one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


かき氷glace rabote

2005-06-11 18:20:23 | cake(ケーキ)

This is the best sweet in Summer.
I have the first cup of ice cream on a day when the temprature comes above 25 degrees.
It is one day in April usually.
Shops begins to serve a cup of scraping ice in May.
Every year I have the first one in June.
But this year I have it on May 16th.
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スダジイ満開 arbre d'or de flowers

2005-06-11 18:10:32 | Plants(植物)

Some people dislike the strong smell of the flower season of this tree.
The tree is covered with gold flowers.
This big sudajii tree is a big house of small birds.
A couple of tit make a nest in the small hollow and a couple of gray starling make a nest on a branch.
Sparrows visit here everyday like a cheap and delicious restaurant.

A person who shows a nice smile and a victory sign is a part-time gurd.
He is an actor. Boys and girls who know his face on TV with SMAPS greet him every morning and every evening. This week I would see him on the program, SMA-SMA.
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スダジイ雄花 fleur male de sudajii.

2005-06-11 18:01:00 | Plants(植物)

After pollination male flowers fall. This flower have a weak viscosity.
The viscosity is of its honey. So insects love this flower.
The strong smell charms these insects. Small birds come to this tree to catch the insects. Tits, gray starlings, thrushes, bulbuls and sparrows fly onto the tree for a week when the flowers open and attract insects.
A day come. When the great smell vanishes and the party of insects and birds come to the end, almost all birds leave the tree.
Only sparrows rest to eat these sweet male flowers for more two weeks.
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カツ丼 bol de corolette de porc panee

2005-06-11 17:58:25 | Foods(食)

This combination is a typical one of "pork cutlet bowl" of a pork cutlet restaurant. A rice bowl of egg soup with pork cutlet, a cup of miso pork soup, a little dish of pickles and a dish of fruits.
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ホタルブクロ campanule ponctuee

2005-06-11 17:57:29 | Plants(植物)

Over the thirty years ago, I saw this flower firstly in the garden of the family where I lodged. The granmother of the family told me that in her childhood she had played with this flower in which she put into a lighting bug and that it was very beautiful.
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小物洪水 inondation

2005-06-11 17:54:59 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

It seems these goods have flooded from the door of the house.
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やあめた Il change d'idee.

2005-06-11 17:54:02 | cats(猫)

He gets an idea and turn the direction.
He goes back a door of a shop from which he have just walked out.
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ポート レドンド Redondo port

2005-06-11 17:52:59 | LA

In the Redondo Beach city, there is a artificial port.
L.A. travel guide books published in Japan have few discription about this port.
There is few pictures of this port in Japan. I have once found a picture.
Soji Shimada, a Japanese mystery writer, loves this place and he was taken a picture for his book.
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