現代人は、自分の "合理主義"(神秘的なシンボルやアイデアに反応する能力を破壊してきた)が、どれほど自分を精神的な "地下世界 "のなすがままにしてきたかを理解していない。彼は「迷信」から解放された(あるいはそう信じている)が、その過程で彼は精神的な価値を正に危険な程度まで失ってしまった。彼の道徳的・精神的な伝統は崩壊し、彼は今、世界的な見当識障害と解離という形でこの崩壊の代償を払っているのである。" ~C. C.G.ユング「無意識へのアプローチ」カール・G.ユング編『人間とその象徴』(ニューヨーク:デル出版、1968年)、84ページ。
文明人は当然ながら、自分はこれらのことから何マイルも離れていると思っています。それどころか、生涯を通じて親と同一視されたり、影響や偏見を受けたりすることが多く、自分では気づかないことを恥ずかしげもなく他人に告発しています。彼もまた原始的な無意識の名残で、主語と目的語が区別されていません。そのため、あらゆる人、物、状況から魔法の影響を受け、プリミティブと同様に妨害的な影響に悩まされ、それゆえに同じくらい多くのアポトロペアのお守りを必要とする。彼はもはや薬袋、お守り、動物の生け贄ではなく、精神安定剤、神経症、合理主義、意志のカルトなどで魔法をかけるのです。~CGユング『CW13』 ¶ 66
"合理主義は過ちであり、ゴミでしかない。" ~ルネ・デカルト
Taking in consideration hermetic principles, God or whatever, one wants to name it, also has a shadow side. Is it possible that we as humanity are God's shadow, therefore the worse we become, God becomes better? Since we are all God's children, there is potential in us to become God's ourselves, wouldnt that be encouraging for an individual to act and behave against humanity's preferred way of doing things? In order to reach Christ consciousness?
Nevertheless, the world of primitive feeling is not entirely lost to us; it lives on in the unconscious. The further we remove ourselves from it with our enlightenment and our rational superiority, the more it fades into the distance, but is made all the more potent by everything that falls into it, thrust out by our one-sided rationalism ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 44
Rationalism… coming to a conclusion of ‘truth’ via causally related comparisons of similar examples and circumstances.
However, this process only shows the possibility of causally related truth… and not foundationally sound truth. Please realize the difference here.
They say truth stands on its own and doesn’t need defending… but rationalized ‘truth’ is based on loosely associated value considerations rather than standing on its own foundational basis.
Rationalism often goes like this: “if that’s true then this must be true, and if that’s true then this must also be true, and if that’s true then this too must also be true…”
…when a culture becomes too highly rationalized… individuals are not able to experience the natural flow of unconscious materials.
~CG Jung, CG Jung Speaking, Interviews and Encounters, Pages 205-218.
Rationalism and doctrinairism are the disease of our time; they pretend to have all the answers. ~CG Jung, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, Page 300.
“Modern [‘civilized’] man does not understand how much his ‘rationalism’ (which has destroyed his capacity to respond to numinous symbols and ideas) has put him at the mercy of the psychic ‘underworld’. He has freed himself from ‘superstition’ (or so he believes), but in the process he has lost his spiritual values to a positively dangerous degree. His moral and spiritual tradition has disintegrated, and he is now paying the price for this break-up in worldwide disorientation and dissociation.” ~C. G. Jung, “Approaching the Unconscious,” in Man and His Symbols, ed. by Carl G. Jung (New York: Dell Publishing, 1968), p. 84.
Civilized man naturally thinks he is miles above these things. Instead of that, he is often identified with his parents throughout his life, or with his affects and prejudices, and shamelessly accuses others of the things he will not see in himself. He too has a remnant of primitive unconsciousness, of non-differentiation between subject and object. Because of this, he is magically affected by all manner of people, things, and circumstances, he is beset by disturbing influences nearly as much as the primitive and therefore needs just as many apotropaic charms. He no longer works magic with medicine bags, amulets, and animal sacrifices, but with tranquillizers, neuroses, rationalism, cult of the will, etc. ~CG Jung, CW13 ¶ 66
“Our conscious motivations, ideas, and beliefs are a blend of false information, biases, irrational passions, rationalizations, prejudices, in which morsels of truth swim around and give the reassurance albeit false, that the whole mixture is real and true. The thinking processes attempt to organize this whole cesspool of illusions according to the laws of plausibility. This level of consciousness is supposed to reflect reality; it is the map we use for organizing our life.” ~Erich Fromm, To Have or to Be? The Nature of the Psyche
“Rationalism was a mistake, is nothing but trash.” ~Rene Descartes