one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


善福寺川の鷺 une aigrette

2015-05-10 15:50:10 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The Zenpukuji river flows down through the southern town of the Ogikubo station. The town is called « Ogikubo »(Panpass glass hollow). The northern town, « Amanuma » (Heaven's pond). I have had a plan to walk up the river to the source, the Zenpukuji Ike (Zenpukuji pond). The distance from the south of the Ogikubo station is less than 5 kilometers. The river flows like a snake dance.
The narrow bridges are there at each almost a few hundred meters and I can rarely see two bridges on a bridge. In the river big curp swim and dugs float and helons walk, sometimes a cormorant dive.
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