


2021-05-29 20:33:36 | 心理学

"ユングは、出口のない状況や解決策のない葛藤の中にいることが、個性化のプロセスの古典的な始まりであると述べています。無意識が絶望的な葛藤を求めているのは、自我意識を壁にぶつけるためであり、その結果、人間は自分が何をしようと間違っていることを認識しなければならず、自分が決めた方法はいずれも間違っていることになる。これは、常に自分には決定の責任があると錯覚して行動するエゴの優越感を打ち破るためのものです。. . もし彼が人格の核心まで苦しむほどの倫理観を持っているならば、一般的には、意識的な状況の不可解さのために、自己が現れます。宗教的な言葉で言えば、問題のない状況は、人間が神の行為に頼らざるを得ないようにするためのものだと言えるだろう。"
- マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ『童話の解釈

“Jung said that to be in a situation where there is no way out or to be in a conflict where there is no solution is the classical beginning of the process of individuation. It is meant to be a situation without solution; the unconscious wants the hopeless conflict in order to put ego consciousness up against the wall, so that the man has to realize that whatever he does is wrong, whichever way he decides will be wrong. This is meant to knock out the superiority of the ego, which always acts from the illusion that it has the responsibility of decision. . . If he is ethical enough to suffer to the core of his personality, then generally, because of the insolubility of the conscious situation, the Self manifests. In religious language you could say that the situation without issue is meant to force the man to rely on an act of God.”
― Marie-Louise von Franz, The Interpretation of Fairy Tales


2021-05-29 19:48:33 | 心理学


政府系?悪徳犯罪集団が必要とするテクノロジー犯罪と嫌がらせ犯罪」と副題をつけ、その実態を検証してまいります。911以来、全ての国民が潜在的テロリストとみなされ、サベイランス・テクノロジーとサイバネティクス技術の矛先が全ての国民に向けられるようになり、また社会全体に張り巡らされた人的嫌がらせ犯罪網がそれに反する民意をことごとく抹殺するように働いている実態を示して、それに打ち勝つ方法を提示してまいります。主催・講演 NPOテクノロジー犯罪被害ネットワーク 理事長 石橋輝勝




2021-05-29 18:33:59 | 心理学


しかし、環境、つまり富や貧困、搾取や抑圧、国籍や宗教など、現代の社会生活におけるあらゆる無意味なものの意味を理解し、それらを克服しようとするのではなく、その意味を理解するならば、個人の行動と、思想や思考の完全な革命が必要となります。そうなれば、もはや争いではなく、光が闇を消すことになります。光と闇の間には争いはありません。真実と偽りのものとの間には争いはない。対立するものがあるところに対立があるだけだ。~J. クリシュナムルティ「完全なる自由」1934年6月16日




"影に立ち向かうということは、他人のせいにするのをやめることである。" ~エドワード・エジンガー

But if you understand the significance of environment, that is, wealth, poverty, exploitation, oppression, nationalities, religions and all the inanities of social life in modern existence, not trying to overcome them but seeing their significance, then there must be individual action, and complete revolution of ideas and thought. Then there is no longer a struggle, but rather light dispelling darkness. There is no conflict between light and darkness. There is no conflict between truth and that which is false. There is only conflict where there are opposites. ~J. Krishnamurti - Total Freedom, June 16, 1934


I think it is fair to say that an understanding of the opposites is the key to understanding the psyche. And once you become familiar with the phenomenon of the opposites, once you've really got it, then you'll see them operating everywhere, because they're the very core of the psyche. Every war, every contest, every dispute, every game, is an expression of coniunctio energies concerning the opposites. Whenever you fall into an identification with one of a pair of warring groups or factions of any kind, then you have momentarily so far as you are identified, anyway lost the possibility of being a carrier of the opposites. Instead, you identify with one side and project the other. You locate the enemy on the outside and, in the process, become a “mass man”.
...Similarly, our passionate antipathies need to be subjected to analytic scrutiny. What persons do I hate? What groups or factions do I fight against? Whatever they are, they are a part of me because I am bound to that which I hate as surely as I am bound to that which I love, and psychologically the important thing is where one's libido is lodged, not whether one is for or against a given thing. So if one pursues such reflections diligently, one will gradually collect one's scattered psyche from the outer world, like the dismembered body of Osiris, and such work promotes the coniunctio.
~Edward Edinger, Mysterium Lectures, Pages 322-324.


“Confronting the shadow means to stop blaming others.” ~Edward Edinger
[shadow projection can be disastrous… and it’s really a disgrace for an educated and supposedly and relatively mature human being to be caught engaging in a crude shadow projection in this day and age, but disgrace or not, it happens all the time… and it’s a grave damage to our social fabric…
People unconscious of their shadow are a grave danger to the welfare of society as a whole.]
Shadow projection… what’s the social advantage of being aware of the shadow? I can tell you its immense… because as long as one is unconscious of the shadow, almost infallibly it gets projected. It gets projected onto somebody that provides some hook by some quality maybe by some degree that corresponds to the nature of one’s own shadow. And then when that happens, the projector then has the delightful experience of locating evil. It’s out there in you… and now I know what to attack in order to make the world a better place. In lesser shadow projections I guess no great harm is done, its an abrasion in the general mechanics of ordinary human relationships… but once it starts operating on a large collective scale, shadow projection can be disastrous… and I hardly need to spell out the examples of it because they’re everywhere to be seen, where you’ve got one faction opposing another faction and attributing dark evil, if not diabolical implications on the enemy faction. We see this everywhere in the world and I’m not going to go into the details. But this is all a consequence of shadow projection, and it’s really a disgrace for an educated and supposedly and relatively mature human being to be caught engaging in a crude shadow projection in this day and age, but disgrace or not, it happens all the time… and it’s a grave damage to our social fabric. So to the extent to the individual, through the analytic process, becomes aware of his shadow he is then inoculated from shadow projection because he recognizes that the particular quality or idea or mode of living that is so annoying to him in the other person is an expression of his own shadow which accounts for the annoyance. We can have likes or dislikes but when a certain level of affect enters the picture that’s an infallible indication of shadow projection. People unconscious of their shadow are a grave danger to the welfare of society as a whole.
~Edward F. Edinger, "Science of the Soul". Recorded Interview.



自己が無意識である限り、それはフロイトの超自我に相当し、永続的な道徳的葛藤の源となります。しかし、自己が投影から引き離され、世論と同一でなくなると、人はまさに自分自身の「賛成」と「反対」である。その時、自己は相反するものの結合として機能し、心理学的に想像しうる最も直接的な神の経験を構成することになります。~カール・ユング、「ミサにおける変容の象徴」、CW11、par. 396.


争いを煽ることは、本当の意味でのルシファーの美徳である。葛藤は火を生み出す。それは影響と感情の火であり、他のすべての火と同様に、燃焼と光を生み出すという2つの側面を持っている。一方で、感情は錬金術の火であり、その暖かさはすべてのものを存在させ、その熱はすべての余分なものを灰にする(omnes superfluitates comburit)。しかし一方では、感情は鋼と火打ち石が出会い、火花が散る瞬間であり、感情こそが意識の主要な源なのです。感情なくして、闇から光への変化、惰性から運動への変化はありません」。




c. 紅海

[…and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day.]
If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against… Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day. ~CG Jung “Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.140

Ultimately all conflicts of man are not only created by his, let us say, wrong conscious attitude, but by the unconscious itself in order to reunite the opposites on a higher level. Therefore this situation, where some religious doctrine or teaching or tradition is poisonous and destructive to the physical instinctuality of man, is not only to be viewed as a catastrophe or as a deviation from the original pattern, but just as much a device of the unconscious psyche to bring forth higher consciousness.
~Marie Louise von Franz, Alchemical Active Imagination.

So long as the self is unconscious, it corresponds to Freud's superego and is a source of perpetual moral conflict. If, however, it is withdrawn from projection and is no longer identical with public opinion, then one is truly one's own yea and nay. The self then functions as a union of opposites and thus constitutes the most immediate experience of the Divine that it is psychologically possible to imagine. ~Carl Jung; "Transformation Symbolism in the Mass"; CW 11, par. 396.


“There is no consciousness without discrimination of opposites. This is the paternal principle, the Logos, which eternally struggles to extricate itself from the primal warmth and primal darkness of the maternal womb; in a word, from unconsciousness. Divine curiosity yearns to be born and does not shrink from conflict, suffering, or sin. Unconsciousness is the primal sin, evil itself, for the Logos. Therefore its first creative act of liberation is matricide, and the spirit that dared all heights and all depths must, as Synesius says, suffer the divine punishment, enchainment on the rocks of the Caucasus. Nothing can exist without its opposite; the two were one in the beginning and will be one again in the end. Consciousness can only exist through continual recognition of the unconscious, just as everything that lives must pass through many deaths.
The stirring up of conflict is a Luciferian virtue in the true sense of the word. Conflict engenders fire, the fire of affects and emotions, and like every other fire it has two aspects, that of combustion and that of creating light. On the one hand, emotion is the alchemical fire whose warmth brings everything into existence and whose heat burns all superfluities to ashes (omnes superfluitates comburit). But on the other hand, emotion is the moment when steel meets flint and a spark is struck forth, for emotion is the chief source of consciousness. There is no change from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without emotion.”
~CG Jung, CW 9i, Paras 178-179.


The metaphysical process is known to the psychology of the unconscious as the individuation process.
In so far as this process, as a rule, runs its course unconsciously as it has from time immemorial, it means no more than the acorn becomes an oak, the calf a cow, and the child an adult.
But if the individuation process is made conscious, consciousness must confront the unconscious and a balance between the opposites must be found.
As this is not possible through logic, one is dependent on symbols which make the irrational union of opposites possible.
They are produced spontaneously by the unconscious and are amplified by the conscious mind. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 755


c. The Red Sea
It might almost be one of the alchemical paradoxes that the Red Sea, in contrast to the significance ordinarily attached to “mare,” is a term for the healing and transforming baptismal water, and is thus an equivalent of the alchemical aqua pontica. St. Augustine says, “The Red Sea signifies baptism”; and, according to Honorius of Autun, “the Red Sea is the baptism reddened by the blood of Christ, in which our enemies, namely our sins, are drowned.”

また、紅海に対するペラティックな解釈についても触れておかなければなりません。紅海はエジプト人を溺死させたが、エジプト人はすべて「無知な者」であった。エジプトからの脱出は、罪深さの化身であるエジプトの縮図である肉体からの脱出を意味し、紅海の横断は、クロノスである腐敗の水の横断である。紅海の向こう側は、創造の向こう側である。砂漠への到着は、「生成の外の生成」である。そこには「破壊の神」と「救いの神」がそろっている。紅海は、「無意識」の者にとっては死の水であるが、「意識」の者にとっては再生と超越の洗礼の水である。無意識」とは、グノーシスを持たない者、すなわち、宇宙における人間の性質と運命について悟っていない者を意味する。現代語で言えば、個人的無意識と集団的無意識の内容を知らない人たちのことである。個人的無意識とは、グノーシス主義的に言えば、洗礼によって洗い流されなければならない罪深さと不浄さであり、影であり、劣等な機能である。集合的無意識は、多くの神秘的な宗教に特徴的な、万物の起源と救済への道に関する秘密の知識を明らかにする神話的な教えで表現されます。浄化されず、悟りの導きもなく海を渡ろうとする "無意識 "の人々は溺れ、無意識の中に閉じ込められ、一面性を超えることができない限り、精神的な死を迎えます。そのためには、自分や自分の年齢にとって無意識のもの、とりわけ内なる反対のもの、つまり、一般的な見解に少しでも反対する内容をより意識しなければなりません。なぜなら、意識的(合理的)なデータと無意識的(非合理的)なデータとの対決は、必然的に立場の変更をもたらすからである。それは、意識的(合理的)なデータと、無意識的(非合理的)なデータとの対決は、必然的に立場の変更をもたらすからです。しかし、その変更は、少なくとも意識的に認識するところまで「他者」の存在を認めることによってのみ可能となります。例えば、現代のキリスト教徒は、もはや一方的な信条に固執する必要はなく、キリスト教が400年前から分裂状態にあり、その結果、一人一人のキリスト教徒が精神に分裂を抱えているという事実を直視すべきである。当然のことながら、皆が自分の立場を主張していては、この病巣は治療も治癒もできない。その壁の内側では、自分の絶対的で一貫した信念を喜び、対立を超えた存在であるとみなすことができますが、壁の外側では、自分の強硬さによって対立を存続させ、他の人々の頭の固さや首の固さを嘆き続けます。あたかもキリスト教は最初から慢性的な争いをする人々の宗教であったかのように、そして今でもその争いを終わらせるために全力を尽くしています。驚くべきことに、キリスト教は隣人愛の福音を説くことを決してやめない。
~C.G.ユング『Mysterium Coniunctionis. 対立するものの擬人化。199-200ページ。パラグラフ256/257


"出現時には、神は右と左の両方に向かって私を呼ぶ声がする。しかし、神は一方も他方も望んでいない。彼は中間の道を望んでいる。しかし、真ん中は長い道のりの始まりである。" ~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』311ページ。


"神にはただ一つの法則がある、それは "バランス "だ。彼の宇宙はバランスがとれている。それは均衡として静止している。その均衡を乱すことは不可能であるが、均衡を乱しているように見せかけることはできる。"反対に不均衡な状態のペアに分割し、そのペアが互いに均衡を保つために絶えず交換することによって。~ウォルター・ラッセル(Walter Russell
"すべての相反するものは神のものであり、人間はこの重荷に屈しなければならない。そうすることで、人間は神の対立を満たす器となる。" ~カール・ユング-CW7




We must also mention the Peratic interpretation of the Red Sea. The Red Sea drowned the Egyptians, but the Egyptians were all “non-knowers”. The exodus from Egypt signifies the exodus from the body, which is Egypt in miniature, being the incarnation of sinfulness, and the crossing of the Red Sea is the crossing of the water of corruption, which is Kronos. The other side of the Red Sea is the other side of Creation. The arrival in the desert is a “genesis outside of generation”. There the “gods of destruction” and the god of salvation” are all together. The Red Sea is a water of death for those that are “unconscious,” but for those that are “conscious” it is a baptismal water of rebirth and transcendence. By “unconscious” are meant those who have no gnosis, i.e., are not enlightened as to the nature and destiny of man in the cosmos. In modern language it would be those who have no knowledge of the contents of the personal and collective unconscious. The personal unconscious is the shadow and the inferior function, in Gnostic terms the sinfulness and impurity that must be washed away by baptism. The collective unconscious expresses itself in the mythological teachings, characteristic of most mystery religions, which reveal the secret knowledge concerning the origin of all things and the way to salvation. “Unconscious” people who attempt to cross the sea without being purified and without the guidance of enlightenment are drowned; they get stuck in the unconscious and suffer a spiritual death in so far as they cannot get beyond their one-sidedness. To do this they would have to be more conscious of what is unconscious to them and their age, above all of the inner opposite, namely those contents to which the prevailing views are in any way opposed. This continual process of getting to know the counter position in the unconscious I have called the “transcendent function,” because the confrontation of conscious (rational) data with those that are unconscious (irrational) necessarily results in a modification of standpoint. But an alteration is possible only if the existence of the “other” is admitted, at least to the point of taking conscious cognizance of it. A Christian of today, for instance, no longer ought to cling obstinately to a one-sided credo, but should face the fact that Christianity has been in a state of schism for four hundred years, with the result that every single Christian has a split in his psyche. Naturally this lesion cannot be treated or healed if everyone insists on his own standpoint. Behind those barriers he can rejoice in his absolute and consistent convictions and deem himself above the conflict, but outside them he keeps the conflict alive by his intransigence and continues to deplore the pig-headedness and stiff- neckedness of everybody else. It seems as if Christianity had been from the outset the religion of chronic squabblers, and even now it does everything in its power never to let the squabbles rest. Remarkably enough, it never stops preaching the gospel of neighbourly love.
~C.G. Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis. The Personification Of The Opposites. Page 199-200. Para 256/257


"On emerging, the God calls me toward the right and the left, his voice calling out to me from both sides. Yet the God wants neither the one nor the other. He wants the middle way: But the middle is the beginning of the long road.” ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 311.

The two lobes of the cerebrum were called by the ancients "Cain and Abel", and have much to do with the legend of the curse with Cain, which is literally the curse of unbalance. For the murder of the spirit of the equilibrium Cain is sent forth a wanderer of the earth. ~Manley P. Hall

“God has but one law, His law of BALANCE. His universe is balanced. It is at rest as an equilibrium. To disturb that equilibrium is impossible, but one can appear to disturb it by dividing it into pairs of oppositely unbalanced conditions which constantly interchange to keep in balance with each other.” ~Walter Russell
"All opposites are of God, thereby man must bend to this burden; and in so doing ... He becomes a vessel filled with divine conflict." ~Carl Jung-CW7

As God is the union, the reconciliation, of all the opposites, it is natural that both the good and evil principles should be in him potentially, should originate in him. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 215.

“They asked Rumi, how did you know God?
He answered: by uniting between opposites.”
"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." ~The Kybalion

"タオ "とは中庸の道であり、問題も対立もない道である。蛇の道は、本能を見つけることができる唯一の道であり、本能的な道には問題も葛藤もない。葛藤や問題はすべて、差別する意識に属しています。ですから、本能を見つけたときには、大きな解放感があります。" ~C.G.ユング『ETH』p.226



"タオの実現には、他のすべてのものとある種の同期関係にあるという性質があります。あたかも同じ出来事の流れ、あるいは同じ生命の流れがすべてのものを貫いているかのように、すべてのものが、いわば同じリズム、同じ意味を持っているのです...。それが一般的な神秘体験であり、個人の状態が宇宙と一致し、両者が区別できなくなることである。" ~CGユング『幻影』p.608。


"イニシエートは、決意を持って、「カミソリの刃の道」を旅しなければならない。この困難な道の両側には恐ろしい深淵があります。自我の解消への困難な道には、複雑な通路があり、その根源はまさに本当の道にあります。明らかに、「カミソリの刃の道」からは、どこにも通らない複数の道が分岐しています。あるものは、私たちを奈落の底と絶望に導く。私たちを宇宙のあちらやこちらの領域の威厳に変えてくれる道もあります。しかし、それらは私たちを永遠の普遍的な宇宙の父の懐に戻すことはできません。最も神聖で不可解な外観を持つ魅力的な道がありますが、残念ながら、それらは私たちを地獄の世界の沈没した進化の中に導くだけです。私」を解消する作業では、最内なるキリストに完全に身を捧げる必要があります。時には、解決困難な問題が現れます。突然、道が不可解な迷宮に迷い込み、どこに続いているのかわからなくなります。このような場合、内なるキリストと秘密におられる父への絶対的な従順だけが、賢明に私たちを導くことができます。Razor's Edgeの道は、内側も外側も危険に満ちています」。

"The Tao, the middle way, is the way without problems and without conflict. The serpent path is the only way by which we can find our instinct and the instinctive way has no problems and no conflicts. Conflicts and problems all belong to the conscious which discriminates. So it is a great release when we find our instinct.." ~C.G. Jung, ETH, p.226

Without doubt, also, the realization of the opposite hidden in the unconscious, i.e. the 'reversal', signifies reunion with the unconscious laws of being, and the purpose of this reunion is the attainment of conscious life or, expressed in Chinese terms, the bringing about of the Tao. ~Carl Jung, Secret of the Golden Flower, Pages 95-96.

The central idea of Taoism is no moral question, but is the Tao, the indefinable essence of the Right Way, and this is also the mystery of alchemy. ~Carl Jung, ETH, Page 142.

"..The realization of Tao has this quality of being in a sort of synchronistic relation with everything else, as if the same stream of events, or the same stream of life went through everything, so that everything has, as it were, the same rhythm, the same meaning... That is the general mystical experience, the coincidence of the individual condition with the universe, so that the two become indistinguishable." ~CG Jung, Visions, p.608.


"The initiate must travel, with determination, along the Path of the Razor’s Edge. There are terrifying abysses on either side of this difficult road. On the difficult path to the dissolution of the ego, there are complex passages which have their roots precisely in the real path. Obviously, from the Path of the Razor’s Edge multiple paths diverge which lead nowhere. Some of them take us to the abyss and despair. There are paths which can transform us into the majesties of this or that zone of the universe. However, they can never return us to the bosom of the Eternal Universal Cosmic Father. There are fascinating paths of a most holy, ineffable appearance; unfortunately, they can only lead us into the submerged devolution of the infernal worlds. In the work of the dissolution of the “I,” we need to devote ourselves completely to the Innermost Christ. At times problems appear which are difficult to resolve. Suddenly the path is lost in inexplicable labyrinths and we do not know where it continues. Only absolute obedience to the Innermost Christ and the Father who is in secret can, in such instances, wisely guide us. The Path of the Razor’s Edge is full of danger, both inside and out."
~Samael Aun Weor, The Great Rebellion


2021-05-29 18:30:21 | 心理学

どんなに言葉を尽くしても、酔っている人に部屋が回っていないことを納得させることができない。 酔いが醒めるのを待って、もう一度、考えればいいのだろうか。私にはわかりません。
私は今、ユングの「赤い本」を読み終えようとしているところです。ユングと同じページにいると信じているときもあれば、同じ本に載っていないときもあります Ha! 他の人からのフィードバックにとても興味があります。お願いします。....この相反するものをどうすればいいのでしょうか?神の頭が私たちを通してそれらを表現するのでしょうか?




"私たちは、自分の中にある個々の神性に到達できなければ、群れの動物の虜になってしまいます。それが自我を意味すると考えれば、個人主義者やエゴイストとして非難されるのは当然ですが、自分の中にある原初の神性を思い出すことは、まったく別のことなのです」。~C.G.ユング, ETH, 12/1/1939


個性化]を目標とする前に、まず、必要最小限の集団規範に適応するという教育的な目的を達成しなければならない。植物がその固有の性質を最大限に発揮しようとするならば、まず植えられた土壌で育つことができなければならない。~カール・ユング、「定義」、CW 6、par. 761.

意識の傾向と無意識の傾向は、共に超越的機能を構成する2つの要素です。ある態度から別の態度への移行を有機的に可能にすることから「超越的」と呼ばれる。~CGユング、超越的機能、CW8、par. 145.


"相反するものの識別なしには、意識は存在しない。" ~カール・ユング「母型の心理的側面」CW9i、par. 178.




"全体性とは、自分の存在の一部を切り離すことではなく、相反するものを統合することで達成される。" ~C.G.ユング(要引用


I would make the suggestion that one of the main reasons we’re confused by this topic of pairing the opposites and the transcendent function is because we harbor too many social norm belief systems and are governed by the many Herd-narratives that keep in a sense of one-sidedness. Its only after we become honest enough with ourselves to walk away from the Herd influences that we gain enough of our own inner authentic authority to make conscious decisions and to hone a good amount of discernment. If we are weak in our honesty, moral compass and good conscience we’re not going to make much headway on our Individuation process.
“The transcendent function is not something one does oneself; it comes rather from experiencing the conflict of opposites.” ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 269

That is why you find no trace of the transcendent function in the psychology of a man with definite religious convictions (Belief Systems/Collective Norms). What the term “transcendent function” designates is really the transition from one condition to another. That is why he experienced the transcendent function, whereas a Christian saint could never experience it, since for him no fundamental and total change of attitude would be involved… ~CG Jung, JL1 ¶ 0

"We fall captive to the herd animal if we cannot reach the individual divinity in ourselves. If we think this means the ego, we are rightly condemned as individualists & egotists, but to remember our primeval divinity, that is a totally different thing." ~C.G. Jung, ETH, 12/1/1939

The act of consciousness is central; otherwise we are overrun by the complexes. The hero in each of us is required to answer the call of individuation. We must turn away from the cacaphony of the outerworld to hear the inner voice. When we can dare to live its promptings, then we achieve personhood. We may become strangers to those who thought they knew us, but at least we are no longer strangers to ourselves.
~James Hollis

Before [individuation] can be taken as a goal, the educational aim of adaptation to the necessary minimum of collective norms must first be attained. If a plant is to unfold its specific nature to the full, it must first be able to grow in the soil in which it is planted. ~Carl Jung; “Definitions,” CW 6, par. 761.

The tendencies of the conscious and the unconscious are the two factors that together make up the transcendent function. It is called "transcendent" because it makes the transition from one attitude to another organically possible. ~CG Jung, The Transcendent Function, CW8, par. 145.

The transcendent function does not proceed without aim and purpose, but leads to the revelation of the essential man.
It is in the first place a purely natural process, which may in some cases pursue its course without the knowledge or assistance of the individual, and can sometimes forcibly accomplish itself in the face of opposition.
The meaning and purpose of the process is the realization, in all its aspects, of the personality originally hidden away in the embryonic germplasm; the production and unfolding of the original, potential wholeness.
The symbols used by the unconscious to this end are the same as those which mankind has always used to express wholeness, completeness, and perfection: symbols, as a rule, of the quaternity and the circle.
For these reasons I have termed this the individuation process.
This natural process of individuation served me both as a model and guiding principle for my method of treatment. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Paras 186-187

“There is no consciousness without discrimination of opposites.” ~Carl Jung, Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype," CW 9i, par. 178.

"The repressed content must be made conscious so as to produce a tension of opposites, without which no forward movement is possible. The conscious mind is on top, the shadow underneath, and just as high always longs for low and hot for cold, so all consciousness, perhaps without being aware of it, seeks its unconscious opposite, lacking which it is doomed to stagnation, congestion, and ossification. Life is born only of the spark of opposites." ~CG Jung, CW 7, Para. 78.

"As long as man is ruled by opposites... he is incapable of true spiritual growth."
~Manly P. Hall, Sacred Magic, 27

Without the experience of the opposites there is no experience of wholeness and hence no inner approach to the sacred figures. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 24.

"Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries." ~C.G. Jung (citation needed)

"The resistance coming from the psychic depths ceases if we can give up our egohood, and the Self (consciousness + unconscious) receives us into its greater dimension, where we are then "whole," and because of our relative wholeness we are near to that which is truly whole, namely God."
~C.G. Jung, Letter to Pater Lucas, 25 March 1955




"神の逆説的な性質は人間にも同じような影響を与えます。それは人間を相反するものに引き裂き、一見解決できないような対立に引き渡すのです。そのような状態で何が起こるのか?. . . 例えば、誰も解決する方法を知らない義務の対立があります。意識はただ、「Tertium non datur! そこで医者は患者に、無意識が非合理的で、したがって予期しない第三のものを解決策として提案する夢を見ないかどうか、待ってみるように助言するのである。経験が示すように、和解と統一の性質を持つシンボルが実際に夢に現れる......相反するものの結合を意味するのである。



"ヤハウェが人間になることを決意したのは、人間が自分が直面している神像の種類を意識するようになったときに起こるべき発展の象徴である。神は人間の無意識から行動し、人間の心が無意識からさらされている相反する影響を調和させ、一つにまとめるように迫る。無意識は、分割と統一の両方を求めている。したがって、人間が統一を求める際には、ヨブがはっきりと認識していたように、形而上学的な助言者の助けを常に期待することができるのである。無意識は、光に到達するために意識に流れ込みたいと思っているが、同時に無意識のままでいたいと思っているので、絶えず自分自身を妨害している。(無意識は相反するもので構成されているため、このような矛盾したことをするのです。) つまり、神は人間になりたいと思っているが、なかなかなれないのだ。"





And yet the attainment of consciousness was the most precious fruit of the tree of knowledge, the magical weapon which gave man victory over the earth, and which we hope will give him a still greater victory over himself. ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Para 289
Consciousness is essentially the psyche's organ of perception, it is the eye and ear of the psyche. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 98.


Edinger is commenting on Jung’s Answer to Job:
How are we to understand this apparent reversal? This isn't the only occasion on which Jung can be accused of being inconsistent. You can almost say he is consistently inconsistent, and that is because he is always keenly aware of the operation of the opposites. […]
Paragraph 738:

“The paradoxical nature of God has a like effect on man: it tears him asunder into opposites and delivers him over to a seemingly insoluble conflict. What happens in such a condition? . . . There are, for example, conflicts of duty no one knows how to solve. Consciousness only knows: tertium non datur! [A third is not given.] The doctor therefore advises his patient to wait and see whether the unconscious will not produce a dream which proposes an irrational and therefore unexpected third thing as a solution. As experience shows, symbols of a reconciling and unitive nature do in fact turn up in dreams . . . signifying the union of opposites.”

As I said earlier, the symptom of anxiety is a manifestation of proximity to God. Jung is now adding to that proposition another: that a state of conflict is a symptom of proximity to God. Conflict means that one is in the vicinity of the paradoxical God nature, and that proximity has the effect of tearing one asunder into opposites. When that happens the prescription is to wait endure and wait for the third. […]

Here's another very important Jungian principle, that the opposites reside in the God-image. That means good and evil, as well as the other opposites, are attributes of the God-image itself. If the ego falls into an identification with either one of a pair of opposites, it is then on its way to the absurd result that Jung alludes to. It is easy enough to state this principle, but it is not so easy to integrate and apply in actual psychological life, because the early development of the ego is based on taking responsibility for everything that goes on in the psyche. So it requires a revolutionary change in attitude to posit the opposites as residing in the God-image rather than in the ego. Paragraph 740 contains a very important statement, a wonderful statement:

“Yahweh's decision to become man is a symbol of the development that had to supervene when man becomes conscious of the sort of God-image he is confronted with. God acts out of the unconscious of man and forces him to harmonize and unite the opposing influences to which his mind is exposed from the unconscious. The unconscious wants both: to divide and to unite. In his striving for unity, therefore, man may always count on the help of a metaphysical advocate, as Job clearly recognized. The unconscious wants to flow into consciousness in order to reach the light, but at the same time it continually thwarts itself, because it would rather remain unconscious. [Because it is composed of opposites, that is why it does these contradictory things.] That is to say, God wants to become man, but not quite.”

And from paragraph 746: 
The only thing that really matters now is whether man can climb up to a higher moral level, to a higher plane of consciousness, in order to be equal to the superhuman powers which the fallen angels have [passed] into his hands. And then finally, at the end of paragraph 747, there is this pregnant statement:
“Since he has been granted an almost godlike power, he can no longer remain blind and unconscious. He must know something of God's nature and of metaphysical processes if he is to understand himself and thereby achieve gnosis of the Divine.”
~Edward Edinger, Transformation of the God-Image, Pages 120-122.


This is the great difficulty: the ordinary mind can only think one thing and cannot at the same time think the other thing.
He cannot think of a thing that is and is not, for that is impossible; but the man of superior mind is superior only because he can think in paradoxes. ~Carl Jung, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process, Page 281

"Oddly enough the paradox is one of our most valuable spiritual possessions, while uniformity of meaning is a sign of weakness. Hence a religion becomes inwardly impoverished when it loses or waters down its paradoxes; but their multiplication enriches because only the paradox comes anywhere near to comprehending the fullness of life. Non- ambiguity and non- contradiction are one- sided and thus unsuited to express the incomprehensible."
~Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion


2021-05-29 15:36:10 | 心理学



Our mind commonly referrsd to as peace, Joy, freedom, love and beauty.




I've been practicing yoga and meditation for over a decade. It took five years just to get to the point where I could see what was happening.
What I have found lately...my moments of being ...man this is hard to write about..easier with speech. I feel we are trying to dissolve self. The best feeling of it to me lately is watching my dog play. Not playing with her but watching...same goes for watching my granddaughter play. It feels like....there is no "I" watching ...it is just witnessing. Has anyone else had this experience? Also happens on a crowded room, a waiting room at clinic say, and non-actively listening to voices without paying attention.
So...that feeling of out of body, or mind, is that what I should ...hate to use that word. Is that a goal? Another word I hate to use.
I fe like its a version of ecstacy but inward...I once saw the word ENSTACY...an inward version of ecstacy.
I babbling.


アディヤシャンティ - 悟りに関する神話を解明


Adyashanti - Myths About Enlightenment Clarified
“I reiterate time and time again that awakening and enlightenment are not to be confused with the various types of mystical experiences that it is usually associated with, and there is a difference between mystical experience and enlightenment. They’re about the most pleasurable experience a human being can have. Usually you get a mystical experience and you merge with the rocks, consciousness expands into infinity, you figure out the reason for all creation or your kundalini explodes and you see lights and halos and mother Marys and Jesuses and Buddhas, etc. You suddenly have a moment where you suddenly understand everything you ever wanted to and the creation of the universe becomes clear to you. You’re so blissed out that you can hardly function. Could I go on and on? You’re finally able to visualize the blue pearl in your consciousness. Your heart chakra opens, your crown chakra opens… I think that’s about enough, you get the point.
So often these are associated with enlightenment. And sometimes, in some personalities they ‘can be’ by-products of awakening but more often they’re not even that. More often they are just the awakenings of human potential. That’s what most mystical experiences are, they’re just deeper experiences of the potential of human beings to have ever deeper, ever richer, ever broader experiences.
Mystical experiences are deeper experiences of the potential of human beings to have ever deeper, ever richer, ever broader, experiences. These can often be confused with awakening or enlightenment but are actually experiences of our greater potential as human beings and that’s a fine thing and it’s an interesting thing but it’s not an enlightened thing. It’s a very different thing. We can have all of these experiences and not have awakened to the fundamental truth of being. In fact most people who have had these experiences have not awakened to the fundamental truth of being. So it’s really important not to confuse mystical experiences with the realization of truth, with the realization of the underlying reality of your own being, of all beings. This also includes being open to collective energies.
What mysticism means is simply where I’m experiencing the more subtle realms of the manifest world.
But what is important is to realize that mystical experiences are not the same as the realization of truth. They may be by-products for some people when awakening happens. Some of our latent potentials as human beings get opened up and that’s why these by-products for some people can get opened up and enlivened. And so for a lots of people some of these potentialities get brought to life and awakened and then the potentialities are mistaken that they ‘are’ awakening, and they’re not because a lot of people have a very deep and profound awakening to truth are very much awake and very much enlightened and have very little if any mystical types of experiences. Some people have a lot. So the people who don’t have them usually want them, and the people who do have them usually want more of them… as if enlightenment was an infinitely prolonged experience, of some kind, usually of a really, really good kind… and its not. Its just not what it is. So that’s one of the myths of awakening that can be very useful to dispel because we can stop wasting time and energy trying to find experiences and sustain experiences that by their very nature are going to come and go. As pleasurable as they may be, they’re going to come and go.”