To confront a person withe his own shadow is to show him his own light.
Carl Jung
影は何かとても回避的なものです。私は自分の影を知りません。周りの人の反応を見て勉強しています。私たちは、側近の鏡の反射に依存しています。それが良くないときは、自己批判が必要です。~C. C.G.ユング、エマ・ユング、トニ・ウォルフ-追憶のコレクション;51-70ページ。
私が "影 "と呼んでいるものに対するあらゆる洞察が、個性化の道の一歩であることは、これを個性化のプロセスと呼ぶ必要がないことも同様に明らかである。~カール・ユング『手紙』第二巻、468-469ページ
"自己を受け入れることは、すべての道徳的問題の本質である。" ~カール・ユング
To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one begins to understand what is meant by the self. Anyone who perceives his shadow and his light simultaneously sees himself from two sides and thus gets in the middle. ~Carl Jung; Good and Evil in Analytical Psychology; CW 10; Civilization in Transition; Page 872.
The shadow is something very evasive. I don't know mine. I study it by the reaction of those around me. We depend on the reflection of the mirror of our entourage. When it is not good, self-criticism is in order. ~C. G. Jung, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff - A Collection of Remembrances; Pages 51-70.
It is equally obvious that every insight into what I have called the "shadow" is a step along the road of individuation without one's being obliged to call this an individuation process. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 468-469
You can only learn who you are through your effects on other people. ~CG Jung, 1925 Seminar, Page 117
“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.”
“But this integration cannot take place and be put to a useful purpose unless one can admit the tendencies bound up with the shadow and allow them some measure of realization – tempered, of course, with the necessary criticism. This leads to disobedience and self disgust, but also to self-reliance, without which individuation is unthinkable.”
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
~Carl Jung, Aion (1951)
The individual who is not anchored in God can offer no resistance on his own resources to the physical and moral blandishments of the world. For this he needs the evidence of inner, transcendent experience which alone can protect him from the otherwise inevitable submersion in the mass. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Page 258.
"The acceptance of the Self is the essence of the entire moral problem." ~Carl Jung
"自分の影と向き合うことは、その人に自分の光を見せることである。対立するものの間に立って判断することがどのようなものかを何度か経験すると、人は自己とは何かを理解し始めます。自分の影と光を同時に認識する人は、自分を2つの側面から見ているので、中間に位置することになる。" ~カール・ユング、分析心理学における善と悪、CW10、移行期の文明、872ページ。
私が "影 "と呼んでいるものへの洞察はすべて、個性化の道の一歩であり、これを個性化のプロセスと呼ぶ必要はないということも同様に明らかである。~カール・ユング『手紙』第二巻、468-469ページ
"個性化する人」.... は、自分の代わりに身代金を提供しなければなりません。つまり、集合的で個人的な領域における自分の不在に相当する代用品である価値を生み出さなければならないのです。このような価値観の生成がなければ、最終的な個性化は不道徳であり、それ以上に自殺的である....
The elephant in your living room is the fact that we’re participating in a Jung group.
What you’ve said there is nothing short of egoic excuse making. Its dishonesty.
Once we’ve made good progress on our Individuation process we’re to do our social duty to helping others. Now this isn’t say that we should go out hunting down everyone in the street and hand them their shadow but in a group discussion in a Jung group that is entirely admissible and honorable. If you think that I’ve got this wrong then please explain in good detail with info from Jung, etc., back up your claim. Otherwise all you have is a meaningless Opinion.
“To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one begins to understand what is meant by the self. Anyone who perceives his shadow and his light simultaneously sees himself from two sides and thus gets in the middle.” ~Carl Jung; Good and Evil in Analytical Psychology; CW 10; Civilization in Transition; Page 872.
It is equally obvious that every insight into what I have called the "shadow" is a step along the road of individuation without one's being obliged to call this an individuation process. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 468-469
You can only learn who you are through your effects on other people. ~CG Jung, 1925 Seminar, Page 117
“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.”
“But this integration cannot take place and be put to a useful purpose unless one can admit the tendencies bound up with the shadow and allow them some measure of realization – tempered, of course, with the necessary criticism. This leads to disobedience and self disgust, but also to self-reliance, without which individuation is unthinkable.”
^^ So a large part of shadow work involves first becoming honest with ourselves and with others in order to accept our shadow parts when they become exposed by others who shine the light on them for us. Its only that acceptance that will allow us to then do the inner work to integrate the shadow.
If we’re not being honest we’ll become offended by constructive criticism of others shining the light on our shadow and therefore will not be able to move forward into doing the integration work.
Once we become honest with ourselves and begin integration then we can become honest with others by helping them see their shadow – we know how this process works and will have no qualms about participating in the process.
Being shown our shadow is a gift.
The question is… how to get the ego out of the way so that we may accept the gift.
“[The individuating person].... must offer a ransom in place of himself, that is, he must bring forth values, which are an equivalent substitute for his absence in the collective, personal sphere. Without this production of values, final individuation is immoral and- more than that-suicidal....
Not only has society a right, it also has a duty to condemn the individuant if he fails to create equivalent values, for he is a deserter.... Individuation remains a pose so long as no values are created.
The individual is obliged by the collective demands to purchase his individuation at the cost of an equivalent work for the benefit of society. Only by accomplishing an equivalent is one exempt from the conventional, collective path. A person [who individuates] must accept the contempt of society until such time as he has accomplished his equivalent.” ~Carl Jung, CW 15.
"自分の影と向き合うことは、その人に自分の光を見せることです。対立するものの間に立って判断することがどのようなものかを何度か経験すれば、人は自己とは何かを理解し始めます。自分の影と光を同時に認識する人は、自分を2つの側面から見ているので、中間に位置することになる。" ~カール・ユング、分析心理学における善と悪、CW10、転換期の文明、872ページ。
私が "影 "と呼んでいるものへの洞察はすべて、個性化の道の一歩であり、これを個性化のプロセスと呼ぶ必要はないということも同様に明らかである。~カール・ユング『手紙』第二巻、468-469ページ
"ユングは、逃げ場のない状況、解決策のない葛藤の中にいることが、個性化のプロセスの古典的な始まりであると言っています。無意識が絶望的な葛藤を求めているのは、自我意識を壁にぶつけるためであり、その結果、人間は自分が何をしようと間違っていることを悟らなければならず、自分が決めた方法はいずれも間違っていることになる。これは、常に自分には決定の責任があると錯覚して行動するエゴの優越感を打ち破るためのものです。. . もし彼が人格の核心まで苦しむほどの倫理観を持っているならば、一般的には、意識的な状況の不可解さのために、自己が現れます。宗教的な言葉で言えば、問題のない状況は、人間が神の行為に頼らざるを得なくなることを意味していると言えるでしょう。"
~マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ(Marie-Louise von Franz)。
~ハズラト イナヤット カーン『宇宙のように考える』。目覚めのスーフィーの道。
They first must become honest with themselves and with others… but until the ego is put in its place that isn’t likely to happen.
“To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one begins to understand what is meant by the self. Anyone who perceives his shadow and his light simultaneously sees himself from two sides and thus gets in the middle.” ~Carl Jung; Good and Evil in Analytical Psychology; CW 10; Civilization in Transition; Page 872.
It is equally obvious that every insight into what I have called the "shadow" is a step along the road of individuation without one's being obliged to call this an individuation process. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 468-469
You can only learn who you are through your effects on other people. ~CG Jung, 1925 Seminar, Page 117
“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.”
“But this integration cannot take place and be put to a useful purpose unless one can admit the tendencies bound up with the shadow and allow them some measure of realization – tempered, of course, with the necessary criticism. This leads to disobedience and self disgust, but also to self-reliance, without which individuation is unthinkable.”
^^ So a large part of shadow work involves first becoming honest with ourselves and with others in order to accept our shadow parts when they become exposed by others who shine the light on them for us. Its only that acceptance that will allow us to then do the inner work to integrate the shadow.
If we’re not being honest we’ll become offended by constructive criticism of others shining the light on our shadow and therefore will not be able to move forward into doing the integration work.
Once we become honest with ourselves and begin integration then we can become honest with others by helping them see their shadow – we know how this process works and will have no qualms about participating in the process.
Being shown our shadow is a gift.
The question is… how to get the ego out of the way so that we may accept the gift.
“Jung said that to be in a situation where there is no way out or to be in a conflict where there is no solution is the classical beginning of the process of individuation. It is meant to be a situation without solution; the unconscious wants the hopeless conflict in order to put ego consciousness up against the wall, so that the man has to realize that whatever he does is wrong, whichever way he decides will be wrong. This is meant to knock out the superiority of the ego, which always acts from the illusion that it has the responsibility of decision. . . If he is ethical enough to suffer to the core of his personality, then generally, because of the insolubility of the conscious situation, the Self manifests. In religious language you could say that the situation without issue is meant to force the man to rely on an act of God.”
~Marie-Louise von Franz.
When the suffering has lasted long enough, so long that the ego and its strength are worn down and one begins to feel oneself to be "small and ugly", then at last comes that merciful moment when reflection is possible, when there is a reversal of the stream of energy, which now flows away from the outer world and towards the Self. ~Marie-Louise von Franz, Reflections of the Soul, pg.163.
“There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were.”
~Hazrat Inayat Khan, Thinking Like The Universe: The Sufi Path of awakening.
"The dark night of the soul comes just before revelation. When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and all that is needed."
~Joseph Campbell, from A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living