


2021-05-04 21:26:33 | 心理学


5:ヨブ記/ 42章 06節





How do we take control of the elusive ego and become aware of the self within?


"ユングは、出口のない状況や解決策のない葛藤の中にいることが、個性化のプロセスの古典的な始まりだと言っています。無意識が絶望的な葛藤を求めているのは、自我意識を壁にぶつけるためであり、その結果、人間は自分が何をしようと間違っていることを悟らなければならず、自分が決めた方法はいずれも間違っていることになるのです。これは、常に自分には決定の責任があると錯覚して行動するエゴの優越感を打ち破ることを意味しています。. . もし彼が人格の核心まで苦しむほどの倫理観を持っているならば、一般的には、意識的な状況の不可解さのために、自己が現れます。宗教的な言葉で言えば、問題のない状況は、人間が神の行為に頼らざるを得なくなることを意味していると言えるでしょう。"
~マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ(Marie-Louise von Franz)。



“Jung said that to be in a situation where there is no way out or to be in a conflict where there is no solution is the classical beginning of the process of individuation. It is meant to be a situation without solution; the unconscious wants the hopeless conflict in order to put ego consciousness up against the wall, so that the man has to realize that whatever he does is wrong, whichever way he decides will be wrong. This is meant to knock out the superiority of the ego, which always acts from the illusion that it has the responsibility of decision. . . If he is ethical enough to suffer to the core of his personality, then generally, because of the insolubility of the conscious situation, the Self manifests. In religious language you could say that the situation without issue is meant to force the man to rely on an act of God.”
~Marie-Louise von Franz.

When the suffering has lasted long enough, so long that the ego and its strength are worn down and one begins to feel oneself to be "small and ugly", then at last comes that merciful moment when reflection is possible, when there is a reversal of the stream of energy, which now flows away from the outer world and towards the Self. ~Marie-Louise von Franz, Reflections of the Soul, pg.163.


2021-05-04 19:35:01 | 心理学


Empathy is a state of childhood development learned through parent figures who are able see our perspective, sooth our stressful emotions, +hold space for our self expression without trying to control it.



1. 共感とは、相手の立場に立って物事を考えられる能力です。もしあなたの親が、あなたの視点や感情を理解しようとせず、代わりにあなたの気持ちを一貫して伝えていたとしたら(「あなたは大丈夫」「大したことない」「きっと乗り越えられる」など)、あなたは大人になってから共感することに苦労するでしょう。これは、他人の経験や感情を無効にするというパターンとして現れます。

2. 2.共感とは、関係を維持するために、傷つくような行動を許したり、自分の一部を否定したりすることではありません。共感することは、自分を捨てる必要はありません。

3. 真の共感とは、他者の視点を意識的に認識することです。それは、その視点を自分のものとして受け止めるということではありません。それは、他の人の意識のためにスペースを保持することを意味します。

4. もし私たちに、怖いものやストレスの多い感情を乗り越える手助けをしてくれる両親がいなかったら(「それは怖かったでしょうね」「どんな感じがしたか教えてください」「あなたにとってはどうでしたか?私たちは、自分のニーズと自分の痛みに固執することで対処するかもしれません。その結果、他の人の "大きな "感情に共感することができません。

5. 共感できない人の共通点は、自分で自分を癒すことができないことです。自分を癒すことができなければ、他人を癒すこともできません。

6. 共感はしばしば境界線の欠如と混同される。真の共感には明確な限界がある。

7. 共感性の欠如と衝動的な行動は密接に関連している。

8. 共感は実践である。習っていなければ、自分で教えることができる。相手が何を考えているか、何を感じているか、何を考えているかを尋ねることが始まりです。好奇心が共感を生む #セルフヒーラー


mpathy is misunderstood.
Many adults struggle with empathy. Not because we don’t care about others. Not because we don’t want to connect.
Because we didn’t have reach this level of emotional development as children.
Things to understand about empathy:
1. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the position of another person. If your parent figures didn’t try to understand your perspective or emotions + instead *told you* how you felt consistently (“you’re fine” “it’s no big deal” “you’ll get over it”) —you will struggle with empathizing as an adult. This will show up as a pattern of invalidating another persons experience or emotions.
2. Empathy does not mean enabling hurtful behavior or denying parts of yourself in order to maintain a relationship. Empathy does not require you to abandon yourself.
3. True empathy is a conscious awareness of another’s perspective. It does not mean you take that perspective as your own. It means you hold space for another persons awareness.
4. If we didn’t have parents that helped us navigate scary or stressful emotions (“that must have been scary” “tell me how that felt” “what was that like for you?”) We might cope by being fixated on our own needs + our own pain. This results in an inability to empathize with other people’s “big” emotions.
5. A common trait in those who struggle with empathy is an inability to self soothe. If we cannot soothe ourselves, we cannot help to soothe another.
6. Empathy is often confused for lack of boundaries. True empathy has clear limits.
7. Lack of empathy + impulsive behaviors go hand in hand.
8. Empathy is a PRACTICE. If we did not learn this, we can teach ourselves. Asking another person what they’re thinking, feeling, or what’s on their mind is the way to begin. Curiosity creates empathy #selfhealers


2021-05-04 09:23:40 | 心理学


Why is sense not common for all ?


カール・ユング、「常識」について - アンソロジー
火が燃やすべきものをすべて燃やしてしまうと、バランスのとれた常識人は自然と落ち着き、燃えるものは迷惑だからと制止する。しかし、火は特定の人々の中に生き続けている。例えば、マイスター・エックハートは600年もの間、その教えを休んでいた。エックハルトの周りには、自由奔放に生きる「自由兄弟」たちが育った。私たちが直面している問題は "分析心理学も同じようなものか?"第二世代は自由な精神の兄弟たちのようなものか?" もしそうであれば、それは地獄への開かれた道であり、分析心理学はあまりにも早く来てしまったので、1世紀か2世紀は待たなければならないだろう。~カール・ユング『コーンウォール・セミナー』20ページ。

夢の声】「驚くべき常識か、深遠な哲学的な意味を持つ、権威ある宣言や命令を口にする。それはほとんど常に最終的な声明であり、通常は夢の終わりに向かって来て、それは、原則として、夢主がそれに対する議論を見つけることができないほど明確かつ説得力のあるものです。それは確かに、議論の余地のない真実のような性格を持っているので、それは無意識の熟考と議論の計量の長いプロセスの最終的かつ鋭利な要約以外の何かとして理解することはできません。" ~カール・ユング、CW11、45ページ。



[Jungianism is not a system of dogma, and it is no enemy to common sense. It does, however, try to persuade common sense to venture into paths which are not commonly explored]
"Not long before his death, which took place in 1961, a young interviewer, not very well versed in any psychological thinking and certainly not in that of Jung, gained an interview with the old Doctor, and they talked for a considerable time. At last the young man, somewhat baffled, but fascinated, said: ‘Dr Jung, do you realize that we have talked for an hour, and in all that time you have not said anything that wasn't complete common sense?’ Jung was celebrated for his very loud laugh, and on this occasion he almost brought down the roof. When he could speak he said, ‘And what had you supposed that psychology was?’ Jungianism is not a system of dogma, and it is no enemy to common sense. It does, however, try to persuade common sense to venture into paths which are not commonly explored, though they are not new, and many people before Jung called attention to them.
One of these paths is the dream-path…"
~Robertson Davies, One Half of Robertson Davies, p.192

Carl Jung on “Common Sense” – Anthology
When the fire has burnt all that should be burnt, the balanced people of common sense naturally settle down and control the fiery ones because they are a nuisance. Yet the fire remains alive in certain people, eg. Meister Eckhart whose teaching lay dormant for six hundred years. Around Eckhart grew up a group of Brethren of the Free Spirit who lived licentiously. The problem we face is: "Is analytical psychology in the same boat?" "Are the second generation like the Brethren of the Free Spirit?" If so, it is the open way to Hell, and analytical psychology has come too soon and it will have to wait for a century or two. ~Carl Jung, The Cornwall Seminar, Page 20.

[The dream voice] “utters an authoritative declaration or command, either of astonishing common sense or of profound philosophic import. It is nearly always a final statement, usually coming toward the end of a dream, and it is, as a rule, so clear and convincing that the dreamer finds no argument against it. It has, indeed, so much the character of indisputable truth that it can hardly be understood as anything except a final and trenchant summing up of a long process of unconscious deliberation and weighing of arguments.” ~Carl Jung; CW 11, Page 45.

The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing. A gentle and reasonable being can be transformed into a maniac or a savage beast. One is always inclined to lay the blame on external circumstances, but nothing could explode in us if it had not been there. As a matter of fact, we are constantly living on the edge of a volcano, and there is, so far as we know, no way of protecting ourselves from a possible outburst that will destroy everybody within reach. It is certainly a good thing to preach reason and common sense, but what if you have a lunatic asylum for an audience or a crowd in a collective frenzy? There is not much difference between them because the madman and the mob are both moved by impersonal, overwhelming forces. ~Carl Jung, CW 74, Para 25

Fantasy is the maternally creative side of the masculine mind. When all is said and done, we can never rise above fantasy. It is true that there are unprofitable, futile, morbid, and unsatisfying fantasies whose sterile nature is immediately recognized by every person endowed with common sense; but the faulty performance proves nothing against the normal performance. All the works of man have their origin in creative imagination. What right, then, have we to disparage fantasy? In the normal course of things, fantasy does not easily go astray; it is too deep for that and too closely bound up with the tap-root of human and animal instinct. It has a surprising way of always coming out right in the end. The creative activity of imagination frees man from his bondage to the "nothing but" and raises him to the status of one who plays. As Schiller says, man is completely human only when he is at play. ~Carl Jung, CW 16, Para 98



I know nothing of a "super-reality." Reality contains everything I can know, for everything that acts upon me is real and actual. If it does not act upon me, then I notice nothing and can, therefore, know nothing about it. Hence I can make statements only about real things, but not about things that are unreal, or surreal, or subreal. Unless, of course, it should occur to someone to limit the concept of reality in such a way that the attribute "real" applied only to a particular segment of the world's reality. This restriction to the so-called material or concrete reality of objects perceived by the senses is a product of a particular way of thinking—the thinking that underlies "sound common sense" and our ordinary use of language. It operates on the celebrated principle "Nihil est in intellectu quod non antea fuerit in sensu," regardless of the fact that there are very many things in the mind which did not derive from the data of the senses. According to this view, everything is "real" which comes, or seems to come, directly or indirectly from the world revealed by the senses. This limited picture of the world is a reflection of the one-sidedness of Western man. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 742

The spirit of the age will not let itself be trifled with. It is a religion, or, better, a creed which has absolutely no connection with reason, but whose significance lies in the unpleasant fact that it is taken as the absolute measure of all truth and is supposed always to have common sense upon its side. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 652