

The Big Four 93

2023-03-26 12:08:27 | Big Four

"Everything you ordered has been carried out. The governments of Italy, France and England are behind you, and are all working harmoniously together."


"It is, in fact, a new Entente," observed Poirot dryly. "I am glad that Desjardeaux is convinced at last. Eh bien, then, we will start—or rather, I will start. You, Hastings, will remain here—yes, I pray of you. In verity, my friend, I am serious."


I believed him, but it was not likely that I should consent to being left behind in that fashion. Our argument was short but decisive.


It was not until we were in the train, speeding towards Paris that he admitted that he was secretly glad of my decision.


"For you have a part to play, Hastings. An important part! Without you, I might well fail. Nevertheless, I felt that it was my duty to urge you to remain behind."

"There is danger, then?"

「君は計画の一部だからね、ヘイスティングス。重要なものだ! 君がいないと、失敗するかもしれない。それでも、君を残していくことが私のつとめだと思ったのですよ。」


"Mon ami, where there is the Big Four there is always danger."

On arrival in Paris, we drove across to the Gare de l'Est, and Poirot at last announced our destination. We were bound for Bolzano and Italian Tyrol.



During Harvey's absence from our carriage I took the opportunity of asking Poirot why he had said that the discovery of the rendezvous was my work.


"Because it was, my friend. How Ingles managed to get hold of the information I do not know, but he did, and he sent it to us by his servant. We are bound, mon ami for Karersee, the new Italian name for which is Lago di Carezza. You see now where your 'Cara Zia' comes in and also your 'Carrozza' and 'Largo'—the Handel was supplied by your own imagination. Possibly some reference to the information coming from the 'hand' of M. Ingles started the train of association."

「君が見つけたからですよ。イングルスがどうやってその情報を得たのかわかりませんが、とにかく情報を掴んで、部下を使って知らせてきた。カリシーに行きますが、新しいイタリア語名は Lago di Carezza です。これで、Cara Zia と、Carrozza と Largo が何か分かりましたね。ヘンデルは君の想像です。おそらく、イングルスのハンド、手によって得た情報ということで、そこから想像を働かせたのですね。」

"Karersee?" I queried. "I never heard of it."


"I always tell you that the English know no geography. But as a matter of fact it is a well-known and very beautiful summer resort, four thousand feet up, in the heart of the Dolomites."


"And it is in this out of the way spot that the Big Four have their rendezvous?"


"Say rather their headquarters. The signal has been given and it is their intention to disappear from the world and issue orders from their mountain fastness. I have made the inquiries—a lot of quarrying of stone and mineral deposits is done there, and the company, apparently a small Italian firm, is in reality controlled by Abe Ryland.


I am prepared to swear that a vast subterranean dwelling has been hollowed out in the very heart of the mountain, secret and inaccessible. From there the leaders of the organisation will issue by wireless their orders to their followers who are numbered by thousands in every country. And from that crag in the Dolomites the dictators of the world will emerge. That is to say—they would emerge were it not for Hercule Poirot."


"Do you seriously believe all this, Poirot? What about the armies and general machinery of civilisation?"

「本当にそう思うのか、ポアロ? 軍や文化的な組織は?」

"What about it in Russia, Hastings? This will be Russia on an infinitely larger scale—and with this additional menace—that Madame Olivier's experiments have proceeded further than she has ever given out. I believe that she has, to a certain extent, succeeded in liberating atomic energy and harnessing it to her purpose.

「ロシアはどうだね、ヘイスティングス? これは果てしなく大きなロシアだよ。そこにさらに脅威が加わっている。オリビエ夫人の実験は彼女が思っていた以上の成功をおさめた。彼女は、ある程度まで原子力を遊離させ、彼女の願う動力に近づけていると思う。

Her experiments with the nitrogen of the air have been very remarkable, and she has also experimented in the concentration of wireless energy, so that a beam of great intensity can be focused upon some given spot. Exactly how far she has progressed, nobody knows, but it is certain that it is much farther than has ever been given out. She is a genius, that woman—the Curies were as nothing to her. Add to her genius the powers of Ryland's almost unlimited wealth, and, with the brain of Li Chang Yen, the finest criminal brain ever known, to direct and plan—eh bien, it will not be, as you say, all jam for civilisation."



The Big Four 92

2023-03-26 00:05:11 | Big Four

"Nothing else?"

"Well, just at the end he murmured something like 'Cara' somebody or other—some woman's name. Zia, I think. But I don't suppose that that had any bearing on the rest of it."


「そうだな、最後に何か「Cara」みたいなことを言ったよ。女性の名前だ。Zia かと思う。何も意味がないと思うんだけど。

"You would not suppose so, Hastings. Cara Zia is very important, very important indeed."

"I don't see—"

「それはないよ、ヘイスティングス。Cara Zia は重要だよ。大変重要だ。」


"My dear friend, you never see—and anyway the English know no geography."

"Geography?" I cried. "What has geography got to do with it?"

"I dare say M. Thomas Cook would be more to the point."




As usual, Poirot refused to say anything more—a most irritating trick of his. But I noticed that his manner became extremely cheerful, as though he had scored some point or other.


The days went on, pleasant if a trifle monotonous. There were plenty of books in the villa, and delightful rambles all around, but I chafed sometimes at the forced inactivity of our life, and marvelled at Poirot's state of placid content. Nothing occurred to ruffle our quiet existence, and it was not until the end of June, well within the limit that Poirot had given them, that we had our news of the Big Four.


A car drove up to the villa early one morning, such an unusual event in our peaceful life that I hurried down to satisfy my curiosity. I found Poirot talking to a pleasant-faced young fellow of about my own age.


He introduced me.

"This is Captain Harvey, Hastings, one of the most famous members of your Intelligence Service."

"Not famous at all, I'm afraid," said the young man, laughing pleasantly.




"Not famous except to those in the know, I should have said. Most of Captain Harvey's friends and acquaintances consider him an amiable but brainless young man—devoted only to the trot of the fox or whatever the dance is called."


We both laughed.

"Well, well, to business," said Poirot. "You are of opinion the time has come, then?"



"We are sure of it, sir. China was isolated politically yesterday. What is going on out there, nobody knows. No news of any kind, wireless or otherwise, has come through—just a complete break—and silence!"


"Li Chang Yen has shown his hand. And the others?"

"Abe Ryland arrived in England a week ago, and left for the Continent yesterday."



"And Madame Olivier?"

"Madame Olivier left Paris last night."

"For Italy?"




"For Italy, sir. As far as we can judge, they are both making for the resort you indicated—though how you knew that—"


"Ah, that is not the cap with the feather for me! That was the work of Hastings here. He conceals his intelligence, you comprehend, but it is profound for all that."

「それは私の手柄ではありませんよ! ヘイスティングスのおかげです。彼は知性を隠しているんですよ。わかるでしょう。しかし意味深いことです。」

Harvey looked at me with due appreciation, and I felt rather uncomfortable.


"All is in train, then," said Poirot. He was pale now, and completely serious. "The time has come. The arrangements are all made?"



The Big Four 91

2023-03-25 20:05:47 | Big Four


17. No.4の勝利

From our quiet retreat in the Ardennes we watched the progress of affairs in the great world. We were plentifully supplied with newspapers, and every day Poirot received a bulky envelope, evidently containing some kind of report. He never showed these reports to me, but I could usually tell from his manner whether its contents had been satisfactory or otherwise. He never wavered in his belief that our present plan was the only one likely to be crowned by success.


"As a minor point, Hastings," he remarked one day, "I was in continual fear of your death lying at my door. And that rendered me nervous—like a cat upon the jumps, as you say. But now I am well satisfied. Even if they discover that the Captain Hastings who landed in South America is an imposter (and I do not think they will discover it, they are not likely to send an agent out there who knows you personally), they will only believe that you are trying to circumvent them in some clever manner of your own, and will pay no serious attention to discovering your whereabouts. Of the one vital fact, my supposed death, they are thoroughly convinced. They will go ahead and mature their plans."


"And then?" I asked eagerly.

"And then, mon ami, grand resurrection of Hercule Poirot! At the eleventh hour I reappear, throw all into confusion, and achieve the supreme victory in my own unique manner!"


「それからですね、エルキュール・ポアロの輝かしい復活ですよ! 土壇場で再び現れ、混乱を巻き起こして、私の独特の手腕で素晴らしい勝利を勝ち取るのです!」

I realised that Poirot's vanity was of the case-hardened variety which could withstand all attacks. I reminded him that once or twice the honours of the game had lain with our adversaries. But I might have known that it was impossible to diminish Hercule Poirot's enthusiasm for his own methods.


"See you, Hastings, it is like the little trick that you play with the cards. You have seen it without doubt? You take the four knaves, you divide them, one on top of the pack, one underneath, and so on—you cut and you shuffle, and there they are all together again. That is my object. So far I have been contending, now against one of the Big Four, now against another. But let me get them all together, like the four knaves in the pack of cards, and then, with one coup, I destroy them all!"

「わかるかね、ヘイスティングス、これはトランプのマジックのような物だよ。疑いもせずに見たことがあるかい? 王子の描かれた絵札4つを取って、分けて、手札の一番上に一枚、下に一枚、そして切ってシャッフルして、またひとまとめにする。それが私の対象だ。私はこれまで、一人のビッグ4、また別のビッグ4と戦ってきた。しかし、全部を一緒にして、一撃で全体を倒すのだよ!」

"And how do you propose to get them all together?" I asked.

"By awaiting the supreme moment. By lying perdu until they are ready to strike."

"That may mean a long wait," I grumbled.




"Always impatient, the good Hastings! But no, it will not be so long. The one man they were afraid of—myself—is out of the way. I give them two or three months at most."

「いつも短気だね、ヘイスティングス! しかし、そんなに長くはかからないだろう。彼らが恐れていた男、私のことだが、いなくなった。長く待っても2ヶ月か3ヶ月だろう。」

His speaking of some one being got out of the way reminded me of Ingles and his tragic death, and I remembered that I had never told Poirot about the dying Chinaman in St. Giles' Hospital.


He listened with keen attention to my story.

"Ingles's servant, eh? And the few words he uttered were in Italian? Curious."

"That's why I suspected it might have been a plant on the part of the Big Four."


「イングルスの使用人ね? そしてわずかに話したのはイタリア語? 興味深い。」


"Your reasoning is at fault, Hastings. Employ the little gray cells. If your enemies wished to deceive you they would assuredly have seen to it that the Chinaman spoke in intelligible pigeon English. No, the message was genuine. Tell me again all that you heard?"


"First of all he made a reference to Handel's Largo, and then he said something that sounded like 'carrozzo'—that's a carriage, isn't it?"



The Big Four 90

2023-03-25 17:15:51 | Big Four

"It seems a most mysterious affair, but that's not my business. They've sent a young fellow aboard who is to take your place, and we are all sworn to secrecy. Will you get up and dress?"


Utterly unable to conceal my amazement I did as I was told. A boat was lowered, and I was conveyed aboard the destroyer. There I was received courteously, but got no further information. The commander's instructions were to land me at a certain spot on the Belgian coast. There his knowledge and responsibility ended.


The whole thing was like a dream. The one idea I held to firmly was that all this must be part of Poirot's plan. I must simply go forward blindly, trusting in my dead friend.


I was duly landed at the spot indicated. There a motor was waiting, and soon I was rapidly whirling along across the flat Flemish plains. I slept that night at a small hotel in Brussels. The next day we went on again. The country became wooded and hilly. I realised that we were penetrating into the Ardennes, and I suddenly remembered Poirot's saying that he had a brother who lived at Spa.


But we did not go to Spa itself. We left the main road and wound into the leafy fastnesses of the hills, till we reached a little hamlet, and an isolated white villa high on the hill-side. Here the car stopped in front of the green door of the villa.


The door opened as I alighted. An elderly man-servant stood in the doorway bowing.

"M. le Capitaine Hastings?" he said in French. "Monsieur le Capitaine is expected. If he will follow me."



He led the way across the hall, and flung open a door at the back, standing aside to let me pass in.


I blinked a little, for the room faced west and the afternoon sun was pouring in. Then my vision cleared and I saw a figure waiting to welcome me with outstretched hands.


It was—oh, impossible, it couldn't be—but yes!

"Poirot!" I cried, and for once did not attempt to evade the embrace with which he overwhelmed me.



"But yes, but yes, it is indeed I! Not so easy to kill Hercule Poirot!"

"But Poirot—why?"

「そうですとも、そうですとも、間違いない! エルキュール・ポアロを簡単に殺せるもんですか!」


"A ruse de guerre, my friend, a ruse de guerre. All is now ready for our grand coup."

"But you might have told me!"



"No, Hastings, I could not. Never, never, in a thousand years, could you have acted the part at the funeral. As it was, it was perfect. It could not fail to carry conviction to the Big Four."

"But what I've been through—"



"Do not think me too unfeeling. I carried out the deception partly for your sake. I was willing to risk my own life, but I had qualms about continually risking yours. So, after the explosion, I have an idea of great brilliancy. The good Ridgeway, he enables me to carry it out. I am dead, you will return to South America. But, mon ami, that is just what you would not do. In the end I have to arrange a solicitor's letter, and a long rigmarole. But, at all events, here you are—that is the great thing. And now we lie here—perdu—till the moment comes for the last grand coup—the final overthrowing of the Big Four."




The Big Four 89

2023-03-25 14:59:29 | Big Four

I let myself in with my latch-key and went slowly up to my room. A letter was lying on the table, and I tore it open carelessly enough. But in a minute I stood rooted to the ground whilst I read.

It was a communication from a firm of solicitors.



"Dear Sir (it ran),—As instructed by our late client, M. Hercule Poirot, we forward you the enclosed letter. This letter was placed in our hands a week before his death, with instructions that in the event of his demise, it should be sent to you at a certain date after his death.

"Yours faithfully, etc."



I turned the enclosed missive over and over. It was undoubtedly from Poirot. I knew that familiar writing only too well. With a heavy heart, yet a certain eagerness, I tore it open.


"Mon Cher Ami (it began),—When you receive this I shall be no more. Do not shed tears about me, but follow my orders. Immediately upon receipt of this, return to South America. Do not be pig-headed about this. It is not for sentimental reasons that I bid you undertake the journey. It is necessary. It is part of the plan of Hercule Poirot! To say more is unnecessary, to any one who has the acute intelligence of my friend Hastings.

「親愛なる友人へ・・君がこれを受け取る時、私はいないだろう。私のために泣かないで、この指示に従ってほしい。これを受け取ったら、すぐに南アメリカへ戻るのです。このことで意地を張ってはいけません。感傷的になって帰るように言っているのではありません。必要だからです。エルキュール・ポアロの計画なのです! これ以上、優れた理解力を持つ我が友、ヘイスティングスに言う必要はありませんね。

"A bas the Big Four! I salute you, my friend, from beyond the grave.

"Ever thine,
"Hercule Poirot."

「ビッグ4を下す! 敬意を込めて友人へ、墓の彼方より。


I read and re-read this astonishing communication. One thing was evident. This amazing man had so provided for every eventuality that even his own death did not upset the sequence of his plans! Mine was to be the active part—his the directing genius. Doubtless I should find full instructions awaiting me beyond the seas. In the meantime my enemies, convinced that I was obeying their warning, would cease to trouble their heads about me. I could return, unsuspected, and work havoc in their midst.

「私はこの驚くべき手紙を何度も読んだ。一つ明らかなのは、この素晴らしい男は、すべてに備えていて、自分の死さえ、彼の計画を脅かさないようにしているのだ! 私は行動で、彼は指示をする才能だ。私には、海の向こうで更なる指示が待っているに違いない。私が忠告に従ったと敵に思わせ、私の存在を煩うことがなくなる。私は疑われることなく戻り、彼らの中心に入り込んでかき回すことができるのだ。

There was now nothing to hinder my immediate departure. I sent off cables, booked my passage, and one week later found me embarking in the Ansonia en route for Buenos Ayres.


Just as the boat left the quay, a steward brought me a note. It had been given him, so he explained, by a big gentleman in a fur coat who had left the boat last thing before the gangway planks were lifted.


I opened it. It was terse and to the point.

"You are wise," it ran. It was signed with a big figure 4.

I could afford to smile to myself!




The sea was not too choppy. I enjoyed a passable dinner, made up my mind as to the majority of my fellow passengers, and had a rubber or two of Bridge. Then I turned in and slept like a log as I always do on board ship.


I was awakened by feeling myself persistently shaken. Dazed and bewildered, I saw that one of the ship's officers was standing over me. He gave a sigh of relief as I sat up.


"Thank the Lord I've got you awake at last. I've had no end of a job. Do you always sleep like that?"

"What's the matter?" I asked, still bewildered and not fully awake. "Is there anything wrong with the ship?"



"I expect you know what's the matter better than I do," he replied dryly. "Special instructions from the Admiralty. There's a destroyer waiting to take you off."

"What?" I cried. "In mid-ocean?"

