6月5日 12週
双子なのでNuchal Translucencyをしましょうとの事。
Baby A / BabyB
Fetal heart activity: present / present
Fetal herat rate : 160bpm / 160bpm
CRL(body size) : 60.0mm / 57.7mm
NT : 1.8mm /1.4mm
BPD(head size) : 18.0mm / 18.0mm
Nasal bone(nose) : present/present
Stomach : visable/visable
Hands : both arms seen/both arems seen
Feet : both legs seen/both legs seen
Placenta : anterior/anterior
Amniotic fluid : normal/normal
Background risk of trisomy 21 1:531
Adjusted risk of trisomy 21 1:2000/2859
Backgraund risk of trisomy 13+18 1:932
Adjusted risk of trisomy 13+18 1:6519/8707