one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


満潮la marée haute

2012-12-23 19:42:00 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

When the water rises, the pots and plants are threatened. With stronger winds and bigger waves, the garden would be covered with half salted water.

(高浜運河、港南三丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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保育園児とユリカモメ les petites enfants et les mouelltes

2012-12-23 19:39:20 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Day nursery children watch the gulls with the silence of being taught with the teachers. It seems to me that the teachers are happier than their children, doesn't it?

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Minato ward)
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オニャ? Le chat

2012-12-23 19:31:50 | cats(猫)

This homeless cat is fat. It doesn't fear the human being and keeps cleaning its hair with its tongue in front of unknown human being. So many neighbors come to feed it.
In the near large stock yard, a very shy cat died in hunger half a years ago, they say. The one had been very afraid of human being and escaped as soon as possible whenever it found us.
A woman was so sorry for it to say to me that she tried to tame the one to leave the food near the place where she found it, but that that humanfobia fellow wouldn't approach to the food. It had earned his living with garbages of the workers in the yard. When the hut of workers was closed, the sorry cat couldn't find the new place to get food and it was found dead at the same place as the hut had been stood, she said.
But this big face cat is a happy one. For it, every day is a day of the Christmas Holidays.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Minato ward)
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ユリカモメ une mouette

2012-12-23 19:28:42 | birds, fish and others(生物)

A young gull swims near to me. It might remember I fed them with pieces of lunch bread yesterday. But today I know the job would be off near the noon and I decide to have a lunch at the restaurant near the Shinagawa station. So I have no food for them.
(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Minato ward)
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強風のテトラボッド les oixeaux et le vent fort

2012-12-23 19:24:33 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The strong wind blows and the birds head against the wind. The cormorant has just floated up from the long fish diving and creeps up on to the tetrapod.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Minato ward)
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向かい風に乗る le vent contraire

2012-12-23 19:23:35 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The gulls use the strong against wind to float along on the canal. It seems they enjoy the flying with the strong wind.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Minato ward)
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ちょっとビビリ les mouettes et une petite fille

2012-12-23 19:20:13 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The first throwing food by the grand father the more than hundred gulls fly around. The grand daughter winces at the number and the bigness of gulls in front of her eyes.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Minato ward)
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でもすぐ慣れる Une petite fille et les mouettes

2012-12-23 19:19:10 | birds, fish and others(生物)

She soon gets lost herself to feed them. The gull's catching the food in the air is surely wonderful watching. If the food lifted up with herself, the happiness becomes the greatest thing.
When I feed them. At first I throw pieces to be caught in the air. The next I lift up near me. And at last they would get it from my finger. It's a very happy time. But this girl throws all of food before her grandfather will teach her how to be picked the pieces up from her fingers with the tamed gulls.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Minato ward)
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砂運搬船 un petite cargaison du sable

2012-12-23 19:16:54 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I love watching real working ships.
The cargo has carried sands and the crane is landing the sands.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Minato ward)
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汁粉でMerry Christmas! la saison de Siruko

2012-12-23 19:14:36 | cake(ケーキ)

Winter is the season of the Shiruko (sweet azuki beans soupe with pieces of baked rice cake). The day when the strong northern wind deprives me the heat, I wouldn't fail to stop at the sweet shop to have siruko soup.

(Dalli, 港南一丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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