

BBC アフリカ東部で飢餓レベルが高まる

2008-09-20 | Weblog
Page last updated at 06:16 GMT, Saturday, 20 September 2008 07:16 UK

Hunger levels soar in East Africa

Rising food prices have hit Ethiopia hard

1: Nearly 17 million people in the Horn of Africa are in urgent need of food and other aid - almost twice as many as earlier this year, the UN has said.

2: Some $700m (£382m) in emergency aid is needed to prevent the region descending into full-scale famine, it said.

3: Top UN humanitarian official John Holmes said food stocks were critically low in parts of Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, northern Kenya and Uganda.

4: The area has suffered from drought, conflict and rocketing food prices.

5: The number of those at risk could rise still further "as the drought deepens and the hunger season continues", Mr Holmes said.

6: "What we need essentially is more funds, and more funds now, otherwise the situation is going to become even more catastrophic than it is today."

7: The estimated total for the rest of this year for those in need is $1.4bn. Almost half of that has been raised, Mr Holmes said, but there remains a shortfall of $716m.

8: "We may need significant funds after that period - this is not the end of the story," he said.

9: The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation blames worldwide rises in food prices for helping to push 75 million more people into the ranks of the world's hungry last year - bringing the total to 925 million.





     「飢餓対策 政治の力が 物を言う」

BBC ロシアが新しい鉄のカーテンを警告

2008-09-19 | Weblog

Page last updated at 12:12 GMT, Friday, 19 September 2008 13:12 UK

Russia warns of new Iron Curtain

Russian troops repelled Georgian forces from the breakaway regions

1: President Dmitri Medvedev has accused the West of trying to push Russia behind a new "Iron Curtain".

2: "This is not our path. For us there is no sense going back to the past," the Russian leader said in Moscow.

3: He also blamed Nato for provoking last month's fighting between Russia and Georgia over South Ossetia.

4: His comments come a day after US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Russia was becoming increasingly aggressive abroad.

5: In a strongly-worded speech, Ms Rice said Moscow was on a "one-way path to isolation and irrelevance".

6: Diplomatic relations between the US and its European allies, on one side, and Russia on the other, have been strained by the Georgian conflict.

7: *"We are in effect being pushed down a path that is founded not on fully-fledged, civilised partnership with other countries, but on autonomous development, behind thick walls, behind an Iron Curtain," President Medvedev said.

8: He said that Moscow would not allow this to happen, adding that he did not want disputes with the West.

9: Mr Medvedev also said that Nato's role in the Georgian conflict proved that the military bloc was unable to provide security in Europe.

10: "What has Nato done, what has it guaranteed? It only provoked the conflict. That's all," he said.

11: The fighting began on 7 August when Georgia tried to retake its breakaway region of South Ossetia by force after a series of lower-level clashes.

12: Russia launched a counter-attack and the Georgian troops were ejected from both South Ossetia and Abkhazia - another Georgia's rebel region - several days later.

13: The Kremlin later recognised Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states. So far, Nicaragua is the only other country to have done so.





   「外交は 戦いよりも 対話なり」

BBC イエメン米大使館で襲撃

2008-09-17 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:18 GMT, Wednesday, 17 September 2008 12:18 UK

Deadly US embassy attack in Yemen

1: A car bomb and rocket attack on the US embassy in Yemen has killed at least 16 people, including civilians and Yemeni security guards, Yemen officials said.

2: The bomb targeted the main security gate as staff were arriving for work.

3: An exchange of gun and rocket fire followed between embassy security guards and militants, whom eyewitnesses said were dressed as policemen.

4: Hundreds of heavily armed troops have now surrounded the embassy building, which is strafed with bullet holes.

5: Security sources said six members of the Yemeni security forces, six attackers, and four bystanders were killed in the attack, which occurred at about 0830 (0530 GMT).

6: US spokesman Ryan Gliha described the atmosphere inside the embassy as calm, adding that arrangements were being made so staff could "go about their business in a safe manner".

7: It is the second attack on the embassy in six months.
Mr Gliha said the US was "very aware that there is a continuing threat" and all measures were taken to try to ensure the safety of the embassy and its staff.

8: A group calling itself the Islamic Jihad in Yemen said it carried out the attack, and threatened to target other foreign missions in the region unless its jailed members were released.

9: The authenticity of the claim could not be immediately verified.

10: Earlier this year, the US ordered the evacuation of non-essential personnel from Yemen after mortar bombs were fired towards the embassy. They missed but hit a nearby school.

11: Yemen, the ancestral home of Osama Bin Laden, has long been a haven for Islamist militants.

12: In 2000, 17 US sailors were killed when suicide bombers with alleged links to al-Qaeda blew themselves up on an inflatable raft next to the USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden.

13: The government of Yemen, which backs America's "war on terror", has often blamed al-Qaeda for attacks on Western targets in the country.

14: US special forces have been helping the government fight the Islamist militants.

15: But analysts say there has been only limited success in restraining the militant groups.

16: Yemen is a desperately poor corner of the Middle East and, like Afghanistan, there is rugged mountainous terrain, with a vast supply of weapons.




BBC EUがヤフーとグーグルの提携を調査

2008-09-16 | Weblog
Page last updated at 09:45 GMT, Tuesday, 16 September 2008 10:45 UK

EU scrutinises Yahoo-Google deal

The deal will see Google's adverts alongside Yahoo's search results

1: The European Union has announced that it has been investigating the terms of Google's proposed deal to partner with Yahoo for advertising.

2:The deal would see Google's advertising programmes built into Yahoo's search engine in the US and Canada.
However, the EU Competition Commission argues that there are anti-trust implications because the two companies do business in Europe.

3: The EU's present inquiry could escalate to a formal investigation.

4: The announcement follows on the heels of news of a similar anti-trust investigation by the US Department of Justice.

5: If it goes ahead, the partnership would control more than 80% of the online advertising market.

6: EU antitrust regulations have traditionally proven more strict than American ones, so the investigation could prove to be a significant stumbling block for the deal.

7: The World Association of Newspapers, which represents some 18,000 titles worldwide, joined the fray in opposing the deal on Monday.
およそ18,000件を世界規模で扱うWorld Association of Newspapers は、月曜日に、その提携に反対する論争に加わった。

8: "The reality is that a large portion of the traffic to most online newspapers' websites today comes through paid search or natural results on search engines," the group said in a statement.

9: "For this reason, competition among search engines is absolutely vital for newspapers - to ensure that no search engine can set monopoly prices for paid search ads, and to prevent any search engine from influencing users' surfing habits by manipulating unpaid search results."

10: Each advert will generate revenue for Google. However, there is considerable speculation that another motivation is to provide Yahoo with an alternative to Microsoft's bid for a hostile takeover.

11: Both Yahoo and Google say that they are cooperating with investigators on both sides of the Atlantic, but argue that they will go ahead with the deal in October.





BBC パキスタンの兵士が米国と対立

2008-09-15 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:52 GMT, Monday, 15 September 2008 13:52 UK

Pakistan soldiers 'confront US'

1: Pakistani troops have fired shots into the air to stop US troops crossing into the South Waziristan region of Pakistan, local officials say.

2: Reports say nine US helicopters landed on the Afghan side of the border and US troops then tried to cross the border.

3: South Waziristan is one of the main areas from which Islamist militants launch attacks into Afghanistan.
The incident comes amid growing anger in Pakistan over increasingly aggressive US attacks along the border.
The latest confrontation began at around midnight, local people say.

4: They say seven US helicopter gunships and two troop-carrying Chinook helicopters landed in the Afghan province of Paktika near the Zohba mountain range.

5: US troops from the Chinooks then tried to cross the border. As they did so, Pakistani paramilitary soldiers at a checkpoint opened fire into the air and the US troops decided not to continue forward, local Pakistani officials say.

6: Reports say the firing lasted for several hours. Local people evacuated their homes and tribesmen took up defensive positions in the mountains.

7: The incident happened close to the town of Angoor Adda, some 30km (20 miles) from Wana, the main town of South Waziristan.

8: A Pakistani military spokesman in Islamabad confirmed that there was firing but denied that Pakistani troops were involved.

9: It emerged last week that US President George W Bush has in recent months authorized military raids against militants inside Pakistan without prior approval from Islamabad.

10: The BBC's Barbara Plett in Islamabad says there is a growing American conviction that Pakistan is either unwilling or unable to eliminate militant sanctuaries in its border area.

11: There have been a number of missile attacks aimed at militants in Pakistan territory in recent weeks.
Pakistan reacted with diplomatic fury when US helicopters landed troops in South Waziristan on 3 September. It was the first ground assault by US troops in Pakistan.

12: Locals in the Musa Nikeh area said American soldiers attacked a target with gunfire and bombs, and said women and children were among some 20 civilians who died in the attack.

13: In the latest incident, the tribesmen say they grabbed their guns and took up defensive positions after placing their women and children out of harm's way.

14: Pakistan's army has warned that the aggressive US policy will widen the insurgency by uniting the tribesmen with the Taleban.

15: Last week the army chief declared that Pakistan would defend the country's territorial integrity at all cost, although the prime minister has since said this would have to be through diplomatic channels rather than military retaliation.


