販売店 名古屋市末広町三丁目 株式会社 日本蓄音器商会 電話 二四七三番
専売特許 ニッポンノホン第二十五号 金廿五圓也
函 美麗堅牢ナル「オーク」材ヲ用イ三枚合セノ蓋ヲ有ス(反リヲ避ケルタメ)縦横一尺八分高サ五寸六分
機械 単式ニッポンノホン原働機ニシテ一回巻キテ二枚ノ十吋音譜ノ演奏ニ足リ発音中「ゼンマイ」ヲ巻ク事ヲ得ル最新式ノ物ナリ
回転盤 経十吋鋳鉄製ニシテ十五吋迄ノ音譜ヲ奏スル事ヲ得、美麗ナルニッケル歯止ヲ有ス
緩急針 箱ノ上部ニアル鏍子ニヨリ速度ヲ緩急ス
震動盤附腕金 完全ナルニッポノホン式ニシテ発音明晰ナリ
喇叭 朝顔花形彩色八枚辨ニシテ口径約壹尺六寸辨ノ接合及ビ縁ハ二重張ナリ
Price:Yen 25 00
Beautifully finished solid quartered oak cabinet with three-ply hinged top. Heavy single spring “Nipponophone”motor. 8 petal Flower Horn, with re-inforced petals and 19 inch bell. The machine is also equipped with large taper arm, nickel-plated, and “Nipponophone”reproducing sound-box and Tone area.
Code Word : DAIMO
角形廿枚入物 壹個 金壹圓八拾銭 (電信略号 ヨチ)
丸形一打入物 (並製) 壹個 金壹圓五拾銭 (同 マチ)
丸形一打入物 (特製) 壹個 金壹圓八拾銭 (同 トチ)
丸形二打入物 (並製) 壹個 金貮圓 (同 ニチ)
丸形二打入物 (特製) 壹個 金貮圓五拾銭 (同 サチ)
“NIPPONOPHONE” Record Cases.
Square cases for Records made durable and convenient for carrying. The inside of the case is made of wood and outside covered with black canvas. 20 Records in covers may be put in the one case.
Round cases for Records are made of strong paper, covered with white woolen cloth inside. Each Record is divided by a partition, so constructed as to protect each record. Outside of “Myochin”painting on gummed cloth. Handle on top for carrying.
Code Word :
Square Case for 20 records … \ 1.80 YOCHI
Round 〃 〃 12 〃 Ordinary 1.50 MACHI
〃 〃 〃 12 〃 Special 1.80 TOCHI
〃 〃 〃 24 〃 Ordinary 2 00 NICHI
〃 〃 〃 24 〃 Special 2.50 SACHI
第二十五号器械用 壹組 金六圓五拾銭(電信略号 コカイ)
第三十五号器械用 壹組 金八圓 (同 コサン)
第五十号器械用 壹組 金拾圓 (同 コシ )
“NIPPON0PHONE” Machine and Horn Case.
MACHINE AND HORN CASES. For all Sizes of Machines.
The inside of the case is made of wood, and the outsaide, of black canvas, with bright metal parts.
The Horn Case is also covered with strong black canvas, perfectly made the same shape as the horn.
Durable, and convenient for carrying.
Code Word :
For No.25 Machine 1 set … \ 6.50 KOKAI.
〃 〃 35 〃 1 set … \ 8.00 KOSAN.
〃 〃 50 〃 1 set … \ 10.00 KOSHI.
百本入 一袋 金拾銭 (電信略号)ハイリ
三百本入 一凾 金参拾銭 (同 )サンリ
千五百本入 一凾 金壹圓五拾銭 (同 )マイリ
For obtaining the best results from any records it is important to see that each needle is perfect.
Code Word :
Price 100 Needles 10 Sen. HAILI.
〃 300 〃 30 〃 SANRI.
〃 1,500 〃 1.50 〃 MAIRI.
専売特許 ニッポノラ(無喇叭機械) 金六十圓也
函 美麗堅牢ナル「オーク」材ヲ用井同材ノ蓋及ビ扉ヲ有一ハ雑音塵埃ヲ防ギ他ハ音声ノ調整ニ便ニスル完全ナル楽器ナリ
機械 最新「サイレント」復式原動機ニシテ一回巻キテ能ク五枚ノ十吋音譜ノ演奏ニ足ル内部ノ開閉自在ニシテ注油又ハ掃除ニ便ナリ
震動盤 専売特許「コンセルト」用アルミニューム式ニシテ使用ノ震動膜ハ鋭敏ノ「アルミニューム」板ヲ強力ノ「ロール」ニ掛ケ一吋ノ万分ヲ争フ一定ノ厚サニ強圧シタルモノニテ破損ノ憂ナシ
反響室 ヴバイオリン製造同様ノ特別注意ヲ払ヒ製造シ音響ノ反応調整ノ正確完全ナルコト恰モ「ピヤノ」ノ如シ
腕金回転盤 ハ機械ヨリ自由ニ取外シ得ル装置ニシテ携帯上尤モ便ナリ
(Open.) Suifable for 12 records.
The motive power in this instrument is supplied by our new “Silent motor”driven by two powerful springs and will play five ordinary records at one winding.
That part of the cabinet which supports the motor may be raised so as to bring motor into full view for oiling.
Taper tone arm and also stamped steel turn-table are removable and may be quickly attached or detached from machine.
Code word : NIORA
(Closed) Price Yen 60.00.
Beautifully finished solid quartered oak cabinet with ornamental cover to close and lock machine when not in use, and sliding door closing Resonance Chamber to modify the tone.
This is not a talking machine, but a perfect musical insturument, with every part carefully selected and proportioned to give only the best possible results. The resonance Chamber is designed in exact proportion to the sounding board of the best pianos and as much care is teken in the making as if it were a violin.
The Diaphragm is our patented “Concert” type, made with very sensitive aluminum especially rolled.
壹瓶 金貮拾銭(電信略号)アクラ
壹打 金貮圓 (同 )オクラ
Code Word:
List Prrice per bottle … Sen 20 AKURA
〃 〃 〃 dozen … Yen 2 OKURA
ユーホン(無喇叭器械) 金卅圓也
函 美麗堅牢ナル「オーク」材ヲ用井完全ノ乾燥法ヲ施シタルヲ以テ大気ノ温冷ニヨリ変化ヲ受クル憂ナシ
機械 単式「サイレント」原動機ニシテ一回巻キテ二枚ノ十吋音譜ノ演奏ニ足リ歯車ニ些少ノ音響ナキ最新式ノ物ナリ
回転盤 鋼鉄ニ強圧ヲ加ヘテ製シタル理想的ノモノナリ
震動盤 「コンセルト」式専売アルミニューム製ナリ
本機ノ特色 旅行家用トシテ最モ軽便ナリ回転盤、腕、震動盤ハ自由ニ取外シ函中ニ収ムル事ヲ得機械ノ形状ハ大サ長壹尺巾九寸二分高サ五寸ニ過ギズ尤モ携帯ニ便ニシテ且ツ低廉ナル無喇叭蓄音器ノ先駆タリ
Price Yen 30.00.
Thisis one of the most compact insturuments on the market and the first Hornless machine ever offered at such a low price.
The cabinet is of the best quarter sawed golden oak, polished. It is kiln dried to stand any climate. The same care is given to the manufacture of the resonance chamber as in our large Nipponola Machines. It is also equipped with a first class Single Spring motor to play two ordinary records with one winding (accessible from bottom of cabinet)and our perfect Tone arm, Sound Box and Turn Table. The Tone arm and Turn Table may be removed and packed inside the cabinet making the whole machine very portable and specially suited for travelers in the Far East - as well as for Export.
Code Word : EUFON
専売特許 ニッポンノホン第五拾号 金五拾圓也
函 美麗ナル「メーブル」ノ磨板ヲ用井円柱立テ堅牢ニ造リ上ゲ三枚合セノ蓋ヲ有ス縦横壹尺三寸五分高サ八寸三分
機械 復式ニッポンノホン原働機ニシテ一回巻キテ十吋音譜四枚ノ演奏ニ足ル最新式ナリ
回転盤 経十吋特製練鉄盤ニシテ反リヲ防キ軽量ナル装置ニシテ回転常ニ正確ナリ而シテ美麗ナル歯止ヲ有ス
緩急針 箱ノ上部ニアル鏍子ニヨリ速度ヲ緩急ス
震動盤 完全ナル「コンセルト」用専売特許震動盤ニシテ発声明晰ナリ
喇叭 朝顔浮出花形「ニッケル」九枚辨ニシテ口径壹尺七寸五分ナリ
Price : Yen 50 00.
Highly Polished Birds-eyes maple cabinet with panel front and column corners and three-ply hinged top.
Extra heavy 2 Spring “Nipponophone” motor, 9 petal brass-nickel-plated Flower Horn with re-inforced edges and petals, 20 inch bell.
Large Taper arm and “Nipponophone”concert Sound Box-patented.
Code Word : SHIMO. (Patented)
専売特許 ニッポンノホン第三十五号 金卅五圓也
函 美麗堅牢ナル「オーク」材ヲ用井三枚合セノ蓋ヲ有ス(反リヲ避ケルタメ)縦横一尺一寸六分高サ六寸六分
機械 単式ニッポンノホン原働機ニシテ一回巻キテ二枚ノ十吋音譜ノ演奏ニ足リ発音中「ゼンマイ」ヲ巻ク事ヲ得ル最新式ノ物ナリ
回転盤 経十吋鋳鉄製ニシテ十五吋迄ノ音譜ヲ奏スル事ヲ得、美麗ナルニッケル歯止ヲ有ス
緩急針 箱ノ上部ニアル鏍子ニヨリ速度ヲ緩急ス
震動盤 完全ナルニッポンノホン式ニシテ発音明晰ナリ
喇叭 朝顔花形ニッケル九枚辨ニシテ口径壹尺六寸六分辨ノ接合及ビ縁ハ二重張ナリ
Price : Yen 35 00.
Beautifully finished solid quartered oak cabinet with three-ply hinged top. Extra heavy Spring “Nippnnophone” motor. 9-petal Flower Horn, with re-inforced edges and 20 inch bell.Large Taper arm, nickel-plated, with perfect “Nippnnophone” reproducing sound box.
Code Word : SANMO. (Patented)
カード集 定価 金壹圓 (電信略号 クロイ)
Card with Wording song.
The Phonograph is no longer a toy, but an important factor in education. For some time past there has been a demand for the full wording of songs by those who wished to memorize same.
Loose leaf folders for above. Cards made of selected seal leather.
Yen 1.00 each. Code Word : KUROI
〔ニッポンノホン レコード〕
商標 名称 十吋片面盤 十吋両面盤
半球印 ユニバーサル青紙 一、〇〇 一、五〇
鷲印 アメリカン黒紙 一、二五 一、六〇
獅子印 ローヤル黒紙 一、五〇 一、七五
赤鷲印 ローヤル赤紙 一、五〇 一、七五
天使印 シンホニー赤紙 二、〇〇 二、五〇
For softness of tone-perfect reproduction and durability, use the Nipponophone records. Send for special record catalogue.
Are made from original masters recorded in our own Laboratory at Tokyo and cover a selected list of over 1000 of the best Jpanese songs, stories and musical pieces.
Many of these numbers have become popular among the Foreign residents-especially those who have taken up the study of the national music and songs of Japan.
We have listed most of the living masters, such as -
Namba - Gidayu
Ijyuro - Nagauta
Naramaru - for Naniwa Bushi
Chikufu - Biwa
etc, etc, etc.
In addition to the foregoing we have had recorded at New York - about 250 pieces - representing popular european music, songs etc. which we are placing on the market as the
“AMERICAN”RECORD at \1.25 each.
These records appear on a separate list numbered from 5,400 upward.
Single. Double.
Symphony … 2.00 2.50
Royal … 1.50 1.75
American … 1.25 1.60
(Foreign selection included.)
Universal … 1.00 1.50
販売店 名古屋市末広町三丁目 株式会社 日本蓄音器商会 電話 二四七三番
専売特許 ニッポンノホン第二十五号 金廿五圓也
函 美麗堅牢ナル「オーク」材ヲ用イ三枚合セノ蓋ヲ有ス(反リヲ避ケルタメ)縦横一尺八分高サ五寸六分
機械 単式ニッポンノホン原働機ニシテ一回巻キテ二枚ノ十吋音譜ノ演奏ニ足リ発音中「ゼンマイ」ヲ巻ク事ヲ得ル最新式ノ物ナリ
回転盤 経十吋鋳鉄製ニシテ十五吋迄ノ音譜ヲ奏スル事ヲ得、美麗ナルニッケル歯止ヲ有ス
緩急針 箱ノ上部ニアル鏍子ニヨリ速度ヲ緩急ス
震動盤附腕金 完全ナルニッポノホン式ニシテ発音明晰ナリ
喇叭 朝顔花形彩色八枚辨ニシテ口径約壹尺六寸辨ノ接合及ビ縁ハ二重張ナリ
Price:Yen 25 00
Beautifully finished solid quartered oak cabinet with three-ply hinged top. Heavy single spring “Nipponophone”motor. 8 petal Flower Horn, with re-inforced petals and 19 inch bell. The machine is also equipped with large taper arm, nickel-plated, and “Nipponophone”reproducing sound-box and Tone area.
Code Word : DAIMO
角形廿枚入物 壹個 金壹圓八拾銭 (電信略号 ヨチ)
丸形一打入物 (並製) 壹個 金壹圓五拾銭 (同 マチ)
丸形一打入物 (特製) 壹個 金壹圓八拾銭 (同 トチ)
丸形二打入物 (並製) 壹個 金貮圓 (同 ニチ)
丸形二打入物 (特製) 壹個 金貮圓五拾銭 (同 サチ)
“NIPPONOPHONE” Record Cases.
Square cases for Records made durable and convenient for carrying. The inside of the case is made of wood and outside covered with black canvas. 20 Records in covers may be put in the one case.
Round cases for Records are made of strong paper, covered with white woolen cloth inside. Each Record is divided by a partition, so constructed as to protect each record. Outside of “Myochin”painting on gummed cloth. Handle on top for carrying.
Code Word :
Square Case for 20 records … \ 1.80 YOCHI
Round 〃 〃 12 〃 Ordinary 1.50 MACHI
〃 〃 〃 12 〃 Special 1.80 TOCHI
〃 〃 〃 24 〃 Ordinary 2 00 NICHI
〃 〃 〃 24 〃 Special 2.50 SACHI
第二十五号器械用 壹組 金六圓五拾銭(電信略号 コカイ)
第三十五号器械用 壹組 金八圓 (同 コサン)
第五十号器械用 壹組 金拾圓 (同 コシ )
“NIPPON0PHONE” Machine and Horn Case.
MACHINE AND HORN CASES. For all Sizes of Machines.
The inside of the case is made of wood, and the outsaide, of black canvas, with bright metal parts.
The Horn Case is also covered with strong black canvas, perfectly made the same shape as the horn.
Durable, and convenient for carrying.
Code Word :
For No.25 Machine 1 set … \ 6.50 KOKAI.
〃 〃 35 〃 1 set … \ 8.00 KOSAN.
〃 〃 50 〃 1 set … \ 10.00 KOSHI.
百本入 一袋 金拾銭 (電信略号)ハイリ
三百本入 一凾 金参拾銭 (同 )サンリ
千五百本入 一凾 金壹圓五拾銭 (同 )マイリ
For obtaining the best results from any records it is important to see that each needle is perfect.
Code Word :
Price 100 Needles 10 Sen. HAILI.
〃 300 〃 30 〃 SANRI.
〃 1,500 〃 1.50 〃 MAIRI.
専売特許 ニッポノラ(無喇叭機械) 金六十圓也
函 美麗堅牢ナル「オーク」材ヲ用井同材ノ蓋及ビ扉ヲ有一ハ雑音塵埃ヲ防ギ他ハ音声ノ調整ニ便ニスル完全ナル楽器ナリ
機械 最新「サイレント」復式原動機ニシテ一回巻キテ能ク五枚ノ十吋音譜ノ演奏ニ足ル内部ノ開閉自在ニシテ注油又ハ掃除ニ便ナリ
震動盤 専売特許「コンセルト」用アルミニューム式ニシテ使用ノ震動膜ハ鋭敏ノ「アルミニューム」板ヲ強力ノ「ロール」ニ掛ケ一吋ノ万分ヲ争フ一定ノ厚サニ強圧シタルモノニテ破損ノ憂ナシ
反響室 ヴバイオリン製造同様ノ特別注意ヲ払ヒ製造シ音響ノ反応調整ノ正確完全ナルコト恰モ「ピヤノ」ノ如シ
腕金回転盤 ハ機械ヨリ自由ニ取外シ得ル装置ニシテ携帯上尤モ便ナリ
(Open.) Suifable for 12 records.
The motive power in this instrument is supplied by our new “Silent motor”driven by two powerful springs and will play five ordinary records at one winding.
That part of the cabinet which supports the motor may be raised so as to bring motor into full view for oiling.
Taper tone arm and also stamped steel turn-table are removable and may be quickly attached or detached from machine.
Code word : NIORA
(Closed) Price Yen 60.00.
Beautifully finished solid quartered oak cabinet with ornamental cover to close and lock machine when not in use, and sliding door closing Resonance Chamber to modify the tone.
This is not a talking machine, but a perfect musical insturument, with every part carefully selected and proportioned to give only the best possible results. The resonance Chamber is designed in exact proportion to the sounding board of the best pianos and as much care is teken in the making as if it were a violin.
The Diaphragm is our patented “Concert” type, made with very sensitive aluminum especially rolled.
壹瓶 金貮拾銭(電信略号)アクラ
壹打 金貮圓 (同 )オクラ
Code Word:
List Prrice per bottle … Sen 20 AKURA
〃 〃 〃 dozen … Yen 2 OKURA
ユーホン(無喇叭器械) 金卅圓也
函 美麗堅牢ナル「オーク」材ヲ用井完全ノ乾燥法ヲ施シタルヲ以テ大気ノ温冷ニヨリ変化ヲ受クル憂ナシ
機械 単式「サイレント」原動機ニシテ一回巻キテ二枚ノ十吋音譜ノ演奏ニ足リ歯車ニ些少ノ音響ナキ最新式ノ物ナリ
回転盤 鋼鉄ニ強圧ヲ加ヘテ製シタル理想的ノモノナリ
震動盤 「コンセルト」式専売アルミニューム製ナリ
本機ノ特色 旅行家用トシテ最モ軽便ナリ回転盤、腕、震動盤ハ自由ニ取外シ函中ニ収ムル事ヲ得機械ノ形状ハ大サ長壹尺巾九寸二分高サ五寸ニ過ギズ尤モ携帯ニ便ニシテ且ツ低廉ナル無喇叭蓄音器ノ先駆タリ
Price Yen 30.00.
Thisis one of the most compact insturuments on the market and the first Hornless machine ever offered at such a low price.
The cabinet is of the best quarter sawed golden oak, polished. It is kiln dried to stand any climate. The same care is given to the manufacture of the resonance chamber as in our large Nipponola Machines. It is also equipped with a first class Single Spring motor to play two ordinary records with one winding (accessible from bottom of cabinet)and our perfect Tone arm, Sound Box and Turn Table. The Tone arm and Turn Table may be removed and packed inside the cabinet making the whole machine very portable and specially suited for travelers in the Far East - as well as for Export.
Code Word : EUFON
専売特許 ニッポンノホン第五拾号 金五拾圓也
函 美麗ナル「メーブル」ノ磨板ヲ用井円柱立テ堅牢ニ造リ上ゲ三枚合セノ蓋ヲ有ス縦横壹尺三寸五分高サ八寸三分
機械 復式ニッポンノホン原働機ニシテ一回巻キテ十吋音譜四枚ノ演奏ニ足ル最新式ナリ
回転盤 経十吋特製練鉄盤ニシテ反リヲ防キ軽量ナル装置ニシテ回転常ニ正確ナリ而シテ美麗ナル歯止ヲ有ス
緩急針 箱ノ上部ニアル鏍子ニヨリ速度ヲ緩急ス
震動盤 完全ナル「コンセルト」用専売特許震動盤ニシテ発声明晰ナリ
喇叭 朝顔浮出花形「ニッケル」九枚辨ニシテ口径壹尺七寸五分ナリ
Price : Yen 50 00.
Highly Polished Birds-eyes maple cabinet with panel front and column corners and three-ply hinged top.
Extra heavy 2 Spring “Nipponophone” motor, 9 petal brass-nickel-plated Flower Horn with re-inforced edges and petals, 20 inch bell.
Large Taper arm and “Nipponophone”concert Sound Box-patented.
Code Word : SHIMO. (Patented)
専売特許 ニッポンノホン第三十五号 金卅五圓也
函 美麗堅牢ナル「オーク」材ヲ用井三枚合セノ蓋ヲ有ス(反リヲ避ケルタメ)縦横一尺一寸六分高サ六寸六分
機械 単式ニッポンノホン原働機ニシテ一回巻キテ二枚ノ十吋音譜ノ演奏ニ足リ発音中「ゼンマイ」ヲ巻ク事ヲ得ル最新式ノ物ナリ
回転盤 経十吋鋳鉄製ニシテ十五吋迄ノ音譜ヲ奏スル事ヲ得、美麗ナルニッケル歯止ヲ有ス
緩急針 箱ノ上部ニアル鏍子ニヨリ速度ヲ緩急ス
震動盤 完全ナルニッポンノホン式ニシテ発音明晰ナリ
喇叭 朝顔花形ニッケル九枚辨ニシテ口径壹尺六寸六分辨ノ接合及ビ縁ハ二重張ナリ
Price : Yen 35 00.
Beautifully finished solid quartered oak cabinet with three-ply hinged top. Extra heavy Spring “Nippnnophone” motor. 9-petal Flower Horn, with re-inforced edges and 20 inch bell.Large Taper arm, nickel-plated, with perfect “Nippnnophone” reproducing sound box.
Code Word : SANMO. (Patented)
カード集 定価 金壹圓 (電信略号 クロイ)
Card with Wording song.
The Phonograph is no longer a toy, but an important factor in education. For some time past there has been a demand for the full wording of songs by those who wished to memorize same.
Loose leaf folders for above. Cards made of selected seal leather.
Yen 1.00 each. Code Word : KUROI
〔ニッポンノホン レコード〕
商標 名称 十吋片面盤 十吋両面盤
半球印 ユニバーサル青紙 一、〇〇 一、五〇
鷲印 アメリカン黒紙 一、二五 一、六〇
獅子印 ローヤル黒紙 一、五〇 一、七五
赤鷲印 ローヤル赤紙 一、五〇 一、七五
天使印 シンホニー赤紙 二、〇〇 二、五〇
For softness of tone-perfect reproduction and durability, use the Nipponophone records. Send for special record catalogue.
Are made from original masters recorded in our own Laboratory at Tokyo and cover a selected list of over 1000 of the best Jpanese songs, stories and musical pieces.
Many of these numbers have become popular among the Foreign residents-especially those who have taken up the study of the national music and songs of Japan.
We have listed most of the living masters, such as -
Namba - Gidayu
Ijyuro - Nagauta
Naramaru - for Naniwa Bushi
Chikufu - Biwa
etc, etc, etc.
In addition to the foregoing we have had recorded at New York - about 250 pieces - representing popular european music, songs etc. which we are placing on the market as the
“AMERICAN”RECORD at \1.25 each.
These records appear on a separate list numbered from 5,400 upward.
Single. Double.
Symphony … 2.00 2.50
Royal … 1.50 1.75
American … 1.25 1.60
(Foreign selection included.)
Universal … 1.00 1.50