

ウクライナに平和を !

2023-04-10 16:04:44 | ウクライナの歴史と悲劇












In order to bring peace to Ukraine, Putin is evil and Russia is evil and an agreement for peace is semi-permanently impossible. If done poorly, it will lead to nuclear war.


To that end, it is important to first make Ukraine a neutralization and buffer zone.

The situation progresses from a peaceful change of government alternately between pro-Russian and pro-Western factions, to the success of the Maidan coup d'état through financial support such as the NATO military alliance led by the United States and other countries.

 After that, there was Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, and in the state of internal conflict, the "Odessa tragedy" was caused by the Azov Battalion (terrorist at that time) and others. This case was not brought to justice and ended in a state of innocence.

 After that, the civil war began, but it seemed as if peace had come due to the "Minx Agreement" by NATO major countries, Russia, etc., but this was completely broken (it is unknown why it was abandoned), and the struggle intensified, and "Russia's demand for neutrality and a buffer zone between NATO and Russia demanded by NATO military alliance President Zelensky's refusal" Finally, the tragic situation of the Russian invasion occurred.

 Then the "Bucha tragedy" by Russian soldiers occurred. Since then, the fighting has intensified further, and the tragedy of the Ukrainian people has become devastating.

 This war, I think, is basically a proxy war between NATO and Russia. Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, which had been close brotherly countries from the invasion of Mongolia throughout the Soviet era, were historically powerful brotherly states between Slavs, and they had a close relationship with each other as brothers and parents and children, so why did this result? Reflections and lessons will also be required in the future.

 And it contains important lessons that cannot be overlooked even for Taiwan and Japan. Even if it is resolved in the future, it is very dangerous that Eastern Ukraine will be automatically incorporated into Ukraine.

 Even if it is reintegrated into Ukraine, it needs to be extremely careful. The greatest retribution and massacre could happen even more than the Odessa Butcha tragedy. Before the invasion of Russia, they should have lived in autonomous observers, but after the ceasefire, it will be difficult for Russia to easily concede annexation.

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