Page last updated at 07:34 GMT, Thursday, 8 May 2008 08:34 UK
China hosted 'frank' Tibet talks
1: A spokesman for the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, says talks with Chinese officials last week were "open and frank".
2: In his first remarks since the talks, Lodi Gyari said both sides had "strong and divergent views" on the causes of violence in Tibet in March.
3: The envoy said a date for further talks would be announced soon.
4: China has accused the Dalai Lama of instigating the violence and of seeking to undermine the Beijing Olympics.
5: Two aides of the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader travelled to Beijing for the talks on Sunday.
6: It was the first contact between the two sides since anti-China protests in Tibet in March turned violent.
7: In a written statement, Mr Gyari said each side had exchanged "concrete proposals which can be part of a future agenda".
書類の声明で、グヤリ氏は、双方が ゛将来の協議事項になる可能性のある具体的な提案” を交換したと述べた。
8: But he categorically rejected Chinese accusations that the Dalai Lama had instigated unrest and demonstrations in Tibet.
9: Instead, he described the events in Tibet as the inescapable consequences of decades of wrong official policy.
10: "The task at hand is to address the legitimate concerns of the Tibetan people in a realistic and constructive way," he said.
11: He said the Tibetan side had asked for the release of prisoners and access to medical treatment for the injured.
12: Mr Gyari also called for an end to China's "patriotic re-education" campaign, which he said was deeply resented by the Tibetan people.
@:チベットと中国の対話が始まったことだけでも゛よし”とするとしても、内容が問題です。 ダライ・ラマは、「独立よりも強い自治を望んでいる」とも「オリンピックの成功を願っている」とも言っているそうなので、中国はもっと謙虚にそれを信じて自治権を与えるべきだと思います。 チベットの一国二制度を実現してもよいと思うのですが・・・・・
China hosted 'frank' Tibet talks
1: A spokesman for the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, says talks with Chinese officials last week were "open and frank".
2: In his first remarks since the talks, Lodi Gyari said both sides had "strong and divergent views" on the causes of violence in Tibet in March.
3: The envoy said a date for further talks would be announced soon.
4: China has accused the Dalai Lama of instigating the violence and of seeking to undermine the Beijing Olympics.
5: Two aides of the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader travelled to Beijing for the talks on Sunday.
6: It was the first contact between the two sides since anti-China protests in Tibet in March turned violent.
7: In a written statement, Mr Gyari said each side had exchanged "concrete proposals which can be part of a future agenda".
書類の声明で、グヤリ氏は、双方が ゛将来の協議事項になる可能性のある具体的な提案” を交換したと述べた。
8: But he categorically rejected Chinese accusations that the Dalai Lama had instigated unrest and demonstrations in Tibet.
9: Instead, he described the events in Tibet as the inescapable consequences of decades of wrong official policy.
10: "The task at hand is to address the legitimate concerns of the Tibetan people in a realistic and constructive way," he said.
11: He said the Tibetan side had asked for the release of prisoners and access to medical treatment for the injured.
12: Mr Gyari also called for an end to China's "patriotic re-education" campaign, which he said was deeply resented by the Tibetan people.
@:チベットと中国の対話が始まったことだけでも゛よし”とするとしても、内容が問題です。 ダライ・ラマは、「独立よりも強い自治を望んでいる」とも「オリンピックの成功を願っている」とも言っているそうなので、中国はもっと謙虚にそれを信じて自治権を与えるべきだと思います。 チベットの一国二制度を実現してもよいと思うのですが・・・・・