


2021-05-16 23:22:57 | 心理学


“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
—Carl Jung



この一節(MDR, p.326)には、一生涯の仕事が凝縮されていますが、私に言わせれば、これまでで最も意識的に生きた人生です。この文章を本質的に凝縮すると、次のようになります。人間の人生の目的は、意識の創造である。~エドワード・エジンガー著『意識の意味』。57ページ





しかし、あなたの闇は光をつかむべきである。~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』270ページ

~CGユング、「子供のアーキタイプの心理」、CW9i、par. 284.


“Man’s task is…to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. Neither should he persist in his unconsciousness nor remain identical with the unconscious elements of his being, thus evading his destiny, which is to create more and more consciousness. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” ~CG Jung, MDR, p.326.

^^ This passage (MDR, p.326) distills the work of a lifetime, a life which in my opinion is the most conscious life ever lived. If we condense this statement to its essence we arrive at this: The purpose of human life is the creation of consciousness. ~Edward Edinger, The Meaning Of Consciousness. Page 57.

And yet the attainment of consciousness was the most precious fruit of the tree of knowledge, the magical weapon which gave man victory over the earth, and which we hope will give him a still greater victory over himself. ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Para 289

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 236-237.

How can anyone see straight when he does not even see himself and the darkness he unconsciously carries with him into all his dealings? ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 140

"Every dark thing one falls into can be called an initiation. To be initiated into a thing means to go into it. The first step is generally falling into the dark place and usually appears in a dubious or negative form—falling into something, or being possessed by something. The shamans say that being a medicine man begins by falling into the power of the demons; the one who pulls out of the dark place becomes the medicine man, and the one who stays in it is the sick person. You can take every psychological illness as an initiation. Even the worst things you fall into are an effort at initiation, for you are in something which belongs to you, and now you must get out of it."
~Marie-Louise von Franz, The Feminine in Fairy Tales: Revised Edition
But your darkness should grasp the light. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 270

The hero’s main feat is to overcome the monster of darkness: it is the long-hoped-for and expected triumph of consciousness over the unconscious.
~CG Jung, “The Psychology of the Child Archetype,” CW 9i, par. 284.


【新共同訳】 ヨハネによる福音書 12:35 イエスは言われた。「光は、いましばらく、あなたがたの間にある。暗闇に追いつかれないように、光のあるうちに歩きなさい。

永遠の少年( プーアル・エトゥルヌス)マリー・ルイズ・フォン・フランツ、

2021-05-16 21:52:08 | 心理学


知性には「本物の」質問はありません:[プーアル](少年) ..」は、[母親の]スカートの下から、彼女が従うことができない知性の領域に滑り込む 可能性があります。したがって、それは母親が理解していないと彼らが考えることができる本や哲学的議論の領域に入ることによって母親の力とアニマの圧力から逃れるための最初の試みであるため、それは完全に破壊的ではありません。









エディプスは背中を軽くたたき、母親の団地の真ん中に足を踏み入れ、破壊と悲劇に陥りました。質問に答えることでその困難から抜け出したことを褒めたからです!」 マリー・ルイズ・フォン・フランツ、プーアル・エトゥルヌス

ntellect has no ‘genuine’ questions :
[The puer]..”can slip out from under [the mother’s] skirts into the realm of the intellect, where she cannot follow. Therefore, since it is an initial attempt to escape the mother's power and the animus pressure by getting into the realm of books and philosophical discussion, which they can think mother does not understand, it is not altogether destructive. 

Such a man has then a little world of his own-he discusses things with other men and can have the agreeable feeling that it is something which women do not understand. In this way he gets away from the feminine, but he loses and leaves his earthly masculinity in the mother's grip. He saves his mental masculinity but sacrifices his phallus-his earthly masculinity and his creativity. 

The vitality of action, that masculinity which molds the clay, which seizes and molds reality, he leaves behind, for that is too difficult; he escapes into the realm of philosophy. 

Such people prefer philosophy, pedagogy, metaphysics and theology, and it is a completely unvital bloodless business. 

There is no real question behind such philosophy. Such people have no genuine questions. For them it is a kind of play with words and concepts and is entirely lacking in any convincing quality. 

One could not convince a butterfly with such "philosophical" stuff. Nobody would listen to it. 

The pseudo-philosophical intellectualism is ambiguous because, as I said before, it is a way by which to make a partial escape from the dominant grip of the mother figure, but is done only with the intellect, and only the intellect is saved. 

That is really what one sees in the tragedy of the Oedipus myth, where Oedipus commits the mistake of entering into the question instead of saying to the Sphinx that she has no right to put such questions and that he will knock her down if she asks such a thing again. 

Instead, he gives a very good intellectual answer. The play continues very cleverly with the sphinx apparently committing suicide. 

Oedipus pats himself on the back and steps right into the middle of his mother complex, into destruction and tragedy, just because he complimented himself on having got out of that difficulty by answering the question!”
Marie Louise von Franz, Puer Aeturnus


ある人は実際に飛行機に乗って現実から逃避します。ある人は実際の飛行機で現実逃避し、またある人は "精神的な "飛行機、擬似的な哲学的思考で現実逃避します。
ID: 719 783 8125
パスコード 123
+13017158592,,7197838125# 米国(ジャーマンタウン 


Live discussion of Marie Louise von Franz’s Puer Aeturnus, Lecture 8 on Zoom starting at 10:45am Chicago time, Sunday 05/16/21.
-Anyone may join in the live presentation.-
Uploaded to YouTube later in the day.
Some puers escape reality by actual airplanes. Others do so with “mental” airplanes, pseudo philosophical thinking.
Always use the same Zoom link :
ID: 719 783 8125
Passcode: 123
We also have live Dream discussion and amplifications both Mon & Wed evenings at 7pm Chicago time. Everyone welcome to that as well.
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,7197838125# US (Germantown) 

知性だけで世界を理解しているふりをするべきではありません。 私たちはそれを感じることによって理解します。 ― カール・グスタフ・ユング

永遠の少年―『星の王子さま』の深層 単行本 – 1982/8/1
M.L.フォン・フランツ (著), 松代 洋一 (翻訳), 椎名 恵子 (翻訳)


2021-05-16 15:14:27 | 心理学



Jung Lexicon: A Primer of Terms & Concepts https://psychceu.com/Jung/sharplexicon.html 上記はまだ残っています。 ユング心理学の理解が難しくなっています。





2021-05-16 13:30:08 | 心理学













正しいバランスは、錬金術師が求めていた物質的かつ精神的な金を生み出すでしょう。また、物事を適切な場所に配置できるようにすることで、セレンディピティまたはシンクロニシティの概念が したがって、意味のある偶然の一致は、次のステートメントに関連して注意することが最も重要です。



パート1:イントロ- 0:01 カール・グスタフ・ユング- 0:08 錬金術- 0:31 エジプトとメソポタミアの神話- 0:38 ユダヤ教とキリスト教- 0:49 道教とバランス- 0:58 ユグドラシル、洪水などの他の原型- 1:03 アーキタイプの夢、直感、理論- 1:11 


パート2:パーソナリティの典型的なパターン- 2:05 シャドー - 2:55 アニムス/アニマ- 3:13 賢い老人/女性- 3:50 自己 - 4:18 錬金術に関連して- 4:42 大いなる業/賢者の石; 聖杯/生命の秘薬-4:51 


パート3:錬金術の4つの段階に対応する人格の4つの典型的なパターン- 5:39 黒化; 死-5:41 黒さ- 6:15 アルベド- 6:47 シトリナイト-7:01 Rubedo - 7:22 ゴールドにつながる; 統一された自己への影の統合-7:46 ニグレド/シャドウ; アルベド/アニマ/アニムス; Citrinitas /賢者; ルベド/セルフ-8:33 統一された自己としてのマグナムオーパス- 9:34 


パート4:精神的プロセスとしての錬金術-精神的プロセス- 9:45 キーステージとしての黒化/ニグレド; 触媒としての死-10:00 道は難しい- 10:57 統合の目標:Hermaphroditism- 11:11 黄金の太陽とドラゴン- 11:29 意識的にされる典型的な統合; 自我の堕落性-11:59 自分のことを聞いてください- 12:57 見積もり終了- 13:20


Part 1: Intro - 0:01 Carl Gustav Jung - 0:08 Alchemy - 0:31 Egyptian and Mesopotamian Myths - 0:38 Judaism and Christianity - 0:49 Taoism and Balance - 0:58 Other Archetypes like Yggdrasil, Flood, etc. - 1:03 Dreams, Intuitions, and Theory of Archetypes - 1:11


Part 2: Archetypal Patterns of Personality - 2:05 The Shadow - 2:55 The Anima/Animus - 3:13 The Wise Old Man/Woman - 3:50 The Self - 4:18 Relating to Alchemy - 4:42 Magnum Opus/Philosopher's Stone; Holy Grail/Elixir of Life - 4:51


Part 3: Four Archetypal Patterns of Personality corresponding to Four Stages of Alchemy - 5:39 The Blackening; Death - 5:41 Nigredo - 6:15 Albedo - 6:47 Citrinitas -7:01 Rubedo - 7:22 Lead into Gold; Integration of Shadow into a Unified Self - 7:46 Nigredo/Shadow; Albedo/Anima/Animus; Citrinitas/Wise Old Person; Rubedo/Self - 8:33 Magnum Opus as Unified Self - 9:34


Part 4: Alchemy as Psycho-Spiritual process - 9:45 Blackening/Nigredo as Key Stages; Death as Catalyst - 10:00 The Path is Difficult - 10:57 Goal of Integration: Hermaphroditism - 11:11 Golden Sun and Dragon - 11:29 Archetypal Integration to be made Conscious; Fallibility of the Ego - 11:59 Listen to One's Self - 12:57 End Quote - 13:20


Ultimately, to truly comprehend what Carl Jung was trying to say, one must inevitably understand the role that the non-rational plays to allow further development of the personality: such as acknowledging the role of archetypal symbolism of myths or other texts and rituals like alchemy.


Indeed, by purely logical and rational means alone, we cannot hope to reach the fulfillment and integration of the personality which Jung speaks about. In fact, it is impossible. One must take a leap of faith; to truly immerse one’s self in Jung’s ideas is to ultimately be religious in the music and grace which comes from our Self—beyond the conscious and rational ego—with all its intuitions, dreams, symbols, and premonitions.


It is dangerous to blindly trust one’s intuitions though. These things can be corrupted, and have a tendency to be justified according to one’s beliefs that aim to hinder one’s own growth, for it requires great courage and effort to become who we are meant to be. As such, it is easy to fool ourselves to become who we think are supposed to be, but not meant to be: it can be done via biases, unfound superstitions, projections, and inherent prejudices.


Still, in the end, we cannot seek to understand the soulful tune and beauty of the world without making this experimental leap to become who we are—to love and to trust. Of course, to actualize all this into the world, we need both the ego and the soul to birth the Self. The right balance then, would create the gold that is both material and spiritual, of which the alchemists sought. By also allowing things to fall into place, we realize that the concept of serendipity or synchronicity, of meaningful coincidences, then, would be most important to note in relation to the statement that: nothing is an accident.



Any copyrighted material used is for educational and commentary purposes. This can be done without permission from copyright owners. In the event of used art that is yours, please feel free contact the channel regarding this issue so that we may resolve it accordingly.



If you enjoy this video, consider subscribing to be updated for future content. Thank you and cheers.


2021-05-16 13:26:17 | 心理学

(書籍: Man's Search for Meaning https://amzn.to/3gRZxvH) (アート: 'Double Single', 1998 by Clive Smith)

Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds its deepest meaning in his spiritual being, his inner self. Whether or not he is actually present, whether or not he is still alive at all, ceases somehow to be of importance. ~Victor Frankl 
(Book: Man's Search for Meaning https://amzn.to/3gRZxvH) (Art: ‘Double Single’, 1998 by Clive Smith)



Philo Thoughts
Full citation: “My mind still clung to the image of my wife. A thought crossed my mind: I didn’t even know if she were still alive. I knew only one thing—which I have learned well by now: Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds its deepest meaning in his spiritual being, his inner self. Whether or not he is actually present, whether or not he is still alive at all, ceases somehow to be of importance.” ~Victor Frankl (Book: Man's Search for Meaning https://amzn.to/3gRZxvH)