one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ケーキーターの雑煮 bouillon au mochi

2006-01-05 20:04:31 | Foods(食)

I wish you all may have a happy new year!

Every new year holidays I have a wooden bowl of soup with mochi.
I cook it by myself with the memory of my mother's cooking.
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沖縄オデン pot au feu

2006-01-05 19:59:27 | Foods(食)

I add two piece of mochi into the dish of Okinawan style oden(Japanese pot-au-feu).
There is a slice of goya(okinawan cucumber) in the Satuma-age(fish meat fry).
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夕陽1月2日 coucher de soleil

2006-01-05 19:57:25 | sky/weather/season

I spent the first day of the year to sleep.
On the second day I worked at the Nishiurawa station.
In the morning it was cloudy and around the noon it began to hard rain without wind. I could see the sun at last at the Musashiurawa station when the sun was setting into the heavy cloud.
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雪煙影富士1月3日 mont Fuji

2006-01-05 19:54:44 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
On January 3 in the morning it was warm with thick cloud and no wind, but around noon the north wind began blowing so that I could see the Mt. Fuji at the first time of this year in the evening. Just when the sun set, the violent wind blew the mountain to rise up the snow onto the sky.
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フェイクパール perle imitee

2006-01-05 19:48:11 | nocategory(雑)

I pick up a fake pearl on the platform of the Nishiurawa station.
It's so nice to take a picture of the baroque imitation , I think.
But soon after when I take a picuture of it, my co-worker comes to pick it up to examine it and says, "I am dissapointed to find it a fake" and he throws it into the rail road.

@Nishiurawa station
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落日直後12月26日 coucher de soleil

2006-01-05 19:38:53 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Just when the train stops at the Kitatoda station, the sun sets and the golden color spreads the heaven. Then the north wind blows very hard to make a big smoke of snow which starts from the northern slope of Mt Fuji and flies over the top of the mountain.

@北戸田駅 Kitatoda station of the Saikyo line
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日の出12月30日 lever de soleil

2006-01-05 19:36:35 | sky/weather/season

The temperature is one and half degrees in this morning. There is little wind.
All through the day the heaven is covered with thick cloud. Only in the morning I can see the sun.

@Nishiurawa station, Sakura ward, Saitama city, Saitama prefecture
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日の出12月28日 lever de soleil

2006-01-05 19:34:41 | sky/weather/season

It is a little warm morning when I can see the sun rising at the Nishiurawa station. The temperature is two degrees. It scarcely blows.
After a weak north wind night, there are lots of vacant cans on the platform.
In this morning, I picked up a dozen cans and push them into the trash hole of the vending machine.

@Nishiurawa station, Sakura ward, Saitama city, Saitama prefecture
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あきらめましょ。 peut-rien-faire

2006-01-05 19:31:57 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The greatest news of the year of 2005 is the big earthquake on July 23.
At that time, I was on the train at the Kitaakabane station.
Don't say, "Never give up!"

May we have no big earhquake this year!

@北赤羽駅 Kitaakabane station, Kita ward.
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ショピングセンター grandes magasins

2006-01-05 19:29:49 | LA

At Los Angels I often find myself alone suddenly without finding citizen around me to be scared so much. At an entrance of a big shopping center I find nobody around there. I hurry to turn around the corner to feel safe to see a few people.
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