

BBC アルカイダがメッセージでオバマを批判

2008-11-19 | Weblog
Page last updated at 13:34 GMT, Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Al-Qaeda message condemns Obama

Zawahiri is deputy to Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden

1: The second-in-command of Islamic militant network al-Qaeda has condemned US President-elect Barack Obama in an audio message.

2: Ayman al-Zawahri said Mr Obama was not an "honourable black American" but a "house negro" - a demeaning term implying that he serves white people.

3: Mr Obama's plan to shift US troops to Afghanistan would fail, Zawahri said.

4:* If genuine, the message would be the first acknowledgement by al-Qaeda of the president-elect's victory.

5: The audio message appeared on militant websites.





BBC アフリカで過去最大の密貿易捜査

2008-11-18 | Weblog
Page last updated at 17:52 GMT, Monday, 17 November 2008

Africa trade bust 'biggest ever'

Smuggled ivory finds its way all over the globe

1: More than one tonne of ivory products has been seized in Africa's largest-ever international crackdown on wildlife crime.

2: The operation, co-ordinated by Interpol and the Kenya Wildlife Service, led to the arrest of 57 illegal traders across five African nations.

3: The haul also included animal skins and hippopotamus teeth.

4: Interpol said that similar trans-national operations will be carried out worldwide to combat wildlife crime.

5: Planning for the bust, dubbed Operation Baba, started in June in response to a plea to Interpol from African nations dealing with illegal elephant killings.

6: Over the past weekend, undercover agents intercepted local dealers and brokers at ivory markets, border crossings and airports in the nations of Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Uganda and Zambia.

7: More than one tonne of ivory products - including powdered ivory and carved items - was recovered, as well as leopard, cheetah and serval cat skins.

8: "Co-operation among countries in East, West and Southern Africa against wildlife crime has set an inspired example," said Giuliano Zaccardelli, director of Interpol's Oasis programme that supports African law enforcement.

9: "Similar operations could also be conducted in Asia, the Americas and in any other region where criminal interests, including trafficking in illegal wildlife products, are common," he added.




BBC ルワンダの側近がフランスへ送られる

2008-11-17 | Weblog
Page last updated at 20:55 GMT, Friday, 14 November 2008

Rwandan aide to be sent to France

Rose Kabuye was detained on her arrival at Frankfurt

1: A senior aide to Rwandan President Paul Kagame is to be transferred from detention in Germany to French custody next week, officials say.

2: Rose Kabuye was arrested in Germany on Sunday accused of involvement in the destruction of a plane carrying former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana.

3: His death in the incident is said to have triggered the 1994 genocide.

4: Ms Kabuye's arrest prompted criticism from Rwanda, which also expelled the German ambassador to Kigali.

5: President Paul Kagame condemned the arrest saying Ms Kabuye held diplomatic immunity.

6: Her lawyer told AFP news agency "Everything is in order. She will be transferred to Paris on Wednesday."

7: Ms Kabuye was detained in Frankfurt on a warrant issued by a French judge.

8: She is one of nine senior officials wanted over the shooting down of former President Habyarimana's plane.

9: All are members of the party which ousted the genocidal regime.

10: Correspondents say Ms Kabuye, a former guerrilla fighter with the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), now Rwanda's ruling party, has heroic status in Rwanda.

11: She has since served as an MP and mayor of the capital Kigali, and is one of President Kagame's closest aides.

12: The plane carrying Habyarimana, a Hutu, was shot down on 6 April 1994, as Mr Kagame's Tutsi rebels were advancing on Kigali.

13: The Hutu extremist government accused the RPF of the assassination. Within hours, militias set up roadblocks and started to systematically murder any Tutsis or moderate Hutus they could find.

14: The RPF has always accused the Hutu extremists of shooting down the plane, to provide a pretext for carrying out their genocidal plans.

15: Some 800,000 people were slaughtered in just 100 days before Mr Kagame's forces ousted the Hutu government.





BBC 海賊が貨物船を襲う

2008-11-16 | Weblog
Page last updated at 07:22 GMT, Sunday, 16 November 2008

Somali pirates 'seize cargo ship'

1: South Korean officials say gunmen have hijacked a Japanese cargo ship off the coast of Somalia carrying 23 crew including five South Koreans.

2: The ship was seized in the Gulf of Aden on Saturday, officials said.

3: The condition of the crew is not known and it is not clear if the pirates are demanding a ransom.

4: So far this year, Somali pirates have seized more than 30 vessels, making the shipping lanes through the Gulf of Aden the most dangerous in the world.

5: A South Korean foreign ministry official said the 23 abducted sailors included Filipinos as well as the five South Koreans.

6: Last Wednesday, the Russian navy said Russian and British ships had repelled a pirate attack on a Danish ship in waters off Somalia.

7: Hours earlier, pirates had seized a Turkish chemical tanker off the coast of Yemen, along with its 14-member Turkish crew.

8: And last Monday Somali pirates hijacked another chemical tanker with 21 Filipino crew on board.

9: Pirates are still holding the Ukrainian ship MV Faina off the Somali coast for a ransom of $20m (£12m).
海賊は、2,000万ドルの身代金を要求して、ソマリ海岸沖合にウクライナのMV Faina船を拿捕している。

10: In October, 22 sailors - eight South Koreans and 14 Burmese - were freed after a month of captivity when their South Korean shipping company paid a ransom to Somali pirates.

11: South Korea has said it is considering sending navy vessels to waters off Somalia to protect its shipping.





BBC 「速報」 ブッシュが保護政策を警告

2008-11-15 | Weblog
Page last updated at 13:17 GMT, Saturday, 15 November 2008

Bush warns over 'protectionism'

1: US President George W Bush says he is pleased with progress in world leaders' talks on the financial crisis, but has warned of the dangers of protectionism.

2: Mr Bush said there had been frank discussions and some progress, but there was still more work to be done.
He said he was pleased leaders had reaffirmed the "principles of open markets and free trade".
ブッシュ大統領は、腹蔵のない対話や進展も見られたが、まだするべき仕事があると言った。 リーダー達が自由市場や自由貿易の原則を再認識したことに満足しているとも言った。

3: Leaders from 20 of the world's biggest economies - the G20 - are in Washington to find measures to curb the turmoil.

4: "One of the dangers during a crisis such as this is that people will start implementing protectionist policies," Mr Bush said as talks resumed on Saturday.

5: UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the leaders faced a "difficult" set of negotiations, but also welcomed progress made so far.

6: "I think it is obviously important to make decisions today about what can be done," he said.

7: "There are a lot of countries with their own interests and their own policy directions at the moment that will have to change."



@:ブッシュ大統領は、あくまでも自由市場や自由貿易を望んでいるようですが、それが原因で今の最悪の経済危機を招いたのだということを認識していないようです。今まで続いた自由経済体制を自分の代に後退させたくないのか、この危機の原因と責任の自覚がないのか理解に苦しみます。 G20で、米国に率直な提言をする国はいないのでしょうか。
