


2021-05-24 19:55:33 | 心理学



You can get away from envy by enjoying the pleasures that come your way, by doing the work that you have to do, and by avoiding comparisons with those whom you imagine, perhaps quite falsely, to be more fortunate than yourself. ~Bertrand Russell 


Philo Thoughts
Full citation: "Instantly, if I am of an envious disposition, the satisfactions to be derived from what I have grow dim, and I begin to be eaten up with a sense of injustice. For all this the proper cure is mental discipline, the habit of not thinking profitless thoughts. After all, what is more enviable than happiness? And if I can cure myself of envy I can acquire happiness and become enviable. The man who has double my salary is doubtless tortured by the thought that someone eke in turn has twice as much as he has, and so it goes on. If you desire glory, you may envy Napoleon. But Napoleon envied Caesar, Caesar envied Alexander, and Alexander, I daresay, envied Hercules, who never existed. You cannot, therefore, get away from envy by means of success alone, for there will always be in history or legend some person even more successful than you are. You can get away from envy by enjoying the pleasures that come your way, by doing the work that you have to do, and by avoiding comparisons with those whom you imagine, perhaps quite falsely, to be more fortunate than yourself." ~Bertrand Russell (Book: The Conquest of Happiness https://amzn.to/3by60M4)




Rancor, grudge, spite or resentment are different from envy, I mean beyond the sole definition of the word itself, Russell said it all in "... And I begun to be eaten up by a sense of injustice..." In my opinion, envy mostly comes from a place of injustice. Thinking that everything in life is earned through "merit" is a bit naive or maybe chosen ignorance idk... I remember being young spending all my time playing and doing stuff I enjoy while still managing to get excellent grades while I saw some of my friends put so much effort and time into studying and learning but still struggle to get decent grades.. I always felt like an imposter, always asking myself what made "me" more deserving, is the education system wrong enough to not be suitable for everyone ? Or is it just that life is unfair and that we have to get over it ? can we still talk of merit when it's something you've been gifted with or something that a cause and effect situation that has lasted for centuries has given rise to is luring you into thinking that it comes from your own worthiness ? Is a racial minority who's been struggling their whole life just for what they are, begrudging the ones that are privileged out of merit or because they happen to be born with a certain type of skin color, with a certain type of background ? or do they just envy them because they weren't given the same opportunities, they didn't have access to the same resources ? You can't really understand injustice unless you experience it or at a certain degree when you've got high empathy...


2021-05-24 10:41:03 | 心理学




“Jung came to understand that in this regard, we are all fragmented, and that the work of individuation is to fuse our disparate parts into a new, more competent whole; as he remarked years later “so-called normal people are very fragmentary . . . they are not complete egos.”
Gary Valentine Lachman, Jung the Mystic: The Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung's Life & Teachings
The Picture of Dorian Gray


2021-05-24 10:10:54 | 心理学



Understanding is not inherited, nor can it be laboriously acquired. It is something which, when circumstances are favorable, comes to us, so to say, of its own accord. ~Aldous Huxley 


理解は遺伝するものではなく、苦労して得られるものでもありません。それは、状況が整ったときに、いわば自発的にやってくるものである。私たちは皆、常に知る者であり、与えられた現実の謎を理解するのは、たまにしかありませんが、、自分自身にもかかわらず、ということである。~アルダス・ハクスリー (著書:The Divine Within https://amzn.to/3fCGKFC)

Philo Thoughts
Full citation: "Understanding is not conceptual, and therefore cannot be passed on. It is an immediate experience, and immediate experience can only be talked about (very inadequately), never shared. Nobody can actually feel another’s pain or grief, another’s love or joy or hunger. And similarly nobody can experience another’s understanding of a given event or situation… We must always remember that knowledge of understanding is not the same thing as the understanding, which is the raw material of that knowledge. It is as different from understanding as the doctor’s prescription for penicillin is different from penicillin.
Understanding is not inherited, nor can it be laboriously acquired. It is something which, when circumstances are favorable, comes to us, so to say, of its own accord. All of us are knowers, all the time; it is only occasionally and in spite of ourselves that we understand the mystery of given reality." ~Aldous Huxley (Book: The Divine Within https://amzn.to/3fCGKFC)