.
Mid-China, the drainage area of the Changjiang River (長江), which is located to the south of the Huai River, has a cool or warm temperate climate. There are glossy-leaved forests and lakes. The area was wet and the humidity was high. Old and original culture
developed in some of the area. In the lower reaches of the Changjiang River (Jiangnam),
Neolithic cultures developed in about 5000 BC, and rice is found to have been cultivated.
However, since higher technologies were required for the further development of rice
farming, it was difficult to make paddy field with primitive tools, so that the cultures in the Changjiang River basin were not able to develop into a unified culture.
On the other hand, there were Neolithic cultures in North China in 6000 BC. In wide
area of the Huang He, the cultures, which raised crops and livestock such as pigs and dogs,
developed. Villages of pit-dwellings (semi basement type) were formed. This agricultural
civilization, which the beginning of the Huang He civilization (黄河文明) was divided into two periods. The Yangshao culture (仰韶文化) emerged first in the period from 5000 BC to
3000 BC. Since bright color potteries were made during this period, this culture is also called the colored earthenware culture. The Yangshao culture was inherited by the Longshan culture (竜山文化), which emerged from 2900 BC to 2000 BC. A feature of the
Longshan culture was its grey pottery, which was rough but very practical, and black pottery, which was of good quality and finely polished.
In the loess area, in early days, people could make villages only on plateaus which were
relatively safe from flood; this made it possible to use small rivers and springs. Therefore,
there were many small villages (邑) in the middle and the lower reaches of the Huang He.
The villages were run on a clan system as a community. In the end of the Longshan culture,
there also emerged city states (large cities) which ruled surrounding villages and constructed walls around the city. In this way, the Neolithic farming culture established a distinct form of civilization. Villages were connected to each other through military affairs
and trade. They were organized under the powerful city states. The Yin dynasty (殷, the Shang dynasty 商) is considered the oldest Chinese dynasty which was an alliance of states
(village states) formed under a larger village state, Shang, in about 1600 BC.
Huge tombs with burial pits were discovered in Yinxu (殷墟 Anyang, Henan), an archeological site of the late Yin dynasty. They contained skeletons of slaves or captives who seemed to be buried with their superiors. Animal bones and tortoise carapaces excavated from the tombs had oracles which were divined by the Yin Emperor in writing with oracle bone script (甲骨文字). This script was considered a prototype of Chinese characters (漢字). Through the oracle bone script, we can see the range of the Yin sovereignty and its unique political system. The Bronze Age (青銅器時代) started around this time; precise bronze ritual utensils of this period were found even in distant locations such as the Changjiang River basin or the Sichuan Basin.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、63頁~64頁)
The convulsion of the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States period brought out
various thoughts on politics and society. Thinkers in this period called Hundred Schools of
Thought(諸子百家) emerged.
Confucius(孔子) was a thinker from the state of Lu in the end of the Spring and Autumn
Period who originated Confucianism(儒家). He made much of execution of family ethics (filial piety, xiao) and asked rulers to govern people with rende (perfect virtues and humanness). The Lunyu (論語 Analects) was the collection of saying and ideas attributed to Confucius and his followers. Mencius(孟子) was influenced by Confucianism. He thought the rule of right which was practiced in ancient China, was ideal. He asserted the innate goodness of the individual, and criticized the rule of power. Xunzi(荀子) believed that the nature of man is evil; his goodness is only acquired by training based on li (propriety). He allowed rulers to train people. The School of Law, such as Shang Yang(商鞅) and
Han Fei(韓非), said that rulers should rule people with laws (Legalism).
Legalism(法家) supported the states of Qin to be a strong state. Mo Jia(墨家) was originated by Mozi(墨子), and promoted philanthropy (impartial love ) and peace at any
price (condemning aggression). Taoists(道家) such as Laozi (Lao Tsu老子) and
Zhuangzi(荘子) sought the principle of the universe (way, tao) in the nature as it was and denied political movement as unnatural (inaction and spontaneity). Sunzi(孫子)
or Wuzi (呉子 Wuqi) created Bingjia (兵家 Bingfajia). Su Qin(蘇秦) and
Zhang Yi(張儀) were experts in strategy (diplomacy). Zou Yan(鄒衍) proposed yin-yang theory(the School of Naturalist) saying that universe consisted by yin-yang and the Five Phases (wuxing); namely wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Gong Sunlong(公孫竜)
was a member of the School of Logicians or School of Names. Agriculturalism, or the School of Agrarianism, introduced new agricultural technologies. All schools of thoughts were created by the demand of the times. Some of literary works were as follows. The Shijing (詩経 Classic of Poetry) was a collection of songs and poems from the ceremonies of the Zhou dynasty and from folk songs of the Huang He region. Words of the Ch’u
(楚辞) was a collection of poems by Qu Yuan(屈原) from Ch’u and of poems and songs of the Changjiang River basin. The former reflected the scenery and climate of North China; the latter reflected those of Middle China and Jiangnam.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、65頁~66頁)
Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家
儒家 Confucius 孔子
The Lunyu (Analects) 論語
Mencius 孟子
Xunzi 荀子
法家 Shang Yang 商鞅
Han Fei 韓非
墨家 Mozi 墨子
道家 Laozi (Lao Tsu) 老子
Zhuangzi 荘子
兵家(兵法家) Sunzi 孫子
Wuzi (Wuqi) 呉子
縦横家 Su Qin 蘇秦
Zhang Yi 張儀
陰陽五行 Zou Yan 鄒衍
Gong Sunlong 公孫竜
人と作品 Shijing 詩経
Qu Yuan 屈原
Words of the Ch’u 楚辞
地名・地域 the Changjiang River 長江
Jiangnam 江南
Culture in the Han Period
In the Han period, the Five Classics (Wujing) and other Confucian Classics were newly
compiled. In the Later Han period Zheng Xuan (鄭玄) and others discussed interpretations of
Chinese letters and phrases and this movement developed to exegetics. Editing history
was encouraged to justify the Han dynasty. The Shiji (史記, “Historical Records”) by Sima Qian (司馬遷) of the Former Han period and Han-shu (漢書) by Ban Gu (班固) of the Later Han period became the
models of later history books. Scientific technologies progressed in the Later Han period.
Zhang Heng (張衡) invented armillary sphere and seismoscope. Cai Lun (蔡倫) greatly improved paper
making processes (紙の製法). Precise silk fabrics, lacquer ware and copper mirrors were produced
in government operated factories and elsewhere. Their technologies and products spread
even to the Western Regions. In this period, transportation between east and west became
active on both land and sea. It was said that Buddhism was officially introduced from India
through Western Regions to China in the Later Han period.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、69頁)
Culture in the Southern and Northern Dynasties
In the period of Six Dynasties, when the Wu and the Eastern Jin in Jiangnan, and four
dynasties of the Southern dynasties came to power in turn, the culture of the Six Dynasties,
led by nobles, blossomed. Tao Qian (Tao Yuanming, 陶淵明) of poetry, Wang Xizhi (王羲之) of calligraphy, Gu Kaizhi (顧愷之) of painting were among others. In prose, people preferred luxuriant writing called siliu pianliti (a Chinese style of composition with alternating lines of four and six characters to other styles). Zhaoming Crown Prince of the Liang dynasty compiled Wen Xuan, which
was an anthology of ancient Chinese poetry, and even influenced Japanese culture. Qingtan,
like the speech and behavior of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, became very
popular among nobles. They also hailed Taoism. In contrast, during the Northern dynasties,
Shuijingxhu, a book of commentaries on the waterways classic, and Qiminyaoshu, a book
on the Chinese agricultural teachings, of the North Wei, and other practical cultures,
With the social unrest during the Southern and Northern dynasties period, Buddhism
took root in the Chinese cultures. In North China, during the Five Barbarians and Sixteen
Kingdoms period, Fotucheng (仏図澄, ブドチンガ) and Kumarajiva (鳩摩羅什, クマラジーヴァ) from Kucha (Quizi) in the Western Regions, endeavored to propagate Buddhism. It was accepted by
many people who had hoped for peace, regardless of their social rank. In Jiangnan, partly because of
missionary activities of Faxian (法顕), a dharma-seeking Buddhist monk of the Eastern Jin, who had
traveled to India, people in Jiangnan understood Buddhism through Taoism. Buddhism became popular
among nobles and many temples were constructed in Jainkan, the capital of the Southern
dynasties. In the Northern Wei, the Taoism (道教) propagated by Kon Qianzhi (寇謙之) became an official state religion. But eventually Buddhism became protected by the Northern Wei, and many
Buddhist temples were constructed in the capital of Luoyang and its surrounding area.
Construction of Buddhist stone-cave temples in Dunhuang (敦煌), Gansu Province, started in the
Five Barbarians and Sixteen Kingdoms period. Yungang (雲崗) caves (Datong City, Shanxi Province)
in the Northern Wei period and Longmen (竜門) caves (southern suburb of Luoyang City) followed
and the construction of Buddhist cave temples continued in later periods.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、71頁)
Society and Culture of the Tang Dynasty
From around the middle of the Tang dynasty, agriculture began to develop even
more. Double cropping system, in which winter wheat could be harvested during the off
season, was popularized in North China. In Jiangnan , technologies on wet rice cultivation
developed and paddy fields expanded further south. Transportation on land and water
developed further. Distribution of goods between cities became smooth. Some areas in the
capital Chang’an such as Markets (市) (the West Market and East Market), had various prospering
shops and handicraft workshops. Foreign trade developed. Through the Western Regions,
trade between east and west became stable. Guangzhou and Quanghou were the center
of trade between China and countries in the southern area. Eventually, state government-
controlled public offices managing maritime trade (shibosi) were placed in Guangzhou.
Many Muslim merchants from Arabia or Persia visited it and the capital Chang’an became
an international city.
Based on the development of economy, many fields of culture also became prosperous.
One of the features of the culture during the Tang dynasty period was a fusion of the
cultures of North China and Jianguan, but it was also an international culture against a
backdrop of the prosperous trade between east and west. Confucianism was protected by
the state and Confucian Classics became essential subjects for the Establishment. Editing
and study of the Classics advanced partly because Confucian Classics became the subjects
of the Imperial Examination. Officially authorized version of the annotated Correct
Meaning of Five Classics was edited by Kong Yingda and others. In literature, beauty of
form in the Six dynasties went out. Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan were the founders of the
classical prose movement. Poetry became an important subject of the Imperial Examination
and the Tang poetry prospered. Li Bai (李白), Du Fu (杜甫), Wang Wei (王維) and Bai Juyi
(白居易、白楽天) were all well known poets in the Tang dynasty.
In art, Chu Suiliang and Yan Zhenqing were leading calligraphers and Yan Liben and Wu
Daoxuan were famous artists. Landscapes were favorite subjects for artists and landscape
paintings with China ink wash painting techniques developed. In craft, ceramics such as a
famous three-colored painting (sancai) were distinguished in the Tang dynasty.
In religion, Buddhism developed in the same way as the previous Sui dynasty period.
Many monks such as Xuanzang (玄奘) and Yijing (義浄) went to India seeking for the texts of Buddhism. Chinese translations of the Buddhist scriptures and the studies of the Buddhist doctrines
advanced. New schools of Buddhism such as the Jodo sect and the Zen sect originated.
The Tendai and Shingon sects were transferred to Japan b Saicho and Kukai respectively.
Buddhism in China influenced Japanese Heian Buddhism to a significant extent. Taoism
also developed under the protection of the Tang dynasty and spread to become more
popular among people than Buddhism. When interaction with western countries became
active, Zoroastrianism (祆教、ゾロアスター教), Manichaeism (マニ教), Islam (回教、イスラム教), and Nestrorianism (景教、ネストリウム派キリスト教) were transferred to China
and their temples were constructed.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、73頁~74頁)
〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]
〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]
本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社
・英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より
第4章 東アジア世界 1東アジアにめばえた文明
第4章 東アジア世界1東アジアにめばえた文明
仏教は、南北朝時代の社会不安のなかで、中華文明の世界に根をおろした。華北では、五胡十六国時代に西域の亀茲(クチャ)出身の仏図澄(ぶっとちょう、ブドチンガ ?~348)や鳩摩羅什(くまらじゅう、クマラジーヴァ、344~413)らが布教に努め、身分を問わず平安を願う多くの人々に受けいれられた。江南では、インドにおもむいた東晋の求法僧法顕(337ごろ~422ごろ)の活躍もあって、老荘思想をとおして理解され、貴族の間に流行し、南朝の首都の建康には仏寺が林立した。北魏で国教とされたのは、寇謙之(363~448)によって大成された道教であったが、やがて仏教が国家の庇護を受けることになり、首都洛陽を中心に多くの寺が建立された。敦煌(甘粛省)の石窟寺院の造営は、五胡十六国時代にはじまり、北魏の雲崗(山西省大同市の西郊)・竜門(洛陽市の南郊)をへて、のちの時代に受けつがれた。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、66頁~68頁)
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、70頁)
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、73頁~74頁)
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、84頁~85頁)
科挙制度の整備にともない、漢代以来の訓詁学が改めて重視され、孔穎達(くようだつ、こうえいたつ, 574~648)らの『五経正義』がつくられた。また、科挙で詩作が重んじられたこともあり、李白(701~762)・杜甫(712~770)・白居易(772~846)らが独創的な詩風で名声を博した。唐代の中期からは、文化の各方面で、形式化してきた貴族趣味を脱し、個性的で力強い漢以前の手法に戻ろうとする気運がうまれてきた。韓愈(768~824)・柳宗元(773~819)の古文復興の主張、呉道玄(8世紀頃)の山水画、顔真卿(709~785頃)の書法などはそのさきがけといえる。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、89頁~90頁)
英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より
福井憲彦、本村凌二ほか『世界史B』(東京書籍、2016年[2020年版])と村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)との対応関係は、だいたい次のようになる。
Dawn of the Huang He Civilization/Emergence of Village-Based States
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、63頁~64頁)
Brief description of a Hundred Schools of Thought
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、65頁~66頁)
Culture in the Han Period
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、69頁)
Culture in the Southern and Northern Dynasties
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、71頁)
Society and Culture of the Sui and Tang Dynasty
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、73頁~74頁)
Culture of the Song Dynasty
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、139頁~140頁)
Society and Culture of the Yuan Dynasty
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、144頁~145頁)
Thoughts and Culture in the Ming Period
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、171頁)
Economy and Culture of the Qing Dynasty
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、176頁~177頁)
〇Chapter 4:The East Asian World 1 Civilization Growth in East Asia
■Dawn of the Huang He Civilization
North China or the drainage area of the Huang He (Yellow River, 黄河) is located in the northern part of the Huai River-Qin Mountains line. The area, which belong to the subarctic and temperate zones, is very dry, has rain only in summer. There lies a thick loess (黄土) which the monsoons brought from the Mongolian plateau. Loess tend to develop in very rich soils which is suitable for agriculture. In the loess area, it was possible to raise foxtail millet, proso millet or other crops if only by conserving water and preventing its waste, and with simple agricultural tools of stone or wood.
Mid-China, the drainage area of the Changjiang River (長江), which is located to the south of the Huai River, has a cool or warm temperate climate. There are glossy-leaved forests and lakes. The area was wet and the humidity was high. Old and original culture
developed in some of the area. In the lower reaches of the Changjiang River (Jiangnam),
Neolithic cultures developed in about 5000 BC, and rice is found to have been cultivated.
However, since higher technologies were required for the further development of rice
farming, it was difficult to make paddy field with primitive tools, so that the cultures in the Changjiang River basin were not able to develop into a unified culture.
On the other hand, there were Neolithic cultures in North China in 6000 BC. In wide
area of the Huang He, the cultures, which raised crops and livestock such as pigs and dogs,
developed. Villages of pit-dwellings (semi basement type) were formed. This agricultural
civilization, which the beginning of the Huang He civilization (黄河文明) was divided into two periods. The Yangshao culture (仰韶文化) emerged first in the period from 5000 BC to
3000 BC. Since bright color potteries were made during this period, this culture is also called the colored earthenware culture. The Yangshao culture was inherited by the Longshan culture (竜山文化), which emerged from 2900 BC to 2000 BC. A feature of the
Longshan culture was its grey pottery, which was rough but very practical, and black pottery, which was of good quality and finely polished.
■Emergence of Village-Based States
In the loess area, in early days, people could make villages only on plateaus which were
relatively safe from flood; this made it possible to use small rivers and springs. Therefore,
there were many small villages (邑) in the middle and the lower reaches of the Huang He.
The villages were run on a clan system as a community. In the end of the Longshan culture,
there also emerged city states (large cities) which ruled surrounding villages and constructed walls around the city. In this way, the Neolithic farming culture established a distinct form of civilization. Villages were connected to each other through military affairs
and trade. They were organized under the powerful city states. The Yin dynasty (殷, the Shang dynasty 商) is considered the oldest Chinese dynasty which was an alliance of states
(village states) formed under a larger village state, Shang, in about 1600 BC.
Huge tombs with burial pits were discovered in Yinxu (殷墟 Anyang, Henan), an archeological site of the late Yin dynasty. They contained skeletons of slaves or captives who seemed to be buried with their superiors. Animal bones and tortoise carapaces excavated from the tombs had oracles which were divined by the Yin Emperor in writing with oracle bone script (甲骨文字). This script was considered a prototype of Chinese characters (漢字). Through the oracle bone script, we can see the range of the Yin sovereignty and its unique political system. The Bronze Age (青銅器時代) started around this time; precise bronze ritual utensils of this period were found even in distant locations such as the Changjiang River basin or the Sichuan Basin.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、63頁~64頁)
■Brief description of a Hundred Schools of Thought
The convulsion of the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States period brought out
various thoughts on politics and society. Thinkers in this period called Hundred Schools of
Thought(諸子百家) emerged.
Confucius(孔子) was a thinker from the state of Lu in the end of the Spring and Autumn
Period who originated Confucianism(儒家). He made much of execution of family ethics (filial piety, xiao) and asked rulers to govern people with rende (perfect virtues and humanness). The Lunyu (論語 Analects) was the collection of saying and ideas attributed to Confucius and his followers. Mencius(孟子) was influenced by Confucianism. He thought the rule of right which was practiced in ancient China, was ideal. He asserted the innate goodness of the individual, and criticized the rule of power. Xunzi(荀子) believed that the nature of man is evil; his goodness is only acquired by training based on li (propriety). He allowed rulers to train people. The School of Law, such as Shang Yang(商鞅) and
Han Fei(韓非), said that rulers should rule people with laws (Legalism).
Legalism(法家) supported the states of Qin to be a strong state. Mo Jia(墨家) was originated by Mozi(墨子), and promoted philanthropy (impartial love ) and peace at any
price (condemning aggression). Taoists(道家) such as Laozi (Lao Tsu老子) and
Zhuangzi(荘子) sought the principle of the universe (way, tao) in the nature as it was and denied political movement as unnatural (inaction and spontaneity). Sunzi(孫子)
or Wuzi (呉子 Wuqi) created Bingjia (兵家 Bingfajia). Su Qin(蘇秦) and
Zhang Yi(張儀) were experts in strategy (diplomacy). Zou Yan(鄒衍) proposed yin-yang theory(the School of Naturalist) saying that universe consisted by yin-yang and the Five Phases (wuxing); namely wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Gong Sunlong(公孫竜)
was a member of the School of Logicians or School of Names. Agriculturalism, or the School of Agrarianism, introduced new agricultural technologies. All schools of thoughts were created by the demand of the times. Some of literary works were as follows. The Shijing (詩経 Classic of Poetry) was a collection of songs and poems from the ceremonies of the Zhou dynasty and from folk songs of the Huang He region. Words of the Ch’u
(楚辞) was a collection of poems by Qu Yuan(屈原) from Ch’u and of poems and songs of the Changjiang River basin. The former reflected the scenery and climate of North China; the latter reflected those of Middle China and Jiangnam.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、65頁~66頁)
Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家
儒家 Confucius 孔子
The Lunyu (Analects) 論語
Mencius 孟子
Xunzi 荀子
法家 Shang Yang 商鞅
Han Fei 韓非
墨家 Mozi 墨子
道家 Laozi (Lao Tsu) 老子
Zhuangzi 荘子
兵家(兵法家) Sunzi 孫子
Wuzi (Wuqi) 呉子
縦横家 Su Qin 蘇秦
Zhang Yi 張儀
陰陽五行 Zou Yan 鄒衍
Gong Sunlong 公孫竜
人と作品 Shijing 詩経
Qu Yuan 屈原
Words of the Ch’u 楚辞
地名・地域 the Changjiang River 長江
Jiangnam 江南
Culture in the Han Period
In the Han period, the Five Classics (Wujing) and other Confucian Classics were newly
compiled. In the Later Han period Zheng Xuan (鄭玄) and others discussed interpretations of
Chinese letters and phrases and this movement developed to exegetics. Editing history
was encouraged to justify the Han dynasty. The Shiji (史記, “Historical Records”) by Sima Qian (司馬遷) of the Former Han period and Han-shu (漢書) by Ban Gu (班固) of the Later Han period became the
models of later history books. Scientific technologies progressed in the Later Han period.
Zhang Heng (張衡) invented armillary sphere and seismoscope. Cai Lun (蔡倫) greatly improved paper
making processes (紙の製法). Precise silk fabrics, lacquer ware and copper mirrors were produced
in government operated factories and elsewhere. Their technologies and products spread
even to the Western Regions. In this period, transportation between east and west became
active on both land and sea. It was said that Buddhism was officially introduced from India
through Western Regions to China in the Later Han period.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、69頁)
Culture in the Southern and Northern Dynasties
In the period of Six Dynasties, when the Wu and the Eastern Jin in Jiangnan, and four
dynasties of the Southern dynasties came to power in turn, the culture of the Six Dynasties,
led by nobles, blossomed. Tao Qian (Tao Yuanming, 陶淵明) of poetry, Wang Xizhi (王羲之) of calligraphy, Gu Kaizhi (顧愷之) of painting were among others. In prose, people preferred luxuriant writing called siliu pianliti (a Chinese style of composition with alternating lines of four and six characters to other styles). Zhaoming Crown Prince of the Liang dynasty compiled Wen Xuan, which
was an anthology of ancient Chinese poetry, and even influenced Japanese culture. Qingtan,
like the speech and behavior of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, became very
popular among nobles. They also hailed Taoism. In contrast, during the Northern dynasties,
Shuijingxhu, a book of commentaries on the waterways classic, and Qiminyaoshu, a book
on the Chinese agricultural teachings, of the North Wei, and other practical cultures,
With the social unrest during the Southern and Northern dynasties period, Buddhism
took root in the Chinese cultures. In North China, during the Five Barbarians and Sixteen
Kingdoms period, Fotucheng (仏図澄, ブドチンガ) and Kumarajiva (鳩摩羅什, クマラジーヴァ) from Kucha (Quizi) in the Western Regions, endeavored to propagate Buddhism. It was accepted by
many people who had hoped for peace, regardless of their social rank. In Jiangnan, partly because of
missionary activities of Faxian (法顕), a dharma-seeking Buddhist monk of the Eastern Jin, who had
traveled to India, people in Jiangnan understood Buddhism through Taoism. Buddhism became popular
among nobles and many temples were constructed in Jainkan, the capital of the Southern
dynasties. In the Northern Wei, the Taoism (道教) propagated by Kon Qianzhi (寇謙之) became an official state religion. But eventually Buddhism became protected by the Northern Wei, and many
Buddhist temples were constructed in the capital of Luoyang and its surrounding area.
Construction of Buddhist stone-cave temples in Dunhuang (敦煌), Gansu Province, started in the
Five Barbarians and Sixteen Kingdoms period. Yungang (雲崗) caves (Datong City, Shanxi Province)
in the Northern Wei period and Longmen (竜門) caves (southern suburb of Luoyang City) followed
and the construction of Buddhist cave temples continued in later periods.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、71頁)
Society and Culture of the Tang Dynasty
From around the middle of the Tang dynasty, agriculture began to develop even
more. Double cropping system, in which winter wheat could be harvested during the off
season, was popularized in North China. In Jiangnan , technologies on wet rice cultivation
developed and paddy fields expanded further south. Transportation on land and water
developed further. Distribution of goods between cities became smooth. Some areas in the
capital Chang’an such as Markets (市) (the West Market and East Market), had various prospering
shops and handicraft workshops. Foreign trade developed. Through the Western Regions,
trade between east and west became stable. Guangzhou and Quanghou were the center
of trade between China and countries in the southern area. Eventually, state government-
controlled public offices managing maritime trade (shibosi) were placed in Guangzhou.
Many Muslim merchants from Arabia or Persia visited it and the capital Chang’an became
an international city.
Based on the development of economy, many fields of culture also became prosperous.
One of the features of the culture during the Tang dynasty period was a fusion of the
cultures of North China and Jianguan, but it was also an international culture against a
backdrop of the prosperous trade between east and west. Confucianism was protected by
the state and Confucian Classics became essential subjects for the Establishment. Editing
and study of the Classics advanced partly because Confucian Classics became the subjects
of the Imperial Examination. Officially authorized version of the annotated Correct
Meaning of Five Classics was edited by Kong Yingda and others. In literature, beauty of
form in the Six dynasties went out. Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan were the founders of the
classical prose movement. Poetry became an important subject of the Imperial Examination
and the Tang poetry prospered. Li Bai (李白), Du Fu (杜甫), Wang Wei (王維) and Bai Juyi
(白居易、白楽天) were all well known poets in the Tang dynasty.
In art, Chu Suiliang and Yan Zhenqing were leading calligraphers and Yan Liben and Wu
Daoxuan were famous artists. Landscapes were favorite subjects for artists and landscape
paintings with China ink wash painting techniques developed. In craft, ceramics such as a
famous three-colored painting (sancai) were distinguished in the Tang dynasty.
In religion, Buddhism developed in the same way as the previous Sui dynasty period.
Many monks such as Xuanzang (玄奘) and Yijing (義浄) went to India seeking for the texts of Buddhism. Chinese translations of the Buddhist scriptures and the studies of the Buddhist doctrines
advanced. New schools of Buddhism such as the Jodo sect and the Zen sect originated.
The Tendai and Shingon sects were transferred to Japan b Saicho and Kukai respectively.
Buddhism in China influenced Japanese Heian Buddhism to a significant extent. Taoism
also developed under the protection of the Tang dynasty and spread to become more
popular among people than Buddhism. When interaction with western countries became
active, Zoroastrianism (祆教、ゾロアスター教), Manichaeism (マニ教), Islam (回教、イスラム教), and Nestrorianism (景教、ネストリウム派キリスト教) were transferred to China
and their temples were constructed.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、73頁~74頁)