Can any one expalain this in detail
There is a world we live in and there is a world we see, is different.
内側と外側の「2つの世界」についてのVernon Howardの素晴らしい講演を紹介します。
20.08- ヴァーノンハワードが「二つの世界」について説明を始める...
23.35- さて、私はあなたが2つの異なる世界を交互に行き来していると言いました。そのうちの1つをあなたに与えました。夕食を作ったりして1日を過ごす、普通の思考の世界です...さて、もう1つの世界ですが、私はそれをあなたに説明しようと思いますが、あなたはそれを理解することはできません。なぜなら、あなたは思考ではそれを理解することができないからです(経験でのみ理解できます)。しかし、あなたにできることは、自分を超えて、この別の世界に入りたいと思う一人の男性または女性になることです。あなたの思考は、思考が互いに衝突しているあちらの世界で忙しくしています...さて、この別の世界は、意識の世界であり、あなたが単純かつ完全に見て理解する静かな洞察の世界です。(right view) この状態では、あなたは世界にとらわれていません...そう、あなたはまだ会社に行き、子供の世話をし、結婚しているか、独身か、それが何であれ、あなたはまだ会社に行っています。しかし、あなたはもう、社会的な世界の狂気の一部ではありません。
高次の真実の真の報酬を発見する - ヴァーノン・ハワード
"この内なる世界は真に無限であり、決して外の世界よりも貧しいものではない。人間は二つの世界に住んでいる。" ~カール・ユング『赤い本』264ページ。
Here’s an excellent talk by Vernon Howard on the ‘two worlds’, inner and outer…
20.08— VH begins explaining the Two Worlds…
23.35— now, I said that you alternate between two different worlds and I’ve given you the one of them, the world of ordinary usual thought where you go through your day of cooking dinner or whatever… now the other one, I’m going to describe it to you but you will not understand it because you cannot understand it with thought (only with experience) you can’t understand it with practical thought, you cant understand it with negative thought, at all. What you can do, however, is be that one man or woman who wants to rise above yourself and enter this other world, which can be called in several ways if you want, but it is a world of pure insight. See, your thought is busy over there where thoughts are colliding with each other… now this other world is a world of consciousness, a world of quiet insight where you simply and completely see and understand. (Right View) in this state you’re not caught up in the world of… yes, you still go to the office and you still take care of the children and you’re still married or single or whatever it is. You still go through your social life or your business life or whatever it may be… but you’re not a part of the madness of the social world out there any more.
So you alternate all day long between practical thinking mode… and when you don’t have to be in practical thinking mode at all because you’re in a situation where you don’t have to be… now I’ll tell you that you can enter this other world which has not the usual-you in it at all but simply sees… and knows… and is completely at peace. This is called the true spiritual life…
Not everyone attains this and matter of fact very few attain it but you can have it if you want it badly enough if you seek hard enough for it and yield yourself to truth.
Discover the Real Reward of Higher Truth - Vernon Howard
Human beings do not stand in one world only but between two worlds and must distinguish themselves from their functions in both worlds. That is individuation. ~Carl Jung to Sabina Spielrein, Jan. 21, 1918.
"This inner world is truly infinite, in no way poorer than the outer one. Man lives in two worlds." ~Carl Jung, "The Red Book," Page 264.
Yes, we ourselves may simultaneously exist in both worlds, and occasionally we do have intimations of a twofold existence. ~Carl Jung, From the Life and Work of C.G. Jung, Page 16
"We are standing in between two worlds, a visible tangible world, and the other invisible world, which somehow has a peculiar quality of substantiality; but very subtle, a sort of matter that is not obvious and is not visible, that penetrates bodies and apparently exists outside of time and space. It is here and everywhere at the same time, and yet nowhere because it has no extension; it is a complete annihilation of space and time, which makes it a very different thing from our conception of an obvious world."
~C.G. Jung, Visions Seminars, Vol. 1 p. 206
"Having become a citizen of two worlds, the individual must act accordingly. There can be no backsliding, because the individual must reach a state of certainty before this enlightenment is given that makes it utterly and completely impossible to backslide. He cannot ‘get it’ and then fail and turn from it. If he turns from it, it means he never had it. If he fails, he fails himself. He cannot fail the infinite." ~Manly P Hall
He looked around, as if he was seeing the world for the first time. Beautiful was the world, colorful was the world, strange and mysterious was the world! Here was blue, here was yellow, here was green, the sky and the river flowed, the forest and the mountains were rigid, all of it was beautiful, all of it was mysterious and magical, and in its midst was he, Siddhartha, the awakening one, on the path to himself. ~Hermann Hesse
I awoke only to find that the rest of the world was still asleep.”
~Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo's Notebooks
(From inscriptions on the Jung family headstone.)
The first man is Personality No. 1, informed by ego.
The second man is Personality No. 2, informed by the hints from images and synchronicities that come from the collective unconscious, that is from Nature and its organizing center, the Self.
“He also talks in MDR about personality’s number 1 and number 2 to which he had very decidedly marked in himself and we all have to a degree. Personality number 2 is our natural selves to which we come into life… and personality number 1 is how we adapt to family, to our social scene, to the age in which we live… so it’s our adapted self against our natural self. So he had that clash of opposites very markedly inside himself. One of the things that really impresses me about Jung is that everything that he has written he has experienced in himself first… and I always trust that in people because it has a kind of ring of reality that goes with it.” ~Claire Dunne, Claire Dunne: ‘Carl Jung--Wounded Healer of the Soul’, youtube vid at 1:38 min.
Personality No.2 exists outside time & is the son of the maternal unconscious : "At Bollingen I am in the midst of my true life, I am most deeply myself. Here I am, as it were, the "age-old son of the mother".. the "old man," the "ancient," whom I had already experienced as a child, is personality No. 2, who has always been & always will be. He exists outside time and is the son of the maternal unconscious. In my fantasies he took the form of Philemon, & he comes to life again at Bollingen." ~Gerhard Wehr, “Jung”.
I have seen such cases where a second personality brings about an absolute change in character. It is this phenomenon which is made conscious here through active imagination. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture, Pages 106.
Personality No. 2 : The individuated undivided whole being, the “individual”, is the reflecting mirror standing between ego consciousness and the collective unconscious, identifying with neither, but reflecting both.
"The individual stands, as it were, between the conscious part of the collective psyche and the unconscious part. He is the reflecting surface in which the world of consciousness can perceive its own unconscious.. Accordingly, the individual would be a point of intersection or a dividing line, neither conscious nor unconscious, but a bit of both."
~CG Jung, Two Essays.
“Man lives in two worlds. A fool lives here or there, but never here and there. Perhaps you think that a man who consecrates his life to research leads a spiritual life and that his soul lives in larger measure than anyone else's. But such a life is also external, just as external as the life of a man who lives for outer things. To be sure, such a scholar does not live for outer things but for outer thoughts-not for himself but for his object. If you say of a man that he has totally lost himself to the outer and wasted his years in excess, you must also say the same of this old man. He has thrown himself away in all the books and thoughts of others. Consequently his soul is in great need, it must humiliate itself and run into every stranger's room to beg for the recognition that he fails to give her. Therefore you see those old scholars running after recognition in a ridiculous and undignified manner. They are offended if their name is not mentioned, cast down if another one says the same thing in a better way; irreconcilable if someone alters theirs views in the least. Go to the meetings of scholars and you will see them, these lamentable old men with their great merits and their starved souls famished for recognition and their thirst which can never be slaked. The soul demands your folly; not your wisdom.”
~CG Jung, The Red Book, Page 264.
"The man who is only wise and only holy interests me about as much as the skeleton of a rare saurian, which would not move me to tears.
The insane contradiction, on the other hand, between existence beyond Maya in the cosmic Self, and that amiable human weakness which fruitfully sinks many roots into the black earth, repeating for all eternity the weaving and rending of the veil as the ageless melody of India—this contradiction fascinates me; for how else can one perceive the light without the shadow, hear the silence without the noise, attain wisdom without foolishness?"
~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 953