"Then what was he doing with your name and address in his pocket? You are Captain Hastings, aren't you?"
"Yes, but I can't explain it any more than you can."
「ではなぜ彼のポケットにあなたの名前と住所が? あなたはヘイスティング大尉ではないのですか?」
"Curious thing. From his papers he seems to have been the servant of a man called Ingles—a retired Civil Servant. Ah, you know him, do you?" he added quickly, as I started at the name.
Ingles's servant! Then I had seen him before. Not that I had ever succeeded in being able to distinguish one Chinaman from another. He must have been with Ingles on his way to China, and after the catastrophe he had returned to England with a message, possibly, for me. It was vital, imperative that I should hear that message.
イングルスの使用人! では会ったことがあるのだ。中国人の見分けがつかないということだった。中国へ行くイングルスについていって、イングルスの不幸の後、もしかしたら私への伝言を持って帰ってきたのかもしれない。これは重要だ。私は伝言をなんとしても聞かなければ。
"Is he conscious?" I asked. "Can he speak? Mr. Ingles was an old friend of mine, and I think it possible that this poor fellow has brought me a message from him. Mr. Ingles is believed to have gone overboard about ten days ago."
「意識はありますか?」私は聞いた。「彼、話せますか? イングルスは古い友人です。この気の毒な人は彼からのメッセージを伝えたいのかもしれない。イングルスは10日前に船から落ちたんです。」
"He's just conscious, but I doubt if he has the force to speak. He lost a terrible lot of blood, you know. I can administer a stimulant, of course, but we've already done all that is possible in that direction."
Nevertheless, he administered a hypodermic injection, and I stayed by the bed, hoping against hope for a word—a sign—that might be of the utmost value to me in my work. But the minutes sped on and no sign came.
And suddenly a baleful idea shot across my mind? Was I not already falling into the trap? Suppose that this Chinaman had merely assumed the part of Ingles's servant, that he was in reality an agent of the Big Four? Had I not once read that certain Chinese priests were capable of simulating death? Or, to go further still, Li Chang Yen might command a little band of fanatics who would welcome death itself if it came at the command of their master. I must be on my guard.
突然、不吉な考えが頭をよぎった。私はもう罠に落ちようとしているのか? この中国人はイングルスの使用人ではないかというだけだ。本当はビッグ4のエージェントではないのか? 中国の僧は死を偽装することができると聞いたことがなかったか? もっと言えば、リー・チャン・イェンには熱狂者がいて、指示されれば死さえ厭わないのかもしれない。気をつけなければ。
Even as these thoughts flashed across my mind, the man in the bed stirred. His eyes opened. He murmured something incoherently. Then I saw his glance fasten upon me. He made no sign of recognition, but I was at once aware that he was trying to speak to me. Be he friend or foe, I must hear what he had to say.
I leaned over the bed, but the broken sounds conveyed no sort of meaning to me. I thought I caught the word "hand," but in what connection it was used I could not tell. Then it came again, and this time I heard another word, the word "Largo." I stared in amazement, as the possible juxtaposition of the two suggested itself to me.
"Handel's Largo?" I queried.
The Chinaman's eyelids flickered rapidly, as though in assent, and he added another Italian word, the word "carrozza." Two or three more words of murmured Italian came to my ears, and then he fell back abruptly.
The doctor pushed me aside. It was all over. The man was dead.
I went out into the air again thoroughly bewildered.
"Handel's Largo," and a "carrozza." If I remembered rightly, a carrozza was a carriage. What possible meaning could lie behind those simple words. The man was a Chinaman, not an Italian, why should he speak in Italian? Surely, if he were indeed Ingles's servant, he must know English? The whole thing was profoundly mystifying. I puzzled over it all the way home. Oh, if only Poirot had been there to solve the problem with his lightning ingenuity!
「ヘンデルのラルゴ」と「カロッザ」私の記憶が正しければ、カロッザはキャリッジ、乗り物だ。これらの単語の意味は何だろうか。彼は中国人で、イタリア人ではないのに、なぜイタリア語を言ったのか? イングルスの部下ならば、英語を話すのではないか? 何もかもが謎だった。私は考えながら家に帰った。ああ、ポアロがここにいて、あの稲妻のような才気を働かせて解いてくれたら!