Happy English Yokohama days



2007-03-14 21:50:29 | Every day life

Today was my hula lesson day. But from this morning, I didn’t feel so good. I think it is my usual March-sickness. Normally, people say ‘May-sickness’, but I always have it at this time of year. I feel like I’m walking round and round in the same place, and can never find the exit. And also, I’ve had a stressful time since 2 weeks ago. Hula always gives me a cleansing feeling. But not today. I couldn’t have that kind of feeling for the entire lesson time, and it made me really sad. I could see only my bad points and it put me off. I should visit the sea side soon to help me out of this hole. I’m completely stuck the crack between gaps. Today my teacher said I can dance with those feelings, such as happiness, sadness, anger. . . I knew that kind of thing, because I can always see their life behind dancers. Even though I couldn’t dance like that. I’m completely. . . . Never mind. That is my life of today.