Happy English Yokohama days



2007-03-11 17:32:50 | Every day life
旦那がまだ風邪なので今日はおうちでipod とilifeのお勉強。
結局、DVDはあきらめて、‘quicktime pro'を購入して

Since yesterday I’ve been stuck inside my house with my computer. I’m learning how can I put videos into my iPod. A thousand, thousand web pages I found. But everybody said different things! For Window’s machine it is easy to find information. But not for Mac. Or maybe I’m not good at finding pages.
I think there is an easy way to do it, but software company don’t want to say clearly about these ‘copy’ things. I don’t want to copy movies or somebody’s something!!! Can you hear me??? I just want to copy my personal old DVD things!!! I think I need some kind of software. But I can’t choose one of them because of these unclear explanation things. Or if I found something good, they always said ‘sorry it doesn’t work on your tiger’. Window’s people are still using 98, which is ancient. Tiger is now an old system for Mac but not so bad as 98, is it?
Finally, I gave up ancient DVD stuff. Instead of that I got Quick Time Pro for my fun. Then I could put two videos into my empty iPod. With Quick Time it is easy to change format to iPod format.
While I was being grumpy, my husband and my son’s influenza are getting much better.