one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


善福寺川の水草2 plante aquatique 2

2014-11-09 09:31:40 | 荻窪あたり
The stream looks clean around here. lol
I took this after the two typhoon and a few autumn rainy days. May it be, those heaven's water has swept away the dirty ones. Yes, it must be, the river has been showered.
Everyday it is shampooed with detergent from millions of families, lolol.

(善福寺川、西荻北、Nishiogikita, Suginami ward)
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Unknown (sustena)
2014-11-09 17:21:41
I don't know the existences of (Cakkeater)
2014-11-09 22:46:59
fountain in the river. But I think the water is clearer than it was twenty five years ago around here.

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