one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


風のロデオ le rodéo du vent

2011-10-09 19:50:40 | birds, fish and others(生物)

In the wind beside a railroad butterflies enjoy to play rodeo on the flowers of weeds.
The black and white one is a poor rider to fly up soon and back repeatedly. The yellow leopard shows a good talent of flower rodeo.

(横須賀線目黒川、広町一丁目、Hiromachi,Shinagawa ward)
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I-Pad を持つ女 I-pad

2011-10-09 19:48:15 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

She gets the newest style to read or use Internet information.
I think I-pad is better than any mobile phones for the health of eye.

(阿佐ヶ谷駅、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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犬好きのお巡りさん un chien et un agent

2011-10-09 19:46:47 | dog(犬)

Some dogs are friends of policemen.
The brown dog stops and lies down in front of the police box on the way home with its owner daughter.
The policeman treats him a bawl of water.

(阿佐ヶ谷駅南交番、阿佐谷南三丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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アロエ余っています aloé

2011-10-09 19:44:59 | Plants(植物)

The owner of these abundance of aloe moved to somewhere so long ago. The neighbors sometimes break the leaves.

(百反通り、西品川三丁目、Nishisinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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本棚 le rayon

2011-10-09 19:42:27 | what?why?(ん?)

They display the book of words of a famous famous Buddhist next to a pornography.

(西新宿、Nishisinjuku, Shinjuku ward)
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マクドナルドにて充電 la charge

2011-10-09 19:39:25 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

After keeping their chairs, young girls leave to order their lunch. One of them connects the charging cable of their mobile phone to the receptacle with the bag opened. They don't take care for thief.

(McDonald 西新宿、Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku ward)
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盗電男 voleur d'électricité

2011-10-09 19:37:24 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In a train of the Keihintohoku line I pull out my camera for a snap shot of a young woman with fantastic long hair. Then a young one lies his big bag on the floor and looks around to connect the cord of cell phone to the wall outlet for the cleaning. He steals the electricity.

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コーヒーゼリー gelée de café

2011-10-09 19:35:34 | cake(ケーキ)

I miss this glass of coffee jelly. The coffee shop have closed.
I remember the long years, near forty years with bitter and sweet memories , I've spent.

(可否茶館、阿佐谷北一丁目、 Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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チェインブロック Palan à chaîne

2011-10-09 19:31:39 | tools and parts 道具・文具・家具

A chain block is a powerful tool. Without it, workers can't do the work.
There are lots of various tools for hoisting heavy things. But the chain block is used with only man's arm power. The maximum weight of the vertical lifting is 20 tons. This one is not so powerful, but it can lift one ton without any machine and only with man's arm.
I like the chain's running metal sound of pulling chain with hands.

(東十条、Higashijujo, Kita ward)
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The Way Home by George Pelecanos, 2009 , Back Bay Books

2011-10-09 19:28:38 | book(本)

The family problem fiction of a father and a son.

The tale begins with the expression of a reform school.
A white bad boy was sent to this school. He is the only white boy in there.
His name was Chris Flynn, an only son of a succeeded carpet installer, Thomas Flynn. From the first page to the last page, his mother Amanda kept believing him as a good boy with being temporally wrong in the life. But his father doubted his son had a bad thing in his personality. He thought he failed in growing up his son. So Chris refused his father. Chis had a girl friend Kathleen who wanted to be a painter. And other white boy friends left from the arrested Chris.
In the reform school, Chris was belong to the Unit 5 where he lived with black boys, African-American boys. He met his true friends there. In the basket ball games, Chris could become a member of the team and could play with even Lawrence who couldn't get along with Chris well. Lawrence was a good friend of Chris's good friend Ben. He met his good friends in life, Ben and Ali.
After the school, Chris worked as a carpet installer in his father's company.
Several years after, Chris is a leader of one carpet installing team. His partner is Ben who had learned to read English and now loved reading. Ben especially loved reading books in a cemetery park. Chis didn't love his job, but Ben liked it. They were good workers, Thomas admitted.
One day they found a bag in which five thousand dollars under the floor of a house for sale or rent. Ben and other boys wanted to get it, but Chris refused their hope. He repeatedly ordered them to leave the bag and money as it had been. At last Ben agreed with Chris and all black boys gave it up taking the money. It smelled something of crime, all boys felt.
But one night Lawrence visited Ben. He wanted his young nephew to work with Ben before stepping into the wrong way of the life. He firstly asked Ali, then “a junior staff member of Men Moving on Up, a nonprofit funded by the District, local charities, and private donors.” Ali recommended a part time job of McDonald to his nephew. Lawrence told Ali, the job in the McDonald shouldn't be a good job to start one's life and to get out from their home town with much crime and death and poverty. Lawrence insisted Ali could introduce his nephew to the father of Chris for the job of carpet installer. Ben promised him to ask Chris about it and they drunk together. Ben got drunken to tell about the money. After Laurence sent Ben to home, he broke into the house to get the money.
A woman realtor found the house broken and ordered Thomas to reinstall the carpet again. In the install Chris and Ben found the money disappeared. Ben knew Laurence did it but didn't tell it to Chris. Thomas thought the poor carpet installing was responsible to Chris and Ben. The father start disbelieving against his son again. Chris thought the real owner of the money had come to get it.
Soon the real owner of the money appeared and threatened the woman realtor to get the name of Chris Carpet and his cell phone number. They were two gangs. They chased their money and found Chris and Ben. They watched the two installers and regarded Chris tough and Ben easy to handle. They caught Ben and asked him where the money was. Ben refused to reply and at last they cut Ben's neck to die. And they started chasing again for Chris.
Chris started looking for the murder of Ben. And he found Ben was murdered for the money. He got to Laurence and talked with him. The two didn't trust in police. They made up mind revenging for Ben together. Thomas and Ali realized what Chris would do. But they failed to persuade him to give the information of the two gangs and the money. Thomas knew he had done wrong to his son. He should believe his son like his wife. Thomas despaired he lost the trust of his son. Chris left them.
But Thomas, Ali and Kathleen, the lover of Chris were looking for Chris to stop his doing. They couldn't find where Chris was.
On that day of the revenge, Chris tried to persuade Lawrence not to kill the gangs with guns and to get the gangs arrested. Lawrence knocked Chris out and he went to the promised place with gang with himself alone. The one of the gang stabbed the knife on the breast of Lawrence at fast. But Lawrence used the Ben's installer's knife to kill the one. Then he shot the rest of the gang to death. When the police found Lawrence, he was sitting on the bench as if he had watched the river flowing with the satisfaction. He died owing to the lost of blood.
Chris announced to Thomas that he would keep working in the carpet company, but that he wouldn't keep doing for ever. Chris made a plan to become a teacher of the American history.
The father saw his son found what to do by himself firstly in their life. His son at last went home.

The four boys in the Unit 5. The three is black and the one is white. And the two black boys were killed and the two survived to get their future and life.
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