


2021-05-22 23:02:12 | 心理学

- C.G.ユング『MDR』297ページ。

After the illness a fruitful period of work began for me. A good many of my principal works were written only then. The insight I had had, or the vision of the end of all things, gave me the courage to undertake new formulations. 
I no longer attempted to put across my own opinion, but surrendered myself to the current of my thoughts. Thus one problem after the other revealed itself to me and took shape.
Something else, too, came to me from my illness. I might formulate it as an affirmation of things as they are: an unconditional ‘yes’ to that which is, without subjective protests acceptance of the conditions of existence as I see them and understand them, acceptance of my own nature, as happen to be. 
At the beginning of the illness I had the feeling that there was something wrong with my attitude, and that I was to some extent responsible for the mishap. 
When one follows the path of individuation when one lives one’s own life, one must take mistakes into the bargain. Life would not be complete without them. There is not the guarantee for a single moment we will not fall into error or stumble into deadly peril. We may think there is a sure road. 
But that would be the road of death. 
Then nothing happens any longer, not the right things. Anyone who takes the sure road is as good as dead. 
It was only after the illness that I understood how important it is to affirm one's own destiny. In this way we forge an ego that does not break down when incomprehensible things happen; an ego that endures, that endures the truth, and that is capable of coping with the world and with fate. 
Then, to experience defeat is also to experience victory. 
Nothing is disturbed neither inwardly nor outwardly, for one's own continuity has withstood the current of life and of time. But that can come to pass only when one does not meddle inquisitively with the workings of fate.
- C.G. Jung, MDR, p. 297.

絶望を経験しなければならなかった。- ヘルマン・ヘッセ

2021-05-22 22:59:22 | 心理学

- ヘルマン・ヘッセ『シッダールタ 


“I have had to experience so much stupidity, so many vices, so much error, so much nausea, disillusionment and sorrow, just in order to become a child again and begin anew. I had to experience despair, I had to sink to the greatest mental depths, to thoughts of suicide, in order to experience grace.”
― Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha 
Art by Bill Stephens



2021-05-22 21:32:33 | 心理学



動画での解説です! 心理学を専門にしている方も、ほぼ学んだことがない人でも、わかりやすく、体験的に「最高の自分」になる方法を学びます!


2021年6月26日27日「人間性心理学体験ワークショップ」の説明です ロジャーズのカウンセリング、ジェンドリンのフォーカシング、マズローの自己実現、パールズのゲシュタルトセラピィ、フランクルの実存分析(ロゴセラピー)などを体験的に学ぶことで、人生を豊かにしていくことができます。これが自分だ!と実感できる、より自分らしい人生を、自分の内側深くの声を聴きながら生きます。他人の目を気にして他人軸で生きるのをやめる。自分軸を確立し、深く、自分のこころの声を聴ききながら生きることができるようぬなります。 カウンセリングやコーチングやキャリアコンサルティングを学んでいる方、すでになさっている方、臨床心理士や公認心理師の方も、心理学をまったくはじめて学ぶ方、大学などで学んだことがない方も大歓迎です。参加者の質がいいので安心して参加できます いっしょに残りの人生を「最高の人生」にしていきましょう! くわしくは 諸富祥彦ホームページ https:morotomi.net/ 気づきと学びの心理学研究会 アウェアネス




2021-05-22 21:25:33 | 心理学

~ ロバート・A・ジョンソン 【アートワーク:Emily Balivet

Sacredness is, in a sense, a feeling - but a feeling that goes to the very heart of life. It is the feeling of recognition directed toward what is great and high enough to give our small lives meaning, to put our personal journeys in a greater perspective. It is the feeling of reverence. What we call the sacred is ultimately a universe of meaning against which we measure our personal efforts, our personal lives, to see whether they, too, have meaning.


2021-05-22 12:51:28 | 心理学

- フリードリヒ・ニーチェ(Friedrich Nietzsche 

“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche 
Art by C.G.Jung from The Red Book


~マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ(Marie-Louise von Franz)。童話の解釈。



"その結果、人々は無意識のうちに、主観的な意見が普遍的に有効であると信じるようになる。私がこの事実を述べたのは、過去300年の間に経験主義が強まったにもかかわらず、本来の態度が決して消滅したわけではないことを示すためである。" ~CGユング、CW8、パラグラフ343。

"魂が見たもの、経験したもの、それが自分の知っていることであり、それ以外は外見、偏見、意見である。" 〜スリ・オーロビンド


~ニコラス・ゴメス・ダビラ(Nicolás Gómez Dávila)

"データがなければ、ただの意見の持ち主にすぎない。" ~W. エドワーズ・デミング

“… poisonous opinions emanating from the animus can go directly into the unconscious of others with the result that people seem to have been poisoned by an undefined source. Such opinions infect the air and blight the surroundings, and one breathes them in unsuspectingly. Animus convictions sink in more deeply than a merely wrong opinion and are far more difficult to spot and throw off.”
~Marie-Louise von Franz. Interpretations of Fairy Tales.

“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness on the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible” ~Bertrand Russell

I am astonished at the ease with which uninformed persons come to a settled, a passionate opinion when they have no grounds for judgment. ~William Golding.

"As a result, people incline unconsciously to a belief in the universal validity of subjective opinions. I mention this fact only to show that, in spite of the growing empiricism of the last three hundred years, the original attitude has by no means disappeared." ~CG Jung, CW 8, paragraph 343.

“What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion.” ~Sri Aurobindo

"...most men have bound their eyes with one or another handkerchief, and attached themselves to some one of these communities of opinion. This conformity makes them not false in a few particulars, authors of a few lies, but false in all particulars. Their every truth is not quite true. Their two is not the real two, their four not the real four; so that every word they say chagrins us, and we know not where to begin to set them right" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“Truths are not relative. What is relative are opinions about truth.”
~Nicolás Gómez Dávila

“Without data you’re just another person with an opinion.” ~W. Edwards Deming
From Plato's Republic: "Until the person is able to abstract and define the idea of the Good, and unless he can run the gauntlet of all objections and is ready to disprove them, not with appeals to opinion, but to absolute truth, never faltering at any step of the argument-unless he can do all this, you would say that he knows neither the idea of the Good nor any other good; he apprehends only shadows, if anything at all, which is given by opinion, not science."

[If we want to resolve problems, we should abstain from expressing opinions. Every opinion can be debated…
An opinion is the emission of a concept out of fear that another concept might be the truth, and this indicates ignorance.]
As the basis of his Dialectic, Socrates demanded precision of terminology. In our Revolution of the Dialectic, we demand precision of the Verb as a basis.
The word, a distinguishing feature of humans, is the instrument of individual expression and communication among men. It is the vehicle of exterior language and the discharge (or exteriorization) of the complicated interior language, which can both be utilized by the Being or by the ego.
Plato, in the dialogue “Phaedo”, expressed to one of his disciples a concept which is famous for its profundity and moral delicacy, as a human principle of idiomatic propriety, it says as follows:
“Be it known unto you, my dear Crito, that speaking in an improper manner is not only committing a fault in what is said but also damages the souls.“
If we want to resolve problems, we should abstain from expressing opinions. Every opinion can be debated. We should resolve a problem by meditating on it. It is necessary to resolve it with the mind and the heart. We should learn to think for ourselves. It is absurd to repeat like parrots the opinions of others.
When the ego is annihilated, the optional processes of the mind disappear. An opinion is the emission of a concept out of fear that another concept might be the truth, and this indicates ignorance.
It is urgent to learn to not identify with problems. It is necessary to explore ourselves sincerely and then maintain mental and verbal silence.
~Excerpt from “The Revolution of the Dialectic”.

