one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


満潮の運河 Takahama canal

2011-10-16 18:13:13 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The water of full tide washes the promenade beside the canal. You can easily see the highest water line was higher than it is. This morning the southern wind blows strongly so that a small group of the young sea gulls in the open sea of the Tokyo bay fly to this canal for the calm water over the Shinkonan bridge.

(高浜運河、港南一丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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世代交代 génération nouvelle

2011-10-16 18:12:31 | cats(猫)

I visit the Higasijujo train yard after one year absence. There are young mother and her kittens. They are not fat but very active and joyful.

(東十条電車区、東十条、 Higashijujo, Kita ward)
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アイスクリーム la glace

2011-10-16 18:11:40 | cake(ケーキ)

On a hot day in the early autumn, ice cream is very good.

(後楽園、後楽一丁目、 Kouraku, Bunkyo ward)
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シラストースト la pain du petits poisons

2011-10-16 18:10:50 | Foods(食)

I learn about this toast with boiled young sardines and dried sea weed in a comic book. The young sardines toast in the comic picture seemed to me very good. So I tried. This shirasu( boiled young sardines) is too salty a little for me. I should lessen the shirasu to a half of this.
(吉田秋生 海街daiary V.4)
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万世ラーメン店 restaurant de rahmén

2011-10-16 18:09:53 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

This rahmen place is my favorite shop in Shinjuku.

(西新宿一丁目、Nishishinkuku, Shinjuku ward)
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ショウジョウバッタ sauterelle

2011-10-16 18:08:55 | birds, fish and others(生物)

A grasshopper would want to change its mood. If it could speak, it might say I get bore in the grass.

(広町一丁目、Hiromachi, Shinbawa ward)
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ナポリタンの色 nouille de tomate

2011-10-16 18:07:37 | Foods(食)

I always sit on the same stool in this coffee shop at lunch time. I always take a picture of the dish I have. As to this pasta I have a problem not to get the colors which I see. This day I have to sit on another stool to get the right color!

(西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Shingawa ward)
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ペンキ剥落 pinture écaillée

2011-10-16 18:06:19 | what?why?(ん?)

Painting on the iron would come off someday completely. Till then some unexpected patterns often catch my eyes to give me fun.

(横須賀線、品鶴線、二葉2丁目、Futaba, Shinagawa ward)
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水痕跡模様 dessin par l'eau du pluie

2011-10-16 18:04:58 | nocategory(雑)

The rust, the rain water and something drew this picture during the holidays.

(広町一丁目、Hiromach, Shinagwa ward)
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おかっぱカラス corbeau

2011-10-16 18:04:00 | birds, fish and others(生物)

This crow's hair style is the one of the Belle-epoque.

(横須賀線、白煉瓦ガード、広町一丁目、Hiromachi, Shinagawa ward)
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