Page last updated at 08:56 GMT, Thursday, 13 November 2008
Taiwan's Chen 'on hunger strike'

Mr Chen is being held without charge pending further investigations
1: Taiwan's former President Chen Shui-bian - in custody facing corruption allegations - has gone on hunger strike, his lawyer says.
彼の弁護士によれば、汚職の罪で逮捕された台湾のChen Shui-bian前大統領はハンガーストライキに入った。
2: Cheng Wen-lung said his client had not eaten since being sent to Tucheng jail in suburban Taipei early on Wednesday.
Cheng Wen-lung弁護士は、「前大統領は、水曜日に、台北郊外のTucheng刑務所に送られた後、食事をしていない」と言った。
3: He said his client wanted to "protest the death of justice".
4: Mr Chen, who has not yet been formally charged, says he is being persecuted by his successors for his fierce opposition to closer ties with Beijing.
5: But that charge has been flatly denied by both the Chinese government and by Taiwan's current President Ma Ying-jeou, of the Nationalist Kuomingtang party (KMT).
しかし、中国政府も国民党(KMT)の台湾のMa Ying-jeou(馬)現大統領もその非難をきっぱりと否定した。
6: Mr Chen has been a vocal and persistent critic of the KMT's China policies since he left office in May at the end of eight years in the presidency.
7: Mr Chen was dramatically handcuffed and detained by prosecutors on Tuesday and sent to jail early on Wednesday, since when he has not eaten, Mr Cheng said.
「Chen前大統領は、火曜日に、検察官に逮捕されて手錠を掛けられ、水曜日の朝、刑務所に送られた。 それ以来、彼は食事をしていない」と弁護士のCheng氏は言った。
8: He wants to "protest the death of justice and the regression of democracy", Mr Cheng said, according to the AP news agency.
9: "He opposed the authoritarian [Nationalist] regime in Taiwan and the Communist regime [in China] and he wants sovereignty for Taiwan," Mr Cheng added.
10: He added that his client was in an "OK" condition for the time being.
11: Mr Chen could face up to four months in detention without charge to prevent him colluding with alleged conspirators. He is accused of money laundering and illegally using a special presidential fund.
12: But his supporters say his detention represents a breach to his human rights. Some say they plan to protest on Saturday outside the jail in which he is being held.
@:添付の写真で見るように、前大統領は手錠を掛けられた両手を上げて報道陣に不正な逮捕を訴えているようです。 そのうちに裁判が始まって判決が出るのでしょうが、前大統領が手錠を掛けられる姿というのは国民にどう映るのでしょうか。
Taiwan's Chen 'on hunger strike'

Mr Chen is being held without charge pending further investigations
1: Taiwan's former President Chen Shui-bian - in custody facing corruption allegations - has gone on hunger strike, his lawyer says.
彼の弁護士によれば、汚職の罪で逮捕された台湾のChen Shui-bian前大統領はハンガーストライキに入った。
2: Cheng Wen-lung said his client had not eaten since being sent to Tucheng jail in suburban Taipei early on Wednesday.
Cheng Wen-lung弁護士は、「前大統領は、水曜日に、台北郊外のTucheng刑務所に送られた後、食事をしていない」と言った。
3: He said his client wanted to "protest the death of justice".
4: Mr Chen, who has not yet been formally charged, says he is being persecuted by his successors for his fierce opposition to closer ties with Beijing.
5: But that charge has been flatly denied by both the Chinese government and by Taiwan's current President Ma Ying-jeou, of the Nationalist Kuomingtang party (KMT).
しかし、中国政府も国民党(KMT)の台湾のMa Ying-jeou(馬)現大統領もその非難をきっぱりと否定した。
6: Mr Chen has been a vocal and persistent critic of the KMT's China policies since he left office in May at the end of eight years in the presidency.
7: Mr Chen was dramatically handcuffed and detained by prosecutors on Tuesday and sent to jail early on Wednesday, since when he has not eaten, Mr Cheng said.
「Chen前大統領は、火曜日に、検察官に逮捕されて手錠を掛けられ、水曜日の朝、刑務所に送られた。 それ以来、彼は食事をしていない」と弁護士のCheng氏は言った。
8: He wants to "protest the death of justice and the regression of democracy", Mr Cheng said, according to the AP news agency.
9: "He opposed the authoritarian [Nationalist] regime in Taiwan and the Communist regime [in China] and he wants sovereignty for Taiwan," Mr Cheng added.
10: He added that his client was in an "OK" condition for the time being.
11: Mr Chen could face up to four months in detention without charge to prevent him colluding with alleged conspirators. He is accused of money laundering and illegally using a special presidential fund.
12: But his supporters say his detention represents a breach to his human rights. Some say they plan to protest on Saturday outside the jail in which he is being held.
@:添付の写真で見るように、前大統領は手錠を掛けられた両手を上げて報道陣に不正な逮捕を訴えているようです。 そのうちに裁判が始まって判決が出るのでしょうが、前大統領が手錠を掛けられる姿というのは国民にどう映るのでしょうか。