


2021-05-02 20:49:53 | 心理学


例えば、お金の使い方について考えてみましょう。多くの人は、良い車を持っていることや良い食事を提供できることが隣人からの尊敬につながると感じているために、本来の趣味とは全く異なる方法でお金を使っています。実際のところ、車を買う余裕があっても、旅行や良い図書館を心から好む人は、他の人と全く同じように振る舞うよりも、最終的にははるかに尊敬されることになるでしょう。もちろん、意図的に世論に背くことに意味はありません。しかし、純粋に世論に無関心であることは、強みであり、幸福の源でもある。そして、慣習に屈しすぎない男女で構成される社会は、全員が同じように振る舞う社会よりも、はるかに興味深い社会である。" ~バートランド・ラッセル(著書:『幸福の征服』

“I think that in general, apart from expert opinion, there is too much respect paid to the opinions of others, both in great matters and in small ones. One should respect public opinion in so far as is necessary to avoid starvation and to keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny, and is likely to interfere with happiness in all kinds of ways.

Take, for example, the matter of expenditure. Very many people spend money in ways quite different from those that their natural tastes would enjoin, merely because they feel that the respect of their neighbors depends upon their possession of a good car and their ability to give good dinners. As a matter of fact, any man who can obviously afford a car but genuinely prefers travel or a good library will in the end be much more respected than if he behaved exactly like every one else. There is of course no point in deliberately flouting public opinion; this is still to be under its domination, though in a topsy-turvy way. But to be genuinely indifferent to it is both a strength and a source of happiness. And a society composed of men and women who do not bow too much to the conventions is a far more interesting society than one in which all behave alike.” ~Bertrand Russell (Book: The Conquest of Happiness https://amzn.to/2KfsvqS)


2021-05-02 13:55:30 | 心理学

There was an article in the Guardian newspaper entitled, the Clockwork Universe. 
By Oliver Burkeman
This article posits that there is no such thing as free will. According to this a majority of scientists and some philosophers agree with this view of a mechanistic universe where every decision we make  has a cause in what has happened before. I wonder what Jung would have made of this?



"自分自身に忠実である "という話は、自分がどの声に忠実であるかを確信するまでは意味がありません。




Jung said that we only have access to free-will to the degree that we’re conscious… and that most everyone is in the Mass-man category of unconsciousness. The ego is in control – that’s why we don’t have free will, other than complexes, archetypal patterns, etc. So basically in order to have a good deal of free-will we would first need to be Self-realized… but very few are.
Mainstream media/science/philosophy avoids all of this because they are in the Mass-man status.

“There is no sense talking about "being true to yourself" until you are sure what voice you are being true to.
It takes hard work to differentiate the voices of the unconscious.”
~Marion Woodman

Most people confuse "self-knowledge" with knowledge of their conscious ego-personalities. Anyone who has any ego-consciousness at all takes it for granted that he knows himself. People measure their self-knowledge by what the average person in their social environment knows of himself, but not by the real psychic facts which are for the most part hidden from them. In this respect the psyche behaves like the body, of whose physiological and anatomical structure the average person knows very little too. Although he lives in it and with it, most of it is totally unknown to the layman, and special scientific knowledge is needed to acquaint consciousness with what is known of the body, not to speak of all that is not known, which also exists.
What is commonly called "self-knowledge" is therefore a very limited knowledge, most of it dependent on social factors, of what goes on in the human psyche. Hence one is always coming up against the prejudice that such and such a thing does not happen "with us" or "in our family" or among our friends and acquaintances. On the other hand, one meets with equally illusory assumptions about the alleged presence of qualities which merely serve to cover up the true facts of the case.
~CG Jung, CW 10, Paras 491, 492

“We always start with the naive assumption that we are masters in our own house.
Hence we must first accustom ourselves to the thought that, in our most intimate psychic life as well, we live in a kind of house which has doors and windows to the world, but that, although the objects or contents of this world act upon us, they do not belong to us.
For many people this hypothesis is by no means easy to conceive, just as they do not find it at all easy to understand and to accept the fact that their neighbour’s psychology is not necessarily identical with their own.” ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 329

アディアシャンティ - 苦しみの原因 (you tube)

2021-05-02 00:38:11 | 心理学


It is said that humans need suffering to maintain good mental health. I have read this many times. Yet suffering is often the cause of mental illness. What does this mean for us in this modern age, where we have to manufacture challenges to stay healthy? Are there certain types of suffering that are easier, safer to inflict upon ourselves? What of parenting? Once, I felt it was my duty as a father to represent the outside world in my home, to be the reality check, but it was not good. It was toxic. I have since mended my ways, and yet there is this persistent question of needed suffering. All input is appreciated!

アディアシャンティ - 苦しみの原因 (you tube)

Adyashanti - The Cause of Suffering (you tube)
Believing is the cause of needless suffering.
Awakening is to transcend belief for knowing, for seeing things as they actually are. (Right View)
The conditioned mind (belief) is how we misperceive reality and suffer from those non-legitimate thoughts.
0.01—most of us want to feel better, we don’t actually want to see that we’re misperceiving things. But that’s the core of spirituality. And the only way to really wake-up is to realize that the way you perceive yourself - may not be true. And, all the little garden varieties that people suffer, their little anxieties, their depressions, their fears, their guilts, their shames, all of that… that there is simultaneously another way of looking at all that, that there is a core way of looking at any of those issues… what’s the truth? How am I causing my own suffering through my own misperceptions? If suffering does arise through misperceiving, through perceiving things not as they actually are… then exactly how am I perceiving anything that’s causing me pain or fear or anything? How am I misperceiving reality?
It’s very different isn’t it?
If you find out… if it corrects itself, the result is that you’ll feel a whole lot better.
But the motivation is, how am I misperceiving?
Of course in teachings of waking up… in teachings of spiritual awakening and enlightenment we go to the primary misperception, which is the misperception of self.
It’s not the only misperception. There’s a whole host of other misperceptions… about the world, about others, about anything you or I believe in, in our heads is a misperception.
That’s a shocker when you realize that one.
Everything you believe, you know, those things that you believe that we have and that we hold very valuable to us… a belief tells you exactly one of the ways in which you are misperceiving.
There are no beliefs in reality.
Reality doesn’t need a belief. Reality is just the way things are. you don’t have to believe in the way things are to believe the way things are… you have to believe that things are not the way they are in order to perceive things other than they actually are.
So we are constantly taught that if we just change what we believe, that’s the salvation for us. There are some beliefs that are less destructive than others… and that certainly some beliefs are more in harmony than others… but there is no such thing that there is one of them that is actually true.
And when we really wake up… you can’t miss that.
When awakening to reality really happens, you can’t really miss… my God, there’s no such thing as a true belief.
Reality itself is simple, clear and unitary.
There’s nothing mysterious about it.
The mystery all has to do with misperception.
Boy, when we start misperceiving, things are very mysterious, very murky, lots of shades of grey, you know…
But when we really start to wake up, from our misperceptions, we realize reality isn’t mysterious, life isn’t a big mystery, its not really an overly complex thing.
Freedom isn’t complex… enlightenment isn’t complex, it’s actually the opposite. It’s the most simple thing. It is THE most simple perception.
So I want to help people to not only see spiritual inquiry which I talk about but the viewpoint of inquiry is what’s really important. It’s really looking at what is true in anything. True about you, true about the perception of another, true about the world, true about God, true about any moment that causes suffering. Once you get or start to work with the notion that suffering in any form is caused by misperception… then a misperception is caused by a belief, an idea that’s grabbed, by belief, a conclusion. Once you get that very, very simple idea… the whole way you look at things starts to shift… because no longer when you get uncomfortable are you asking yourself how do I get more uncomfortable, although you want to, everybody does ,but you’re not necessarily asking yourself how do I feel more comfortable… you’re asking yourself, how do I perceive more clearly? Whats the truth here?
Do you see how radical this actually is?
…And even if we want to change from one phony belief we change to another phony belief.
But that’s not the kind of change of perception I’m talking about.
I’m talking about something very similar to what the Buddha was talking about when he said… the cause of suffering is ignorance, it’s an innocent misunderstanding about the nature of reality. That’s the cause.




