

What name of medication Co-pilot was taking is the question...

2015-03-29 22:51:47 | 海外


It is about Andreas Lubitz who killed himself with co-passengers.

Why he took all of lives with him is questionable and we may never find out real reason.

From news reportings, we knew he was under depression, he was taking some medication, and his sight was deteriolating. And farther more he was talking to his girlfriend about his name will be known by many soon or so.

On the other hand, some of his friends were talking about his good side. I am not sure if this is true he changed his charactor or he was hinding his dark side.  

In the begining, I thought he may having his evil mind. But when new developments appears, I have been recalling about one insident which is a Japanese woman who had commited a robbery with knife after taking antidepression madication. I remember that she was not any dangerous people  until taking those medicine.

Niether his mind was stable not, his action was not acceptable. But because of too many people are on the semilar drug, we better to look what drug affect people's mind.

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