


2021-05-30 02:00:35 | 心理学


What do you feel Dr. Jung was attempting to "explain" to the world?





I had to understand that I was unable to make the people see what I am after. I am practically alone.
There are a few who understand this and that, but almost nobody sees the whole....
I have failed in my foremost task: to open people’s eyes to the fact that man has a soul and there is a buried treasure in the field and that our religion and philosophy are in a lamentable state. ~Jung, quoted by Gerhard Adler in “Aspects of Jung’s Personality,” in Psychological Perspectives 6/1 (Spring 1975), p. 14.
This field is the collective unconscious where the treasure is hidden, the royal treasure in the sea. ~Carl Jung, ETH, Lecture XIII, Page 113.

"著者は一人で、自分の魂の力だけで強くなっている。現代において、このようなケースはすでに並外れたものであり、特別な尊敬を必要とします。彼はいかなる宗教、教義、組織のスポークスマンでもありません。そのような人の信用を失墜させることを目的とした裏切りのある小さな表現があります。"そのような人は自分自身だけを代表している" それに対して、この場合の意味は、まさにすべての壮大さ、すべての力、すべての信憑性を伝えるものです。集団的な規範や公式のドグマ、既成の意見を代表しているだけなのに、自分自身の「代表」であると主張できる人が、今日どれだけいるでしょうか。この男一人の存在があるからこそ、私は、もし本当に一人であるならば、一人で(彼の著作を)熟考し、このメッセージに耳を傾けるよう、すべての一人の人を招待したいのです。本物の全体性は、孤独から、そして孤独の中でなければ、ここでは生まれません。ここにある「神学」は、マニュアルやテキストの歴史的な批判を通して学ぶものではなく、魂の夜と苦しみの中で、妥協することなく、臆病になることなく、放棄することなく、内的に従事する聖なる闘争の中で学ぶものなのです。
[コービンは、心理学とは、ユングは常にヒエロジー、つまり「聖なる事柄の科学」を意味していると述べています] 。

Henry Corbin’s description of Jung :
“The author is alone, strong with the force of his soul alone. In our times, such a case is already extraordinary and calls for a singular respect. He is not the spokesman of any religious faith, any dogma, or any institution. There is a treacherous little expression that is intended to ruin the credibility of the person at whom it is targeted: “Such a person represents only himself.” In contrast, the meaning here in this case would be precisely what conveys all the grandeur, all the force, and all the authenticity. For how many men today could claim really to be “representatives” of themselves, when they represent only collective norms, official dogmas, and ready-made opinions? It is because we are in the presence here of this man alone that I would like to invite all those alone to contemplate [his writings], to listen to this message, if really they are alone. The authentic totality cannot be born here except from the solitudes and in solitude. The ‘theology’ we have here is not learned in manuals or through the historical critique of texts, but in the night and the suffering of the soul, in the sacred struggle that is engaged innerly without compromise, without cowardice, and without abdication.”
[by psychology, Corbin goes on, Jung really always means hierology , “the science of sacred matters”.]



重力のような法則があるから、宇宙は無から自分自身を作り出すことができるし、そうなるだろう。 -スティーブン・ホーキング

2021-05-30 01:38:14 | 心理学



Because there's a law such as Gravity, The Universe can and will create itself from nothing

-Stephen Hawking

-- スティーブン・ホーキング
-- ジッドゥ・クリシュナムルティ
-- ジッドゥ・クリシュナムルティ(Jiddu Krishnamurti
-- エックハルト・トッレ
--- ジッドゥ・クリシュナムルティ
--- エルヴィン・シュレディンガー(最も高貴な人
--- ジッドゥ・クリシュナムルティ
--- ジッドゥ・クリシュナムルティ(Jiddu Krishnamurti
--- ジッドゥ・クリシュナムルティ(Jiddu Krishnamurti
-- ジッドゥ・クリシュナムルティ
--- ジッドゥ・クリシュナムルティ
-- マックス・プランク(一番偉い人

Consciousness cannot be described and nothing is possible without it, so " Stephen Hawking " says about consciousness.
Because there's a law such as Gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.
-- Stephen Hawking
Silence ( nothing ) is a state of observation of consciousness.
There is no control of gravity here.
From the perspective of silence, the observation of gravity can be done.
Thinking and Imagination is a process that no rules apply to, and it is a state of consciousness of an endless singularity.
Thinking is a process of changing ( as needed ) thinking of another thought.
-- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Imagination means creating images.
-- Jiddu Krishnamurti
No rules apply to consciousness therefore, any person thinks that I am thinking.
Otherwise; the Thought is not thinker.
-- Eckhart tolle
And; there can be no thinker without thought.
--- Jiddu Krishnamurti
The total number of minds in the universe is one; in fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.
--- Erwin schrodinger ( Noblest )
The mind is always quiet.
the mind becomes perfectly still - not enforced, not controlled, not hypnotised. And it must be still because it is only in stillness that a totally new, unrecognisable thing can take place.
--- Jiddu Krishnamurti
the stillness of a mind that has struggled with thought, controlled thought, suppressed thought.
--- Jiddu Krishnamurti
time and order exist chronologically—the bus, the train.
time is a gradual process, a continuation of yesterday through today to tomorrow—a duration.
--- Jiddu Krishnamurti
The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judgement.
-- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Silence is a state of observation of consciousness.
You are consciousness.
--- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Because we cannot get behind consciousness.
-- Max Planck ( Noblest )







"近代科学は、物質についてのいわゆる客観的な知識を通じて、物質を脱魂化することにとどまった。すべての擬人化された投影が次々と対象物から取り除かれ、2つの結果をもたらした。第一に、人間の自然との神秘的な同一性がかつてないほどに抑制されたこと、第二に、人間の魂に戻ってくる投影が無意識をひどく活性化させたため、近代になって人間は無意識の精神の存在を仮定せざるを得なくなったことである。" ~ユング、CW II、Para. 375.





The articles of faith of science are: space, time and causality. The fourth is missing and rejected: the pleroma. ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 59.

The moment I touched bottom, I reached the bounds of scientific understanding, the transcendental, the nature of the archetypes per se, concerning which no further scientific statements can be made. ~Jung, MDR, The Work, pg 221

As scientific understanding has grown, so our world has become dehumanized.
~CG Jung, Man and his symbols.

Science has destroyed even the refuge of inner life. What was once a sheltering haven has become a place of terror. ~CG Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, p.209,

"It remained for modern science to despiritualize matter through its so-called objective knowledge of matter. All anthropomorphic projections were withdrawn from the object one after another, with a twofold result: firstly man's mystical identity with nature was curtailed as never before, and secondly the projections falling back into the human soul caused such a terrific activation of the unconscious that in modern times man was compelled to postulate the existence of an unconscious psyche." ~Jung, CW II, Para. 375.

Medieval alchemy prepared the way for the greatest intervention in the divine world order that man has ever attempted alchemy was the dawn of the scientific age, when the daemon of the scientific spirit compelled the forces of nature to serve man to an extent that had never been known before. It was from the spirit of alchemy that Goethe wrought the figure of the “superman” Faust, and this superman led Nietzsche’s Zarathustra to declare that God was dead and to proclaim the will to give birth to the superman, to “create a god for yourself out of your seven devils.” Here we find the true roots, the preparatory processes deep in the psyche, which unleashed the forces at work in the world today. Science and technology have indeed conquered the world, but whether the psyche has gained anything is another matter. ~Carl Jung, CW 13, Para 163

The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the creator out of his creation. ~Dr. Walter Russell.

"Science is the best tool of the Western mind and with it more doors can be opened than with bare hands. Thus it is part and parcel of our understanding and only clouds our insight when it lays claim to being the one and only way of comprehending. But it is the East that has taught us another, wider, more profound, and a higher understanding, that is, understanding through life. We know this way only vaguely, as a mere shadowy sentiment culled from religious terminology, and therefore we gladly dispose of Eastern 'wisdom' in quotation marks, and push it away into the obscure territory of faith and superstition. But in this way Eastern 'realism' is completely misunderstood. It does not consist of sentimental, exaggeratedly mystical, intuitions bordering on the pathological and emanating from ascetic recluses and cranks; the wisdom of the East is based on practical knowledge... which we have not the slightest justification for undervaluing."
~CG Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower, page 78.


2021-05-30 01:17:53 | 心理学


The rellationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.












"愛とは、主に特定の人との関係ではありません。それは態度であり、性格の方向性であり、愛の「対象」ではなく、世界全体との関係を決定するものです。もし、ある人が一人の人だけを愛し、他の仲間には無関心であれば、その人の愛は愛ではなく、共生的な愛着、あるいは拡大されたエゴイズムである。しかし、ほとんどの人は、愛は(愛の)能力によってではなく、対象によって構成されると信じている。" ~エリック・フロム『愛することの芸術』P.42。


"Relationship to the Self is at once relationship to our fellow man, and no one can be related to the latter until he is related to himself. Individuation has two principal aspects: in the first place it is an internal and subjective process of integration, and in the second it is an equally indispensable process of objective relationship. Neither can exist without the other." ~Carl Jung, CW 16, Para 464


The truth about our intimate relationships is that they can never be any better than our relationship with ourselves. How we are related to ourselves determines not only the choice of the Other but the quality of the relationship. In fact, every intimate relationship tacitly reveals who we were when we commenced it. All relationships, therefore, are symptomatic of the state of our inner life, and no relationship can be any better than our relationship to our own unconscious. ~James Hollis, The Middle Passage: for Misery to Meaning in Midlife.


And just as it is impossible to individuate without relatedness, so it is impossible to have real relationships without individuation. ~Esther Harding, C.G. Jung Speaking, Page 31

Whenever we speak of a "psychological relationship" we presuppose one that is conscious, for there is no such thing as a psychological relationship between two people who are in a state of unconsciousness. From the psychological point of view they would be wholly without relationship. From any other point of view, the physiological for example, they could be regarded as related, but one could not call their relationship psychological. It must be admitted that though such total unconsciousness as I have assumed does not occur, there is nevertheless a not inconsiderable degree of partial unconsciousness, and the psychological relationship is limited in the degree to which that unconsciousness exists.
~CG Jung, Marriage as a Psychological Relationship, Anima and Animus. Para 325.


Most connections in the world are not relationships, they are participation mystique [mystical connection].
One is then apparently connected, but of course it is never a real connection, it is never a relationship; but it gives the feeling of being one sheep in a flock at least, which is something.
While if you disqualify yourself as a sheep you are necessarily out of the flock and will suffer from a certain loneliness, despite the fact that you then have a chance to reestablish a relationship, and this time a conscious relationship, which is far more satisfactory.
Participation mystique gives one a peculiar unconsciousness, which is in a way a function of the mother; one is carried in unconsciousness.
Sometimes it is nice and sometimes it is not nice at all, but as a rule people prefer it because the average man gets awfully frightened when he has to do something which he cannot share with his world; he is afraid to be alone, to think something which other people don’t think, or to feel something which other people don’t feel.
One is up against man’s gregarious instinct as soon as one tries to transcend the ordinary consciousness. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 625


“Yet, after the inevitable projections unavoidably fall away, we are re-summoned in a relationship to the immensity of our own journey. Romance may be replaced by something worth being called love, as a result of the humbling encounter with the challenges that our withdrawn projections bring home to us. This is why love requires big persons, not kids. Kids fall in and out of love at the moment’s whim. Big people can ride the shifting tides of life, range between intimacy and distance, defense and openness, and grow through their mutual toleration of ambivalence and ambiguity. Love asks that we confer on the other the freedom to be who they most profoundly are, even as we wish the same for ourselves.”
~James Hollis, Excerpt From: Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life.

“Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person; it is an attitude, an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward one “object” of love. If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to the rest of his fellow men, his love is not love, but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism. Yet, most people believe that love is constituted by the object, not by the faculty (of love).” ~Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving, Pg. 42.






私たちは、世界が自分の目で見たとおりであると仮定しがちであるのと同様に、人々が私たちが想像したとおりであるとナイーブに仮定しています。. . .
私たちの無意識の中にあるすべての内容は、常に周囲の環境に投影されています。そして、対象物のある特性を投影または想像として認識することによってのみ、私たちは対象物の実際の特性とそれらを区別することができるのです。. .
Cum grano salis, 我々は常に相手の中に自分の認めていないミスを見る。


Seldom, or perhaps never, does a marriage develop into an individual relationship smoothly and without crises; there is no coming to consciousness without pain. ~Carl Jung, Contributions to Analytical Psychology, P. 193

Crucial to (the evolution of relationship) is the realization that the inner partner is not the same as the outer partner, and so long as the inner divinity is projected onto the outer human creature, there can be nothing but illusion, confusion, disappointment and despair, to mention but a few of the heartaches that the flesh is heir to. While our relationships to the inner (bride or bridegroom) will influence our outer relationships, (he or she) is the presence that accompanies us in our inner journey to totality. Our outer partner shares the earthly path. Discriminating between the two can be a humbling and releasing experience. I remember the first time I saw my husband without projection. We had been married 25 years.
~Marion Woodman, The Ravaged Bridegroom.


Just as we tend to assume that the world is as we see it, we naïvely suppose that people are as we imagine them to be. . . .
All the contents of our unconscious are constantly being projected into our surroundings, and it is only by recognizing certain properties of the objects as projections or imagos that we are able to distinguish them from the real properties of the objects. . .
Cum grano salis, we always see our own unavowed mistakes in our opponent.
Excellent examples of this are to be found in all personal quarrels.
Unless we are possessed of an unusual degree of self-awareness we shall never see through our projections but must always succumb to them, because the mind in its natural state presupposes the existence of such projections.
It is the natural and given thing for unconscious contents to be projected. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 507

ユングの言葉はどこにありますか? "人生は40歳からが本番だ。それまでは研究をしているだけだ。"

2021-05-30 01:14:56 | 心理学


Where do I find Jung's quote: "Life really begins at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research."



ユング博士 これもまた、何時間でも議論できる問題です。
若い時には、ある位置まで来ると、"これが私の欲しいものだ "と思うものです。


Question 3. In what respect, if any, does the treatment of neurosis in the second half of life—that means after thirty—differ from that in the first half of life?
Dr. Jung: This is also a question which you could discuss for several hours.
It is quite impossible for me to go into details; I only can give you a few hints.
The first half of life, which I reckon lasts for the first 35 or 36 years, is the time when the individual usually expands into the world.
It is just like an exploding celestial body, and the fragments travel out into space, covering ever greater distances.
So our mental horizon widens out, and our wishes and expectation, our ambition, our will to conquer the world and live, go on expanding, until you come to the middle of life.
A man who after forty years has not reached that position in life which he had dreamed of is easily the prey of disappointment.
Hence the extraordinary frequency of depressions after the fortieth year.
It is the decisive moment; and when you study the productivity of great artists—for instance, Nietzsche—you find that at the beginning of the second half of life their modes of creativeness often change.
For instance, Nietzsche began to write Zarathustra, which is his outstanding work, quite different from everything he did before and after, when he was between 37 and 38.
That is the critical time. In the second part of life you begin to question yourself.
Or rather, you don’t; you avoid such questions, but something in yourself asks them, and you do not like to hear that voice asking “What is the goal?”
And next, “Where are you going now?”
When you are young you think, when you get to a certain position, “This is the thing I want.”
The goal seems to be quite visible.
People think, “I am going to marry, and then I shall get into such and such a position, and then I shall make a lot of money, and then I don’t know what.”
Suppose they have reached it; then comes another question: “And now what?
Are we really interested in going on like this forever, for ever doing the same thing, or are we looking for a goal as splendid or as fascinating as we had it before?”
Then the answer is: “Well, there is nothing ahead.
What is there ahead?
Death is ahead.”
That is disagreeable, you see; that is most disagreeable.
So it looks as if the second part of life has no goal whatever.
Now you know the answer to that.
From time immemorial man has had the answer: “Well, death is a goal; we are looking forward, we are working forward to a definite end.”
The religions, you see, the great religions, are systems for preparing the second half of life for the end, the goal, of the second part of life.
Once, through the help of friends, I sent a questionnaire to people who did not know that I was the originator of the questionnaire.
I had been asked the question, “Why do people prefer to go to the doctor instead of to the priest for confession?”
Now I doubted whether it was really true that people prefer a doctor, and I wanted to know what the general public was going to say.
By chance that questionnaire came into the hands of a Chinaman, and his answer was, “When I am young I go to the doctor, and when I am old I go to the philosopher.”
You see, that characterizes the difference: when you are young, you live expansively, you conquer the world; and when you grow old, you begin to reflect.
You naturally begin to think of what you have done.
There a moment comes, between 36 and 40—certain people take a bit longer—when perhaps, on an uninteresting Sunday morning, instead of going to church, you suddenly think, “Now what have I lived last year?” or something like that; and then it begins to dawn, and usually you catch your breath and don’t go on thinking because it is disagreeable.
Now, you see, there is a resistance against the widening out in the first part of life—that great sexual adventure.
When young people have resistance against risking their life, or against their social career, because it needs some concentration, some exertion, they are apt to get neurotic.
In the second part of life those people who funk the natural development of the mind—reflection, preparation for the end—they get neurotic too.
Those are the neuroses of the second part of life.
When you speak of a repression of sexuality in the second part of life, you often have a repression of this, and these people are just as neurotic as those who resist life during the first part.
As a matter of fact it is the same people: first they don’t want to get into life, they are afraid to risk their life, to risk their health, perhaps, or their life for the sake of life, and in the second part of life they have no time.

~カール・ユング『C.G.ユング、語る。Interview and Encounters, Pages 106-108.



So, you see, when I speak of the goal which marks the end of the second half of life, you get an idea of how far the treatment in the first half of life, and in the second half of life, must needs be different.
You get a problem to deal with which has not been talked of before.
Therefore I strongly advocate schools for adult people.
You know, you were fabulously well prepared for life.
We have very decent schools, we have fine universities and that is all preparation for the expansion of life.
But where have you got the schools for adult people? for people who are 40, 45, about the second part of life?
That is taboo; you must not talk of it; it is not healthy.
And that is how they get into these nice climacteric neuroses and psychoses.
~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 106-108.


In the second half of life one should begin to get acquainted with the inner world. That is a general problem. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 402.


2021-05-30 01:13:34 | 心理学


悪の起源についてカール・グスタフ・ユングにインタビュー。! CG ユングはドイツ人ではなくスイスの心理学者であることに注意してください。



"The world hangs on a thin thread, and that is the psyche of man. Nowadays we are not threatened by elementary catastrophes. There is no such thing in nature as an H-bomb; that is all man’s doing. We are the great danger. The psyche is the great danger. What if something goes wrong with the psyche? You see, and so it is demonstrated to us in our days, what the power of the psyche is in man, how important it is to know something about it. But we know nothing about it.” ~CG Jung.

“One thing is sure, a great change of our psychological attitude is imminent, that is certain… because we need more psychology, we need more understanding of human nature because the only real danger that exists is man himself. He is the great danger and we are pitifully unaware of it… We know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied because we are the origin of all coming evil.”
~Carl Jung, BBC interview, 1959.