


2021-05-15 22:24:19 | 心理学

(書籍:『シーシュポスの神話』他エッセイ集 https://amzn.to/2RbMzS9)

正義のための長い戦いは、それを生んだ愛を使い果たしてしまうからです。私たちが生きている喧騒の中では、愛は不可能であり、正義は十分ではない。" ~アルベール・カミュ
(書籍:『シーシュポスの神話』他、エッセイ集 https://amzn.to/2RbMzS9)

There is merely bad luck in not being loved; there is misfortune in not loving. ~Albert Camus 
(Book: The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays https://amzn.to/2RbMzS9)

Philo Thoughts
Full citation: “At noon on the half-sandy slopes covered with heliotropes like a foam left by the furious waves of the last few days as they withdrew, I watched the sea barely swelling at
that hour with an exhausted motion, and I satisfied the two thirsts one cannot long neglect
without drying up—I mean loving and admiring. For there is merely bad luck in not being loved;
there is misfortune in not loving. All of us, today, are dying of this misfortune. For violence and
hatred dry up the heart itself, the long fight for justice exhausts the love that nevertheless gave birth
to it. In the clamor in which we live, love is impossible and justice does not suffice.” ~Albert Camus
(Book: The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays https://amzn.to/2RbMzS9)


2021-05-15 16:49:20 | 心理学


C. C.G.ユング レターズ 1, 37ページ
アート リチャード・モルト

“You are quite right, the main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact is that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experiences you are released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a numinous character.”
C. G. Jung Letters 1, pg 37
Art: Richard Moult


"神の経験のヌミノサムの代わりに、この宗教的感傷がある。これはよく知られているように、生きた神秘を失った宗教の特徴である。" ~CGユング、CW11、パラ52。


"私たちは、原始社会を見れば、人間性の喪失が何を意味するのか、ずっと前に知ることができました。私たちは今、それと同じ状態にあります。私たちは、これまで正しく理解できなかったものを失ったのです。.... 私たちは、すべてのものからその神秘性と能動性を奪ってしまった。もはや聖なるものは何もない。" ~C. C.G.ユング『発見されざる自己』。P.134



人々が求めているのは、自分に揺るぎない価値を与えてくれる原型的な体験です。彼らは他の条件に依存し、欲望や野心に依存し、他人に依存しています。なぜなら、自分自身には価値がなく、理性的なだけで、自分を独立させるような宝を持っていないからです。しかし、少女がその経験を持つことができたとき、彼女はもう依存することはありません。自分の中に価値があるので、もう依存することはできないのです。 ]

“There is this religious sentimentality instead of the numinosum of divine experience. This is the well-know characteristic of a religion that has lost its living mystery.” ~CG Jung, CW 11, Para 52.

The main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy, and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experience you’re released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a numinous character. ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 377

"We could have seen long ago from primitive societies what the loss of numinosity means: they lose their raison d'etre, the order of their social organizations, and then dissolve and decay. We are now in the same condition. We have lost something we have never properly understood.... We have stripped all things of their mystery and numinousity. Nothing is holy any longer." ~C. G. Jung, The undiscovered Self. Pg 134.

The numinosum is either a quality belonging to a visible object or the influence of an invisible presence that causes a peculiar alteration of consciousness. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 6

"The time is ripe for the unconscious and conscious dominants to meet each other. The death of the old dominant is indicated by the fact that the king is about to die. This corresponds to the fact that the God-image, the collective dominant of the Western psyche, is moribund. In preparation for its death, it opens up an ancient tomb; in other words it opens up the unconscious. This activates the feminine principle, which had been dead and buried in the very same tomb, in the unconscious. As the tomb is opened, the unconscious is penetrated by consciousness . . . and a revitalization occurs.” ~Edward Edinger.

[…and that is the thing that people are looking for, an archetypal experience that gives them an incorruptible value, you see, they depend upon other conditions, they depend upon their desires, their ambitions, depend upon other people because they have no value in themselves, they have nothing in themselves, they’re only rational and they’re not in possession of a treasure that would make them independent, but when that girl can hold that experience, then she doesn’t depend anymore, she cannot depend anymore because that value is in herself, and that is a sort of liberation, and that of course makes her complete, you know, in as much as you can realize such a numinous experience, she is able to continue her path, her way, her individuation.]
37.16—Jung begins telling about the wheat field patient…
39.10—she was swaying like the wheat and she was as if in the arms of the godhead, and I thought, now the harvest is ripe and I must tell her. And I told her, you see, what you want and what you project into me because you are not conscious of it (points upward) is that you have the idea of a deity you don’t posses, therefore you see it in me. That clicked. Because she had a lot of intense religious education…
40.00—she had a lot of intense religious education, of course it all vanished later on and something disappeared from her world… her world became merely personal and that religious conception of the world was nonexistent, apparently. And so, she suddenly became aware of an entirely hedonist image that comes fresh from the archetype. She had nothing ideal for a Christian God or for an old testament Yahweh, it was a hedonist God, a God of nature, he was the wheat himself, he was the spirit of the wheat, the spirit of the wind and she was in the arms of that numen, now that is the living experience of an archetype. Now that made a tremendous impression upon that girl and instantly it clicked, she saw what she was really missing, that missing value that was in the form of a protection in myself and made myself indispensable to her, now that is a numinous experience you see… and that is the thing that people are looking for, an archetypal experience that gives them an incorruptible value, you see, they depend upon other conditions, they depend upon their desires, their ambitions, depend upon other people because they have no value in themselves, they have nothing in themselves, they’re only rational and they’re not in possession of a treasure that would make them independent, but when that girl can hold that experience, then she doesn’t depend anymore, she cannot depend anymore because that value is in herself, and that is a sort of liberation, and that of course makes her complete, you know, in as much as you can realize such a numinous experience, she is able to continue her path, her way, her individuation. The acorn can become an oak and not a donkey. Nature will take her course. She will become that which she is from the beginning.


文字通り主義と宗教がうまくいかないとき...神秘的な経験の道を通して直接の経験を通して神(LCS)を知ること...内のキリスト(比喩?....ウランティアの書の思考調整者)..それは形而上学的になりません。それよりも..天国はあなたの中にあります...人類をデミウルゴスから救うために、1つは2つの救世主イオン、キリストと聖霊を発します。キリストはそれから人類にGnosisを達成する方法を教えるために人間の形(イエス)を取りました。すべてのGnosisの究極の終わりは、メタノイア、つまり悔い改めです。物質的な存在の罪を元に戻し、プレローマに戻ります。 狂ったように聞こえますが、物質的な世界には、意味のある精神的な現実と比較して、物質性や価値のある実体がありません。最終的には、この幻想と形の世界から卒業する必要があります。真の神のより壮大な神の光(AIN SOPH)。分12:00 私たちは皆、同じホログラムの火花です....司祭や司教はいない....内なる自己とつながる....このビデオの音楽は、神秘的な瞑想の端に連れて行ってくれる素晴らしいものです。 。基本的な現実は意識です...






When literalism and religions go wrong...Knowing God (LCS) thru direct experience thru the avenue of mystical experiences...The Christ within (metaphor ?....Thought adjuster in Urantia book)..It does not get more metaphysical than that..The kingdom of heaven is inside of you...The One emanates two savior Aeons, Christ and the Holy Spirit, to save humanity from the Demiurge. Christ then took a human form (Jesus), to teach humanity how to achieve Gnosis. The ultimate end of all Gnosis is metanoia, or repentance—undoing the sin of material existence and returning to Pleroma. As crazy as that sounds the material World has no materiality or value substance to it comparing with the meaningful spiritual reality, and we eventually have to graduate from it, from this World of illusions and forms....We are all one, sparks from the grander Divine Light (AIN SOPH) of the true God.  Minute 12:00 we are all sparks of one and the same Hologram....No priests or bishops....connecting with the inner self....the music in this video is fantastic it takes you to the edge of a mystical meditation...the fundamental reality is consciousness....







2021-05-15 10:14:44 | 心理学




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2021-05-15 10:00:14 | 心理学



- マンリー・パーマー・ホール

"Buddha and Socrates both refused to attempt a definition of Absolute Being (God). Each gave the same reasons. In the first place, it was impossible; and in the second place, even were it possible, such definition would not be useful to the evolution of human consciousness. The mind, groping with an abstraction beyond its comprehension, inevitably will fall into error. It would invest Reality with the limitations and disfigurements of its own imperfect perspective. The mind then would worship these distortions as realities, and lapse into error. What the intellect can not understand, it misunderstands. Religious misunderstandings are especially unfortunate, even tragic. They will affect every other part of the life, reducing integrity and preventing normal growth on the various planes or levels of living."
– Manly Palmer Hall