A flower able to be had is better than hundred flowers only being seen.
(栄太楼、阿佐谷南一丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
A flower able to be had is better than hundred flowers only being seen.
(栄太楼、阿佐谷南一丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
Many pupils run up this steep slope to go home.
I try to do the same thing once, and only three steps make me give it up.
(中馬込三丁目、Nakamagome, Oota ward)
Many pupils run up this steep slope to go home.
I try to do the same thing once, and only three steps make me give it up.
(中馬込三丁目、Nakamagome, Oota ward)
Once upon a time my shadow in the late afternoon sunlight must be more slender, I remember.
(横須賀線、中馬込三丁目、Nakamagome, Oota ward)
Once upon a time my shadow in the late afternoon sunlight must be more slender, I remember.
(横須賀線、中馬込三丁目、Nakamagome, Oota ward)
On a cold cold day, a meal with a bawl of hot noodle is very good.
(玉川家、中馬込三丁目、Nakamagome, Oota ward)
On a cold cold day, a meal with a bawl of hot noodle is very good.
(玉川家、中馬込三丁目、Nakamagome, Oota ward)
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten...
eleven sparrows.
(横須賀線、西馬込一丁目、Nishimagome, Oota ward)
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten...
eleven sparrows.
(横須賀線、西馬込一丁目、Nishimagome, Oota ward)
In a cold and fine afternoon, only for half an hour, a Chinese ink picture appears on the glass house of cyclamen.
中馬込三丁目、Nakamagome, Oota ward)
In a cold and fine afternoon, only for half an hour, a Chinese ink picture appears on the glass house of cyclamen.
中馬込三丁目、Nakamagome, Oota ward)