


2021-05-06 08:03:58 | 心理学

C. G.ユング - ニーチェの『ツァラトゥストラ』に関するセミナー
写真 子供や孫と一緒のユング

When you neglect your own welfare in seeking the welfare of the children, you leave the children a bad inheritance, a very bad impression of the past. If you torture yourself in order to produce something for the children, you give them the picture of a tortured life.
Therefore away with all that.
If you are always preparing for the happiness of the children, you don't know how to look after your own happiness, nor do the children learn how to look after theirs. They in turn may go on to prepare for the happiness of your grandchildren, and the grandchildren for the great-grandchildren, and so happiness is always somewhere in the future.
You think happiness is something to be attained in the future, that you cannot attain it, but your children will have it. So you fill your life with ambitions for that kingdom to come and it never does. Every generation is doing something towards it. They all torture themselves in order that the children shall attain it, but the children grow up and are the same fools we are.
Try to make it here and now, for yourself. That is good teaching. Then the children will try to make it here and now for themselves - then it can come into the real world. Don't be unnatural and seek happiness in the next generations. If you are too concerned about your children and grandchildren, you simply burden them with the debts you have contracted. While if you contract no debts, if you live simply and make yourselves as happy as possible, you leave the best of conditions to your children. At all events, you leave a good example of how to take care of themselves. If the parents can take care of themselves, the children will also. They will not be looking for the happiness of the grandchildren, but will do what is necessary to have a reasonable amount of happiness themselves.
C. G. Jung - Seminar on Nietzsche's Zarathustra
Photograph: Jung with children and grandchildren







マタイによる福音書/ 26章 75節






Carl Jung on Self-Acceptance

From Modern Man in Search of a Soul

“The acceptance of oneself is the essence of the whole moral problem and the epitome of a whole outlook on life. That I feed the hungry, that I forgive an insult, that I love my enemy in the name of Christ — all these are undoubtedly great virtues. What I do unto the least of my brethren, that I do unto Christ. But what if I should discover that the least among them all, the poorest of all the beggars, the most impudent of all the offenders, the very enemy himself — that these are within me, and that I myself stand in need of the alms of my own kindness — that I myself am the enemy who must be loved — what then? As a rule, the Christian’s attitude is then reversed; there is no longer any question of love or long-suffering; we say to the brother within us “Raca,” and condemn and rage against ourselves. We hide it from the world; we refuse to admit ever having met this least among the lowly in ourselves.”

C.G. Jung

Modern Man in Search of a Soul,

Page 241


日本語字幕【 Epiphany 】 BTS 防弾少年団




2021-05-06 07:30:57 | 心理学

Edward F. Edingerのインタビュー全文を『アメリカのユング』(1994年)から抜粋。
エディンガー. すべてだ!すべてです。ユングは宗教的な機能が精神の中に存在し、人間の心理学の不可欠な部分であることを証明しています。
つまり、自我が健康であるためには、個人を超えた中心と生きたつながりを持つ必要があるということです。宗教」という言葉には二つの語源があります。一つの語源は、"リンクバック "という意味を強調しています。その場合、宗教的な機能は、自我をその起源、背景、自我が生まれてきたより大きな存在に結びつけるという考えになります。



ユングが世界の宗教の基礎を発見したことを 伝えることができればと思っています ユングは世界を統一するための 心理学的基礎を発見したのです 世界が、宗教的なアイデンティフィケーション、民族的なアイデンティフィケーション、民族的なアイデンティフィケーションに分裂し、互いに戦争をしているのを見るのは、実に哀れな光景です。すべては、全体性という同じトランスパーソナルなイメージのエネルギーで動いているのです。彼らは皆、神とのつながり、星座化され、その地域の文脈、宗教的な文脈、国家的な文脈の中で知覚される自己とのつながりから活動しています。ユングが行ってきたことは、「自己」と同じ精神であり、その源である「逆説的な神」にまで浸透していることです。ユングはそれを見て、一度それを見てしまえば、もはや民族や宗教の様々な派閥に分裂して、自分自身と戦うことはできないのです。一人の人間が、いわば神の背中を見たということは、今、神は統一されようとしているということであり、人間の意識のイベントの必然的な結果として、世界は遅かれ早かれ政治的に統一されるだろうということです。


Excerpt from Edward Edinger's full interview in "An American Jungian" (1994).
What Does Jungian Psychology Have To Do With Religion?
Edinger: Everything! Everything! You see Jung has demonstrated that the religious function resides in the Psyche and is an integral part of human psychology.
That just means that the Ego, in order to be healthy, needs to have a living connection to a trans-personal center. There are two etymologies for the word “religion.” One etymology emphasizes that it means “linking back.” The idea then would be that the religious function links the Ego back to its origin, to its background, to the larger entity that it came from.

There are two etymologies for the word religion. One etymology emphasizes that it means “linking back”. The idea then would be that the religious function links the ego back to its origin, to its background, to the larger entity that it came from.
The other etymology of religion that Jung really preferred was that the word re-lig-io means the opposite of the root word legelct, so that religio means the careful consideration of the background of ones life. The opposite of neglecting the background of one’s life. And Jung actually preferred that association although he acknowledged the importance of the other one which I think goes back to Augustine.

But the point is that the human psyche has a religious function in both senses. A need to link back and a need to give careful consideration to the source of his being. And the religious process then is one in which the ego has a living organic connection to a larger whole, and that, of course, is the function that the traditional religions have always served. They’ve done it by the collective structure and the dogmatic formulations and their whole concept of God and man’s relation to God and they provide a believer, they’ve given the individual a religious container in which he has the sense of being connected to the larger whole.

Now, the modern (civilized) man has lost that connection provided by the traditional religions because they’re too concrete, they haven’t kept pace with modern man’s mental development so they’re not in tune with modern categories of understanding… so the great service that Jung has performed by his discovery of the collective unconscious and the archetypes and the Self he’s penetrated to the psychological source and basis that underlies all the world religions and thereby he’s verified and redeemed for modern consciousness the validity and reality of the religious operations as they express themselves in all religions. That’s been achieved and I don’t think we can appreciate the magnitude of that achievement because what it means is that the psychological basis has been laid for the realization of a unified world. We’ve got the basis now of a unification of all the factional divisions among the world religions and once that’s been achieved I think political unification is bound to follow.
It been accomplished! One man has done it!

I wish I could communicate the fact that I see so clearly concerning Jung’s discovery of the basis of all the world’s religions. He’s achieved by this discovery the psychological basis for the unification of the world. It’s really a pitiful sight to see the world split up into these separate warring fragments of religious identification, of nationalistic identifications, of ethnic identifications, all at war with one another. They’re all operating out of the energies of the same transpersonal image of wholeness. They are all operating out of their connection to deity, to the self as it is constellated and perceived within their local context, their religious or national context. It’s the same psyche, Self, and what Jung has done, has penetrated to that source, that’s the paradoxical God that he talks about. He’s seen it, and once he’s seen it, it can then no longer split up into these various ethnic and religious factions and fight against itself. One human being has seen the back of God, so to speak, so that means now that He’s going to be unified, and the world will be unified politically sooner or later as an inevitable consequence of that event of human consciousness.
~Edward Edinger, An American Jungian" (1994). Interviewed by Lawrence Jaffe, a Jungian Analyst from Berkeley, California.