〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]
〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]
本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社
〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]
Introduction to World History
1 Natural Environments: the Stage for World History
2 Position of Japan in East Asia
3 Disease and Epidemic
Part 1 Various Regional Worlds
The Humans before Civilization
1 Appearance of the Human Race
2 Formation of Regional Culture
Chapter 1
The Ancient Near East (Orient) and the Eastern Mediterranean World
1 Formation of the Oriental World
2 Deployment of the Oriental World
3 Greek World
4 Hellenistic World
Chapter 2
The Mediterranean World and the West Asia
1 From the City State to the Global Empire
2 Prosperity of the Roman Empire
3 Society of the Late Antiquity and Breaking up
of the Mediterranean World
4 The Mediterranean World and West Asia
World in the 2nd century
Chapter 3
The South Asian World
1 Expansion of the North Indian World
2 Establishment of the Hindu World
Chapter 4
The East Asian World
1 Civilization Growth in East Asia
2 Birth of Chinese Empire
3 World Empire in the East
Chapter 5
Inland Eurasian World
1 Rises and Falls of Horse-riding Nomadic Nations
2 Assimilation of the Steppes into Turkey and Islam
Chapter 6
1 Formation of the Sea Road and Southeast Asia
2 Reorganizaion of Southeast Asian Countries
Chapter 7
The Ancient American World
Part 2 Interconnecting Regional Worlds
Chapter 8
Formation of the Islamic World
1 Establishment of the Islamic World
2 Development of the Islamic World
3 Islamic Civilization
World in the 8th century
Chapter 9
Establishment of European Society
1 The Eastern European World
2 The Middle Ages of the Western Europe
3 Feudal Society and Cities
4 The Catholic Church and the Crusades
5 Culture of Medieval Europe
6 The Middle Ages in Crisis
7 The Renaissance
Chapter 10
Transformation of East Asia and the Mongol Empire
1 East Asia after the Collapse of the Tang Dynasty
2 New Developments during the Song Era ―Advent of Urban Age
3 The Mongolian Empire Ruling over the Eurasian Continent
4 Establishment of the Yuan Dynasty
Part 3 Unification of the World
Chapter 11
Development of the Maritime World
1 Formation of the Three Maritime Worlds
2 Expansion of the Maritime World
3 Connection of Sea and Land; Development of Southeast Asia World
Chapter 12
Prosperity of Empires in the Eurasian Continent
1 Prosperity of Iran and Central Asia
2 The Ottoman Empire; A Strong Power Surrounding
the East Mediterranean
3 The Mughal Empire; Big Power in India
4 The Ming Dynasty and the East Asian World
5 Qing and the World of East Asia
Chapter 13
The Age of Commerce
1 Emergence of Maritime Empire
2 World in the Age of Commerce
World in the 17th century
Chapter 14
Modern Europe
1 Formation of Sovereign States and Religious Reformation
2 Prosperity of the Dutch Republic
and the Up-and-Coming England and France
3 Europe in the 18th Century and the Enlightened Absolute Monarchy
4 Society and Culture in the Early Modern Europe
Chapter 15
Industrialization in the West and the Formation of Nation States
1 Intensified Struggle for Economic Supremacy
2 Industrialization and Social Problems
3 Independence of the United States and Latin American Countries
4 French Revolution and the Vienna System
5 Dream of Social Change; Waves of New Revolutions
Part 4 Unifying and Transforming the World
Chapter 16
Development of Industrial Capitalism and Imperialism
1 Reorganization of the Order in the Western World
2 Economic Development of Europe
and the United States and Changes in Society and Culture
3 Imperialism and World Order
World in the latter half of 19th century
Chapter 17
Reformation in Various Regions in Asia
1 Reform Movements in West Asia
2 Colonization of South Asia and Southeast Asia,
and the Dawn of National Movements
3 Instability of the Qing Dynasty and Alteration of East Asia
Chapter 18
The Age of the World Wars
1 World War I
2 The Versailles System and Reorganization of International Order
3 Europe and the United States after the War
4 Movement of Nation Building in Asia and Africa
5 The Great Depression and Intensifying International Conflicts
6 World War II
Part 5 Establishment of the Global World
Chapter 19
Nation-State System and the Cold War
1 Hegemony of the United States and the Development of the Cold War
2 Independence of the Asian-African Countries and the "Third World"
3 Disturbance of the Postwar Regime
4 Multi-polarization of the World and the Collapse of the U.S.S.R.
Final Chapter
Globalization of Economy and New Regional Order
1 Globalization of Economy and Regional Integration
2 Questions about Globalization and New World Order
3 Life in the 21st Century; Time of Global Issues
The Rises and Falls of Main Nations
・英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より
こうした科学技術の発展の背景には、ヨーロッパからの刺激がある。16世紀半ばから、イエズス会系の宣教師の来航があいつぎ、イタリア人のマテオ=リッチ(Matteo Ricci、利瑪竇、1552~1610)、ドイツ人のアダム=シャール(Adam Schall、湯若望、1591~1666)らが、布教の手段として西洋の科学技術を伝えた。明の士大夫も刺激を受け、徐光啓はマテオ=リッチとともに、エウクレイデスの幾何学を翻訳した(『幾何原本』)。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、163頁~165頁)
相続争いを経て即位した第5代のフビライ(Khubilai, 在位1260~94)は、自分の勢力の強い東方に支配の重心を移し、大都(現在の北京[ペキン])に都を定め、国名を中国風に元(1271~1368)と称し(1271年)、ついでに南宋を滅ぼして中国全土を支配した。(中略)
モンゴル帝国の成立により、東西の交通路が整備されたため、東西文化の交流が盛んになった。当時十字軍をおこしていた西ヨーロッパは、イスラーム地域を征服したモンゴル帝国に関心をもち、ローマ教皇はプラノ=カルピニ(Plano Carpini, 1182頃~1252)、フランス王ルイ9世はルブルック(Rubruck, 1220頃~93頃)を使節としてモンゴル高原におくった。またイタリアの商人マルコ=ポーロ(Marco Polo, 1254~1324)は大都にきて元につかえ、その見聞をまとめた『世界の記述』(『東方見聞録』)はヨーロッパで反響を呼んだ。
イル=ハン国はその初期にネストリウス派のキリスト教を保護し、ヨーロッパのキリスト教諸国やローマ教皇庁と使節を交換していたが、これがきっかけとなって、13世紀末にはモンテ=コルヴィノ(Monte Corvino, 1247~1328)が派遣され、大都の大司教に任ぜられた。中国でカトリックが布教されたのは、これがはじめてであった。
モンゴル支配下の広大な地域では、漢語・チベット語・トルコ語・ペルシア語・ロシア語・ラテン語など多様な言語がもちいられていた。モンゴル語を表記するパスパ文字は、フビライの師であったチベット仏教の教主のパスパ('Phagspa, 1235/39~80)がつくったものであるが、しだいにすたれて、ウイグル文字でモンゴル語を表記することが一般的になった。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、167頁~169頁)
明末文化の一つの特色は、科学技術への関心の高まりである。『本草綱目』(李時珍[1523頃~96頃]著)、『農政全書』(徐光啓[1562~1633]編)、『天工開物』(宋応星[1590頃~1650頃]著)などの科学技術書がつくられ、日本など東アジア諸国にも影響を与えた。当時の科学技術の発展には、16世紀半ば以降東アジアに来航したキリスト教宣教師の活動も重要な役割をはたした。日本でのキリスト教普及の基礎を築いたイエズス会宣教師のフランシスコ=ザビエル(Francisco Xavier, 1506頃~52)は、中国布教をめざしたが実現せず、その後マテオ=リッチ(Matteo Ricci, 1552~1610)らが16世紀末に中国にはいって布教をおこなった。キリスト教が庶民層にまで広まった日本と異なり、中国では、ヨーロッパの自然科学や軍事技術に関心をもつ士大夫層がキリスト教を受け入れた。リッチが作製した世界地図の「坤輿万国全図」は、中国に新しい地理知識を広め、日本などにも伝えられた。西洋暦法による『崇禎暦書』や「ユークリッド幾何学」の翻訳である『幾何原本』なども刊行された。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、182頁~184頁)
清朝はイエズス会の宣教師を技術者として重用した。暦の改定をおこなったアダム=シャール(Adam Schall, 湯若望, 1591~1666)やフェルビースト(Verbiest, 南懐仁, 1623~88)、中国全図の「皇輿全覧図」作製に協力したブーヴェ(Bouvet, 白進, 1656~1730)、ヨーロッパの画法を紹介したり円明園の設計に加わったカスティリオーネ(Castiglione, 郎世寧, 1688~1766)らはその例である。イエズス会宣教師は布教にあたって中国文化を重んじ、信者に孔子の崇拝や祖先の祭祀などの儀礼を認めたが、これに反対する他派の宣教師がローマ教皇に訴えたことから、儀礼に関わる論争(典礼問題)がおこった。教皇はイエズス会宣教師の布教方法を否定したため、これに反発した清朝は雍正帝の時期にキリスト教の布教を禁止した。
一方、宣教師たちによってヨーロッパに伝えられた儒教・科挙など中国の思想・制度や造園術などの文化は、ヨーロッパ人のあいだに中国に対する興味を呼びおこした。18世紀の啓蒙思想家のあいだでは、中国と比較してヨーロッパの国家体制の優劣が論じられ、また芸術のうえでもシノワズリ(chinoiserie, 中国趣味)が流行した。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、191頁~192頁)
英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より
Culture of the Song Dynasty
In Confucianism, the Song Study(宋学) which studied the theory of generation of all things in
the universe as well as human nature, was theoretically founded by Zhou Dunyi (周敦頤) and others
of the Northern Song. Zhu Xi (朱熹 Zhuzi 朱子) of the Southern Song reconstituted the Confucian
tradition and shaped Neo-Confucianism (朱子学) where he justified the order between the sovereign
and subjects as an absolute principle and attached importance on the Four Books (四書、the Great
Learnig (大学), Doctrine of the Mean (中庸), the Analects (論語) and Mencius (孟子)) as the Confucian classics. Zhu Xi extended the theory of superiority of China over surrounding peoples corresponding to
the severe international environments. Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucianism became the legitimate
Confucianism in China, and was introduced to Japan, the Korean peninsula and Vietnam,
and was prospered as bureaucratic learning. As opposed to Neo-Confucianism which
studied the principles of things objectively, Lu Jiuyuan (陸九淵) claimed the establishment of mind
(subjectivity) putting importance on practice, and his thought later influenced the philosophy
of Wang Yang-ming (陽明学). Sima Guang (司馬光) of the Northern Song justified the “theory of legitimate reasons” using Chinese history and compiled Zizhi Tongjian (資治通鑑, Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government) , a chronological historiography text of China. In Buddhism, the Zen sect
and the Pure Land sect prospered, and the Zen sect spurred a Taoism, and Quanzhen school (全真教)
which respected moral culture was founded in North China under the Jing government. In
literature, the prose style became popular, and masters of style such as Ouyang Xiu (欧陽脩), Wang
Anshi (王安石) and Su Shi (蘇東坡、蘇軾) appeared. In verse style, unlike the poems in the Tang period,
lyrical Ci (詞), evolved from folk songs, became popular. Among the common people zaju (a kind of
Chinese classical opera) became popular.
Arts and crafts developed with the handicraft manufacturing development as a
background. In paintings, very realistic and decorative yuan ti hua (the Northern Song school of painting, 院体画, 北宗画) materialized. This was led by the painting institute of the royal court,
and paintings by literary artists (the Southern Song School of paintin,文体画, 南宗画)
based on technical skills of China ink painting most prospered among writers and Zen priests.
In handicrafts, magnificent lacquerware and textiles were produced, and high quality ceramics (Song ceramics 宋磁) represented by celadon porcelain (青磁) and white porcelain (白磁) were produced mainly in Jingdezhen (景徳鎮). Scientific technologies also developed, woodblock printing techniques (木版印刷) from the Five Dynasties developed even further, and thus many books were published. Gunpowder and the magnetic needle were put to practical use, and such technologies were transferred
to the western area through Muslim merchants.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、139頁~140頁)
Society and Culture of the Yuan Dynasty
With regards to the governing of agricultural society, the Yuan dynasty, being a nomadic
military regime, nevertheless adopted centralism based on the bureaucracy following that of
Chinese Empire tradition. However, the Mongolian language was designated as the official
language, and Mongol people were appointed as government’s high officials and local
governors, and the central government was guarded by the Imperial guards. Thus actually
Mongolian traditional politics by close associates was carried out. People from Central
Asia and West Asia (Semu) were treated favorably among others. Muslim merchants were
entrusted with tax collection and trading goods. Mongols were positioned highest in the
ranking system at least initially, however, capable and talented people could be employed
and placed in key positions regardless of race. In the same way, initial Confucianism was
not well respected and thus the Imperial Examination system was abolished. But gradually
realizing it was not practical to govern the vast continent without enormous number of
bureaucrats, the Yuan promoted the establishment of institutes for studying Confucianism,
especially in Jiangnan, and in the beginning of the 14th century the Imperial Examination
was revived.
The Yuan dynasty collected tax strictly employing tax collectors but did not intervene in
the internal agricultural society much, and maintained the tenant farmer system as it was.
Also, traffic and trade networks were consolidated by the station relay system (jamchi) and
canals including the Grand Canal were restored. Because of this, urban commerce and
industry flourished. A monetary economy further developed. Paper money issued by the
Yuan, which guaranteed its convertibility into silver, was widely used, and sometimes
circulated even in West Asia.
The culture of common people continuously developed since the Song period even
under Mongol’s control, and folk songs and Zaju (雑劇, Yuan musical 元曲) concealing resistance
against Mongolian control became popular. Representative Zaju were, among others,
Xixiang Ji (西廂記), or Tale of the Western Chamber depicting free love rebelling against the
feudal restraint, Han Gong Qiu (漢宮秋, The story of the Han palace) dramatizing a tragedy about
Wang Zhao Jun who married to the Xiongnu and Pi Pa Ji (琵琶記, The Lute), a story about a
heroin who, with playing a lute, finally could meet again with her husband. Private
storytelling was also popular and original forms of Water Margin (水滸伝), Journey to the West
(西遊記) and Romance of the Three Kingdoms (三国志演義) were created. In the field of drawings and paintings, Zhao Mengfu (趙孟頫) succeeding traditions of Wang Xizhi (王羲之), and Huang Gongwang
(黄公望) and Ni Zan (倪瓚) of literati paintings appeared. And miniatures, which became popular as
illustration of stories, influenced the western world through the Il Khans. On the other hand, based on
the knowledge of Islamic astronomy, Guo Shoujing (郭守敬) made The Lunar and Solar Calendar
(Shou shi li 授時暦). This was used as the base for the Jokyo Calendar, which was made by Harumi
Sibukawa(渋川春海) in the Edo period of Japan.
In terms of religion, Taoism and Buddhism were popular among people the same as the
time of Tang and Song period. However as Phags-pa (パスパ), a pope of Sa skya sect of Tibetan
Buddhism, became a teacher for the emperor of Khubilai (帝師), Tibetan Buddhism prevailed
among Mongolian aristocrats. The excessive belief in and contribution to this religion was
one of the reasons for the financial bankruptcy in the final stage of the Yuan dynasty.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、144頁~145頁)
Thoughts and Culture in the Ming Period
Development of industries prompted growth of cities, and especially in Jiangnan. Urban
culture evolved with rich local gentries and merchants as the cores. Tea drinking became
customary and the use of pottery spread and public entertainment, as well as publishing
by wood printing, became prosperous. Due to this, dramas and novels were broadly read,
resulting in completion of the Four Great Classical Novels: Outlaws of the Marsh (水滸伝), Three
Kingdoms (三国志演義), Journey to the West (西遊記), and The Golden Lotus (金瓶梅), as interests
in scientific technologies rose, practical studies (practical science) advanced, and Compendium of
Materia Medica (Bencao Gangmu 本草綱目) by Li Shizhen (李時珍), Tiangong Kaiwu (天工開物)
by Song Yingxing (宋応星) and Nong Zheng Quan Shu (農政全書) by Xu Guangqi (徐光啓) and others
were published.
Such development of scientific technologies were influenced by Europe. Since the
middle of the 16th century, missionaries of the Society of Jesus visited the Ming one after
another, and the Italian Matteo Ricci (マテオ=リッチ, Li Madou 利瑪竇) and German Adam Schall
(アダム=シャール, Tang Ruowang 湯若望) introduced western scientific technology as a means of
propagation. The Ming scholar-bureaucrats were also stimulated, and Xu Guangqi (徐光啓) translated
Euclid’s Geometry (エウクレイデスの幾何学) (Original Geometry 幾何原本) together with
Matteo Ricci.
In the aspect of thoughts, while Neo-Confucianism emphasisized knowledge and culture,
in the beginning of the 16th century, Wang Yangming (王陽明) started the Philosophy of
Yang-Ming (陽明学), which preached that “Awareness comes only through practice”.
Genuine morality, with which the hearts of children and the general public were said to be
endowed, was to be executed.
Christianity, scientific technology, technical manuals and the Philosophy of Yang-Ming
all spread to Japan and other East Asian countries.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、171頁)
Economy and Culture of the Qing
The Ming declined, being unable to adapt to the development of a world economy in the
16th century, while the Qing adopted policies to acknowledge the status quo. Firstly, since
it was a Manchu dynasty and Mongolians were incorporated into the state structure, the
burden of defending the northern area was small. Also, regarding sea trade, the ban on the
maritime trade was lifted in 1684 and private trade was also allowed. Raw silk, potteries
and teas were exported from the Qing. In exchange a huge amount of foreign silver flowed
In 1757, the Qing restricted trade with Western countries to the Guangdong (sic 広州) port only.
Foreign trade was undertaken by the Gong Hang (公行(コホン), Guangdong Thirteen Gong Hang (広東十三行)), a guild of licensed merchants. Foreign merchants and their families were allowed to live in
Macao (マカオ) but not in Guangzhou. They were forced to come in and go out from Guangzhou
for trading business, and thus, from a Western point of view, they were placed under strong control of
the Qing. In the latter half of the 18 th century, when import of tea from the Qing increased,
England requested to lift trade barriers to the Qing.
Regarding the tax system, the Qing succeeded the tax payment by silver such as the
Single-whip System (一条鞭法) which was already adopted in the late Ming period. In the beginning
of the 18 th century, a per capita tax (丁銀) was incorporated into the land tax (地丁銀) and subsequently
abolished to become a single tax on the land only. Therefore, the government did not
necessarily know the number of the small farmers’ family members, and became dependent
on local gentries for the tax collection and maintenance of public peace.
During the Qing period, urban culture, led by the local gentries and merchants,
continued to develop following the Ming period. Their lives were described in A Dream
of Red Mansions (紅楼夢) which depicted the secrets of human nature in daily lives of Manchu
aristocrats and Scholars (儒林外史), which dealt with the higher civil service examination and social
lives. Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio (聊斎志異), a collection of short weird novels, was well
received. The quality and techniques of potterymaking and industrial art objects were
improved, and their design gradually became more sophisticated and precise.
Regarding thoughts, during between the end of the Ming and the beginning of the Qing,
when political situation was highly unstable, Gu Yanwu (顧炎武) and Huang Zongxi (黄宗羲) insisted that study and learning be realistic, criticized the Qing’s governing system and paved the way
for the study of historical investigation (考証学). This study of historical investigation changed
character to the academic bibliographical study of Chinese classics under tight thought
control by the Qing, but its strict critical method of historical materials brought about the
development of the study of history, and historical science (Study of Historical Investigation of
the Qing dynasty (清朝考証学)) by Qian Daxin (銭大昕) and others flourished.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、176頁~177頁)