


2021-05-30 19:54:26 | 心理学


(書籍:ミレーナへの手紙 https://amzn.to/2WScbD0)
#カフカ #フランツ・カフカ #哲学


Perhaps we don’t love unreasonably because we think we have time, or have to reckon with time. But what if we don't have time? Or what if time, as we know it, is irrelevant? ~Franz Kafka 
(Book: Letters to Milena https://amzn.to/2WScbD0)
#kafka #franzkafka #philosophy

Philo Thoughts
Full citation: "Dear Milena, I wish the world were ending tomorrow. Then I could take the next train, arrive at your doorstep in Vienna, and say: “Come with me, Milena. We are going to love each other without scruples or fear or restraint. Because the world is ending tomorrow.” Perhaps we don’t love unreasonably because we think we have time, or have to reckon with time. But what if we don't have time? Or what if time, as we know it, is irrelevant? Ah, if only the world were ending tomorrow. We could help each other very much." ~Franz Kafka (Book: Letters to Milena 

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2021-05-30 19:13:10 | 心理学


しかし、私たちと同じように考えている人があちこちにいて、たとえ沈黙していても共に生きていることを知ることは、この地球上の地球を、人々が暮らす庭のようにしてくれる。~ヨハン・ヴォルフガング・フォン・ゲーテ(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
(書籍:ウィルヘルム・マイスターの弟子入り https://amzn.to/3wvJafU)

全文引用します。"彼女は、「さて、私たちはお互いのつながりの合言葉を宣言しました。人間の性格はその歴史の中にあります。私はあなたに私の歴史をお話します。山や川や町があると考えるだけでは、世界はとても空虚に見えますが、私たちと同じように考えている人があちこちにいて、たとえ沈黙していても一緒に生活していることを知ると、この地球上の地球は人の住む庭のようになります」。彼女は、すぐに戻ってきて、彼を散歩に連れて行くと約束して、急いで立ち去った。彼女の存在は、彼にとても良い影響を与えた。彼は、彼女がロサリオとどのような関係にあるのか知りたいと思った。彼が送られてくると、彼女は部屋から出てきて彼を迎えた。~ヨハン・ヴォルフガング・フォン・ゲーテ(書籍:ウィルヘルム・マイスターの修業時代 https://amzn.to/3wvJafU)
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship And Travels(ウィルヘルム・マイスターの修業と旅

The world seems so empty when we only think of it as containing mountains, rivers and towns; but to know of some one here and there, who thinks as we do, and with whom we are still living on, even though it be in silence, makes this earthly globe like a peopled garden. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
(Book: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship https://amzn.to/3wvJafU)

Philo Thoughts
Full citation: "Now," she said, "we have pronounced the watch-word of our connection with each other; so let us get fully acquainted as soon as possible. The characters of human beings lie in their history; I will tell you mine; place a little confidence in me too, and let us remain friends even when we are at a distance. The world seems so empty when we only think of it as containing mountains, rivers and towns; but to know of some one here and there, who thinks as we do, and with whom we are still living on, even though it be in silence, makes this earthly globe like a peopled garden." She hastened away, promising to come back soon and fetch him for a walk. Her presence had produced a very agreeable effect on him; he felt anxious to know in what relation she stood to Lothario. He was sent for, and she came out of her room to meet him." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Book: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship https://amzn.to/3wvJafU)
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship And Travels
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship And Travels
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship And Travels



...文化があまりにも高度に合理化されてしまうと...個人は無意識の物質の自然な流れを経験することができなくなる。 ~CGユング、

2021-05-30 15:00:48 | 心理学





現代人は、自分の "合理主義"(神秘的なシンボルやアイデアに反応する能力を破壊してきた)が、どれほど自分を精神的な "地下世界 "のなすがままにしてきたかを理解していない。彼は「迷信」から解放された(あるいはそう信じている)が、その過程で彼は精神的な価値を正に危険な程度まで失ってしまった。彼の道徳的・精神的な伝統は崩壊し、彼は今、世界的な見当識障害と解離という形でこの崩壊の代償を払っているのである。" ~C. C.G.ユング「無意識へのアプローチ」カール・G.ユング編『人間とその象徴』(ニューヨーク:デル出版、1968年)、84ページ。

文明人は当然ながら、自分はこれらのことから何マイルも離れていると思っています。それどころか、生涯を通じて親と同一視されたり、影響や偏見を受けたりすることが多く、自分では気づかないことを恥ずかしげもなく他人に告発しています。彼もまた原始的な無意識の名残で、主語と目的語が区別されていません。そのため、あらゆる人、物、状況から魔法の影響を受け、プリミティブと同様に妨害的な影響に悩まされ、それゆえに同じくらい多くのアポトロペアのお守りを必要とする。彼はもはや薬袋、お守り、動物の生け贄ではなく、精神安定剤、神経症、合理主義、意志のカルトなどで魔法をかけるのです。~CGユング『CW13』 ¶ 66

"合理主義は過ちであり、ゴミでしかない。" ~ルネ・デカルト


Taking in consideration hermetic principles, God or whatever, one wants to name it, also has a shadow side. Is it possible that we as humanity are God's shadow, therefore the worse we become, God becomes better? Since we are all God's children, there is potential in us to become God's ourselves, wouldnt that be encouraging for an individual to act and behave against humanity's preferred way of doing things? In order to reach Christ consciousness?

Nevertheless, the world of primitive feeling is not entirely lost to us; it lives on in the unconscious. The further we remove ourselves from it with our enlightenment and our rational superiority, the more it fades into the distance, but is made all the more potent by everything that falls into it, thrust out by our one-sided rationalism ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 44

Rationalism… coming to a conclusion of ‘truth’ via causally related comparisons of similar examples and circumstances.
However, this process only shows the possibility of causally related truth… and not foundationally sound truth. Please realize the difference here.
They say truth stands on its own and doesn’t need defending… but rationalized ‘truth’ is based on loosely associated value considerations rather than standing on its own foundational basis.
Rationalism often goes like this: “if that’s true then this must be true, and if that’s true then this must also be true, and if that’s true then this too must also be true…”
…when a culture becomes too highly rationalized… individuals are not able to experience the natural flow of unconscious materials.
~CG Jung, CG Jung Speaking, Interviews and Encounters, Pages 205-218.

Rationalism and doctrinairism are the disease of our time; they pretend to have all the answers. ~CG Jung, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, Page 300.

“Modern [‘civilized’] man does not understand how much his ‘rationalism’ (which has destroyed his capacity to respond to numinous symbols and ideas) has put him at the mercy of the psychic ‘underworld’. He has freed himself from ‘superstition’ (or so he believes), but in the process he has lost his spiritual values to a positively dangerous degree. His moral and spiritual tradition has disintegrated, and he is now paying the price for this break-up in worldwide disorientation and dissociation.” ~C. G. Jung, “Approaching the Unconscious,” in Man and His Symbols, ed. by Carl G. Jung (New York: Dell Publishing, 1968), p. 84.

Civilized man naturally thinks he is miles above these things. Instead of that, he is often identified with his parents throughout his life, or with his affects and prejudices, and shamelessly accuses others of the things he will not see in himself. He too has a remnant of primitive unconsciousness, of non-differentiation between subject and object. Because of this, he is magically affected by all manner of people, things, and circumstances, he is beset by disturbing influences nearly as much as the primitive and therefore needs just as many apotropaic charms. He no longer works magic with medicine bags, amulets, and animal sacrifices, but with tranquillizers, neuroses, rationalism, cult of the will, etc. ~CG Jung, CW13 ¶ 66

“Our conscious motivations, ideas, and beliefs are a blend of false information, biases, irrational passions, rationalizations, prejudices, in which morsels of truth swim around and give the reassurance albeit false, that the whole mixture is real and true. The thinking processes attempt to organize this whole cesspool of illusions according to the laws of plausibility. This level of consciousness is supposed to reflect reality; it is the map we use for organizing our life.” ~Erich Fromm, To Have or to Be? The Nature of the Psyche
“Rationalism was a mistake, is nothing but trash.” ~Rene Descartes

"心が開くまで、心を壊し続けなければならない。" ~ルミ

2021-05-30 13:43:59 | 心理学

"心が開くまで、心を壊し続けなければならない。" ~ルミ

You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.-Rumi


"心が開くまで、心を壊し続けなければならない。" ~ルミ

~Hazrat Inayat Khanハズラット・イナヤット・カーン

"私はあなたの心を壊すためにこの話をしますが、それは心が壊れて開き、世界の他の部分に対して二度と閉じないようにという意味でしかありません。" ~メアリー・オリバー『デボーション』より


男と女がお互いの心を壊すのはそのためです...しかし、私たちはそれをただの変態的なゲームだと思いがちですが、そうではなく、あなたの愛着を壊すための神のプロセスによるものなのです。できればあなたの心を壊したい...あなたが純粋になるために。誰かの心が折れたとき、彼らは "I'm finished.終わりました。 "と言います。~バリー・ロング

"Barry Long|The Way to Enlightenment", youtube, 1:16:50 min.バリー・ロング|悟りへの道」

人生の目的は、より大きなもの、より大きなものに負けることである。~ライナー・マリア・リルケ(Rainer Maria Rilke

"Of course I'll hurt you. もちろん、あなたは私を傷つけるでしょう。もちろん、私たちはお互いに傷つけあうでしょう。しかし、それが存在の条件なのです。春になるには、冬のリスクを受け入れること。存在になるためには、不在のリスクを受け入れることになる」。



私たちの多くは、「自分は痛みに耐えられない」という誤った信念を持って、感情から逃げることに一生を費やしています。しかし、あなたはすでに痛みを背負っています。あなたがしていないことは、その痛みを超えたところにある自分のすべてを感じることです。~カリル・ジブラン(Khalil Gibran


~ライナー・マリア・リルケ(Rainer Maria Rilke


~ディルゴ・キェンツェ・リンポチェ(Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~ディルゴ・キェンツェ・リンポチェ(Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche



“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.” ~Rumi

“God breaks the heart again and again and again until it stays open.”
~Hazrat Inayat Khan

“I tell you this to break your heart, by which I mean only that it break open and never close again to the rest of the world.” ~Mary Oliver, Devotions.

"All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears." ~The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

“The heart center… is the source of all unhappiness. Our hearts are filled with wrong thinking, not natural, attachments to our sentimental things. If you loose it then it will break your heart. So your heart cannot be very healthy if it can get broken, can it? The reason that your heart has to be broken is to get rid of the emotion in it, the sentiment, the wrong love. So everybody’s heart has to be broken before they can find the truth and be enlightened.
It’s the reason men and women break each other’s hearts… but we tend to think it’s just a perverse game but its not, it’s by divine process to break your attachments. I will break your heart if I can… so that you will be pure. When someone’s heart is broken they say “I’m finished.” ~Barry Long

“Barry Long | The Way to Enlightenment”, youtube, 1:16:50 min.
“Anything that can burn in a person should burn. Only the things that are fireproof are worth keeping. If you can hurt my feelings, they are better off hurt, because it’s an error in me.”
~Robert A. Johnson, Inner Gold:

The purpose of life is to be defeated by greater and greater things. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

“Of course I’ll hurt you. Of course you’ll hurt me. Of course we will hurt each other. But this is the very condition of existence. To become spring, means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence, means accepting the risk of absence.”
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince.

Nobody can hurt me without my permission. ~Ghandi

What hurts you, blesses you.
Darkness is your candle.
Your boundaries are your quest.

Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you can not bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain. ~Khalil Gibran

In other words, individuation, becoming conscious of the Self, is divine suffering. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 201.

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
~Rainer Maria Rilke

Your heart opens and of course you’re completely panicked because you are used to guarding this organ with your life.” ~Leonard Cohen
"Enemies were teachers in disguise."
~Eiji Yoshikawa

"To meet someone who really hurts you is to meet a rare and precious treasure. Hold that person in high esteem, and make full use of the opportunity to eradicate your defects and make progress on the path. If you cannot yet feel love and compassion for those who treat you badly, it is a sign that your mind has not been fully transformed and that you need to keep working on it with increased application."
~Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

"Once you overcome the hatred within your mind, you will discover that in the world outside, there is no longer any such thing as even a single enemy."
~Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche


2021-05-30 02:09:18 | 心理学


The persona is a complicated system of relations between individual consciousness and society, fittingly enough a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other, to conceal the true neture of the individual.


"Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious"(1935年)。CW9』第1部「アーキタイプと集合的無意識」にて。P.43

"The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious(自我と無意識の関係)" (1928). CW7:分析心理学に関する2つの論考』所収。P.305

どのような職業や職種にも、特徴的なペルソナがあります。公人の写真が頻繁に報道される今日では、こうしたことを研究するのは容易である。ある種の行動は世間から強制されており、職業人はその期待に応えようと努力します。ただ、危険なのは、教授は教科書と、テノールは声と、自分のペルソナと同一になってしまうことです。そうなると、ダメージは大きく、今後は自分の経歴を背景にしてのみ生きることになる。. . . そして、このネサスのシャツを体から引き剥がし、不死の炎の燃え盛る炎の中へと足を踏み入れ、自分自身を本当の姿に変えるためには、ヘラクレスのような必死の決断が必要となるのです。少し大げさに言えば、ペルソナとは、実際には自分ではないが、自分や他人が自分だと思っているものだと言えるでしょう。

私はかつて、非常に高貴な人物と知り合いになったことがある。実際、彼を聖人と呼ぶのは簡単かもしれない。私は丸3日間、彼の周りを歩き回ったが、彼の中には死を免れない欠点は見当たらなかった。劣等感が募り、どうしたら自分を高められるかを真剣に考え始めていた。そして4日目、彼の妻が相談に来た。.... それ以来、私の身にはこのようなことは起こっていません。しかし、これは私が学んだことである。つまり、自分のペルソナと一体化した男は、その自己犠牲の代償として妻がひどい神経症になったとしても、妻に気づかれることなく、すべての乱れを快く妻を通して顕在化させることができるということだ。
"The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious(自我と無意識の関係)" (1928). CW7:分析心理学に関する2つの論考』所収。P.306



Carl Jung talks on the persona ~
Whoever looks into the mirror of the water will see first of all his own face. Whoever goes to himself risks a confrontation with himself. The mirror does not flatter, it faithfully shows whatever looks into it; namely, the face we never show to the world because we cover it with the persona, the mask of the actor. But the mirror lies behind the mask and shows the true face.
"Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious" (1935). In CW 9, Part I: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. P.43

The persona is a complicated system of relations between individual consciousness and society, fittingly enough a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and, on the other, to conceal the true nature of the individual.
"The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious" (1928). In CW 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. P.305

Every calling or profession has its own characteristic persona. It is easy to study these things nowadays, when the photographs of public personalities so frequently appear in the press. A certain kind of behaviour is forced on them by the world, and professional people endeavour to come up to these expectations. Only, the danger is that they become identical with their personas-the professor with his text-book, the tenor with his voice. Then the damage is done; henceforth he lives exclusively against the background of his own biography. . . . The garment of Deianeira has grown fast to his skin, and a desperate decision like that of Heracles is needed if he is to tear this Nessus shirt from his body and step into the consuming fire of the flame of immortality, in order to transform himself into what he really is. One could say, with a little exaggeration, that the persona is that which in reality one is not, but which oneself as well as others think one is.
"Concerning Rebirth" (1940). In CW 9, Part I: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. P.221

I once made the acquaintance of a very venerable personage - in fact, one might easily call him a saint. I stalked round him for three whole days, but never a mortal failing did I find in him. My feeling of inferiority grew ominous, and I was beginning to think seriously of how I might better myself. Then, on the fourth day, his wife came to consult me.... Well, nothing of the sort has ever happened to me since. But this I did learn: that any man who becomes one with his persona can cheerfully let all disturbances manifest themselves through his wife without her noticing it, though she pays for her self-sacrifice with a bad neurosis.
"The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious" (1928). In CW 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. P.306

“To become—in Jung’s terms—individuated, to live as a released individual, one has to know how and when to put on and to put off the masks of one’s various life roles. ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do,’ and when at home, do not keep on the mask of the role you play in the Senate chamber. But this, finally, is not easy, since some of the masks cut deep. They include judgment and moral values. They include one’s pride, ambition, and achievement. They include one’s infatuations. It is a common thing to be overly impressed by and attached to masks, either some mask of one’s own or the mana-masks of others. The work of individuation, however, demands that one should not be compulsively affected in this way. The aim of individuation requires that one should find and then learn to live out of one’s own center, in control of one’s for and against. And this cannot be achieved by enacting and responding to any general masquerade of fixed roles.” ~Joseph Campbell, Myths to Live By