

BBC ムベキ大統領が辞任の圧力を受けている

2008-09-14 | Weblog
Page last updated at 13:23 GMT, Saturday, 13 September 2008 14:23 UK

Mbeki faces pressure to resign
By Peter Greste   BBC News, Johannesburg

Critics of President Mbeki claim he led a conspiracy against Mr Zuma

1: South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki has come under renewed pressure to resign after a High Court judgement.

2: It has been suggested he used his political influence to prosecute his rival Jacob Zuma.

3: *Mr Zuma was fighting corruption charges in the High Court, but on Friday Judge Chris Nicholson dismissed the charges on technical grounds.

4: The court ruled that there was evidence that the investigation had been politically compromised.

5: Even within his own party, Thabo Mbeki is recognised as a lame duck president.

6: With less than a year to go before his term expires, he is now facing calls louder than ever to quit the national leadership.

7: The latest demands come from the more militant wing of the ruling African National Congress, which supports the party's leader, Jacob Zuma.

8: On Friday a High Court judge dismissed corruption charges against Mr Zuma, saying there was evidence of political interference in the investigation.

9: The judgement appears to vindicate Mr Zuma's supporters who have always claimed he was the victim of a political conspiracy led by Thabo Mbeki, who should now resign.

10: The judgement also appears to clear the way for Mr Zuma to become the ANC's candidate to succeed Mr Mbeki.

11: Now Jacob Zuma's supporters say it is time for the president to go or be forced from office.

12: But that would trigger early elections and senior ANC officials admit they are not as popular as they once were.

13: *There is no suggestion that the ANC could lose the elections, but for a party used to near total dominance of government, any back-sliding in support would be politically damaging.

14: The calls for Mr Mbeki's departure will not go away, but political analysts believe the ANC is simply not ready for early elections.



@:ムベキ大統領は、同じ与党内から足を引っ張られているようです。指導者争いの構図のようです。選挙はいつ行なわれるのでしょうか。 ズマ大統領は誕生するのでしょうか。注目しましょう。

BBC イラクの爆発が治安部隊を狙う

2008-09-13 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:57 GMT, Saturday, 13 September 2008 13:57 UK

Iraq bombs target security forces

Iraqi soldiers have been trying to root out al-Qaeda militants in Diyala

1: At least 10 people have been killed in two bomb attacks targeting security forces in Iraq.

2: A roadside bomb killed six Kurdish peshmerga fighters in Khanaqin town in Diyala province, north-east of Baghdad.

3: Diyala has been the focus of a US-led offensive against al-Qaeda militants. Khanaqin is the centre of a power struggle between Kurds and Arabs.

4:* In the northern city of Mosul, gunmen kidnapped and killed four staff members of Sharqia TV, police said.
They were filming a popular programme shown during the holy month of Ramadan.

5: Separately, a bomb in eastern Baghdad killed three Iraqi policemen and a Sunni militiaman opposed to al-Qaeda.

6: At least eight people were hurt in the blast, which targeted a checkpoint, according to security officials.

7: An Iraqi Kurdish official told AFP news agency the blast in Khanaqin targeted a patrol on the eastern outskirts of the town, near the Iranian border.

8: The commander of peshmerga forces in Khanaqin and his son were among those killed, Mahmud Singawi told the agency.

9: Khanaqin has a mixed population of Kurds and Arabs. The Iraqi army has been trying to extend its control over the city, pitting it against peshmerga fighters based there.

10: In the surrounding province of Diyala, US and Iraqi government forces have been leading an offensive against Sunni militant groups allied to al-Qaeda.

11: Bomb attacks and assassinations remain commonplace in Iraq, although the country is generally less violent now than a year ago.

12: On Friday, at least 31 people were killed in a suicide bombing in the town of Dujail, north of Baghdad.

13: The blast targeted a police station in the commercial district of the mainly Shia town.



@:イラクではアメリカ軍の増派によって治安が安定化してきたと米国は言っていますが、まだまだ爆発による死者が多く出ているようです。 オバマさんは「16ヶ月で米軍を撤退する」と言い、マケインさんは「勝利するまでは撤退できない」と言っています。


BBC ペイリンさんが米国のテレビ・インタビューに初登場

2008-09-12 | Weblog
Page last updated at 01:21 GMT, Friday, 12 September 2008 02:21 UK

Palin makes US TV interview debut

Sarah Palin's TV interview debut

1: The US Republican vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, has rejected criticism that she is not experienced enough, in her first US TV interview.

2: Speaking to ABC News, Mrs Palin said she was "ready" to serve the US as deputy to John McCain.

3: On foreign affairs, the 44-year-old Alaska governor said she backed Nato membership for Ukraine and Georgia.

4: Mrs Palin was also quizzed on previous comments she made describing the war in Iraq as being a "task from God".

5:* She said she was quoting the words of Abraham Lincoln: "I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words.

6:"But what Abraham Lincoln had said... was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God's side."

7: Observers were surprised when Republican presidential candidate John McCain picked Mrs Palin to be his running mate.

8: Mrs Palin has been governor of Alaska for less than two years, and many commentators said she lacked the necessary experience to be vice-president, especially in the foreign policy arena.

9:* Nevertheless, the BBC's Kevin Connolly in Washington says, most American voters are likely to take away from the interview the same impressions they took into it.

10: Mrs Palin was strong and confident enough to please her Republican supporters, our correspondent says, but her sketchiness on some details will have given her Democratic opponents plenty of ammunition as well.

11: Asked whether her support for Georgian membership of Nato meant that the US would have to go to war if Russia again invaded Georgia, Mrs Palin said that was a possibility.

12:"Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a Nato ally, if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help."

13: But she insisted that the US and Russia "cannot repeat the Cold War".

14: The interview was recorded in Fairbanks, Alaska, where Mrs Palin was attending an army ceremony to send her 19-year-old son Track to serve in Iraq.

15:"I am so proud of his independent and strong decision he has made, what he decided to do and serving for the right reasons and serving something greater than himself and not choosing a really easy path where he could be more comfortable and certainly safer," Mrs Palin said.

16: Track Palin is being sent to Iraq to serve in the Stryker Brigade Combat Team of the 25th Infantry Division.
トラック・ペイリンは、Stryker Brigade Combat Teamの25歩兵師団に加わるためにイラクに派兵されることになっている。





BBC ペトレイアス将軍がイラクでの勝利はないと語る

2008-09-11 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:38 GMT, Thursday, 11 September 2008 13:38 UK

No victory in Iraq says Petraeus

Gen David Petraeus says the US faces a long struggle in Iraq

1: The outgoing commander of US troops in Iraq, Gen David Petraeus, has said that he will never declare victory there.

2: In a BBC interview, Gen Petraeus said that recent security gains were "not irreversible" and that the US still faced a "long struggle".

3: When asked if US troops could withdraw from Iraqi cities by the middle of next year, he said that would be "doable".

4: In his next job leading the US Central Command, Gen Petraeus will also oversee operations in Afghanistan.

5: He said "the trends in Afghanistan have not gone in the right direction... and that had to be addressed".

6: Earlier this week, President George W Bush announced a cut of 8,000 US troops in Iraq by February - with some 4,500 being sent to Afghanistan.





BBC イランがイスラエルの誘拐脅迫を厳しく非難

2008-09-10 | Weblog
Page last updated at 09:31 GMT, Wednesday, 10 September 2008 10:31 UK

Iran raps Israel 'kidnap threat'

Mr Eitan suggested Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could be brought to trial

1: Iran has protested to the UN after an Israeli minister suggested his country could kidnap Iran's president over threats he has made against Israel.

2: Iran's UN ambassador called the remark "outrageous and vicious" and called on the UN Security Council to take action.

3: Israeli minister Rafi Eitan suggested President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could be kidnapped and brought to trial.

4: Mr Eitan, an ex-intelligence chief, was involved in the kidnap of leading Nazi Adolf Eichmann in Argentina in 1960.

5: In an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, Mr Eitan suggested that such an operation could be staged to bring Mr Ahmadinejad before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

6: The Iranian leader has made a number of threats against Israel, repeatedly predicting the state will soon disappear.

7: Mr Ahmadinejad also drew international rebuke by quoting the view of the late Iranian spiritual leader, Ayatollah Khomenei, that Israel was a tumour that needed to be erased from history.

8: In a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, the ambassador Mohammad Khazee said Mr Eitan's remarks reflected Israel's "aggressive and terrorist nature", Iran's Irna news agency reported.

9: "These dangerous threats of resorting to criminal acts against the officials of a sovereign country, or threatening to use force against a member of the United Nations not only constitute manifest violations of international law and contravene the most fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations, but are against the basic values of the civilised world," he said.

10:*Mr Khazee said such remarks demanded "a resolute and clear response" by the UN and its security council.

11: Iran, he said, had never threatened any other nation but "would not hesitate to act in self-defence to respond to any attack against its territory or its people".

12: Israel has expressed increasing concern about what it considers to be a threat from Iran's nuclear programme and recently suggested it might resort to military force to stop it.

13: Iran has insisted its nuclear ambitions are solely peaceful.


