one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


お客なんか知らん pourvoi du roi

2011-07-01 17:28:00 | cats(猫)

All the small mats are mine! Anybody can claim me for a mat?

(@東亜飯店、神田佐久間町、Kandasakumacho, Chiyoda ward)
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ボロボロの大葉 mauvais herbe

2011-07-01 17:27:04 | Plants(植物)

The weeds never die but must be unhappy. The wind and the barb wires hurt it night and day.

(港南二丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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曲がった信号 les feux

2011-07-01 17:25:50 | what?why?(ん?)
The traffic sign for walkers might be bumped with a big box of trailers. The two weeks after the first watching, I have a chance to take a photography. Why have they used in this condition? The walkers can use it, surely.

(港南五丁目、Konanan, Minato ward)
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木耳炒め Auricularia auricula

2011-07-01 17:22:44 | Foods(食)

The volume of the stir-fried Jew's-ear is probably the biggest dish in Tokyo. The Chinese letters are 木耳(tree-ear). The Japanese word is Ki-kurage (tree-jellyfish).
Only the Chinese, the Korean and the Japanese eat Jew's-ear. And only Chinese and Japanese eat jellyfish. No people have it in the Philippines. So jellyfish food culture have a root around the Taiwan Island, I think. And Japanese don't like eating ears of something. So they named it plant-jellyfish.
(九麗瑠、西品川三丁目、Nishishinagawa, Shingawa ward)
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鶏肉店の老夫婦 volaillers vieux

2011-07-01 17:21:40 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

For more than thirty years I've watched the old couple of the chicken meat shop. I can't remember one of them wasn't in. Many cats have been with them. But now the cat is too old to greet to the clients on the counter. Tut they lies the small table in front of the showcase for their loved one to step up and jump onto the counter.

(阿佐谷北二丁目、 Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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運河の時代色 le temps de passe

2011-07-01 17:15:34 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I like watching the colors of the water and the old stone works of the canal bank. From the Sibaura 3rd chome(block or area) to the 1st chome, I sometimes take a long slow stroll with enjoying the images of the Meiji era(1890s) when the age of Japanese militarism began running to the catastrophes of Nanjing, Nagasaki and Hiroshima.The stone walls have watched the modern Japanese history. This canal area was in the shallow water in the Edo bay until the 1880s.
(芝浦三丁目、Shibuura, Konan ward)
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朝のドトール cafe dans le matin

2011-07-01 17:14:40 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At a coffee shop in the morning, people change their mind to their working. A woman make papers and a young man reads a economic news paper and an old man checks the schedule. Everybody starts their each lives.
(港南一丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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イサキの塩焼き poisson Isaki grille

2011-07-01 17:13:51 | Foods(食)

This grilled grunt is very wonderful one. The price is not so cheap but I fully enjoy its white meat and the skin. The cook is a very nice old man who have cooked in this restaurant for more than thirty years. But he must close his restaurant very near soon with so-called restructuring of the town. Where he should go and what to do, he complains. It's a sad tale, but this this is a happy taste one.
(あらせ、 双葉一丁目、Futaba, Shinagawa ward)
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フィギュアと少年 un garcon

2011-07-01 17:12:56 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At a bus stop outside the Shinjuku station, a boy is absorbed in his new plastic hero so that his family leave him alone and are waiting in the queue.

(西新宿一丁目、Nishishinnjuku, Shinjuku ward)
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姉妹の気質差 soeurs

2011-07-01 17:11:44 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At Shinjuku station, a grandma meets with her grand daughters. The elder girl tries to greet her grandma, but the young girl is busy to roll up her favorite umbrella well and almost forget her grandma.

(新宿駅、Shinjuku station, Shinjuku ward)
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