『待つわ』 A Time for Waiting

③ ジーンとデイックの二人は、宵闇に覆われた静寂な通りをぴったりと寄り添って歩いて来たのだった。映画の後、二人はサムの店に入っていき、ソーダを飲んで、凄くはしゃいで、そこにいた連中と騒ぎまくってしまった;しかし、帰り道では、なぜか二人はお互いにあまり言葉を交わさなくなっていた。
原文 They had walked very close together through the quiet darkened streets, she and Dick. After the show they had gone to Sam's for sodas and they had been very gay and silly with some of the crowd that was in there; but on the way home, somehow, they hadn't had much to say each other. (続く)