

KTM と WP の行方(ゆくえ) / The future of KTM and WP

2025-03-12 20:00:18 | オートバイが教える、...

via Ride Apart 

この記事は、2024年11月に破産宣告を行なった、ヨーロッパ最大のオートバイメーカーの一つ、オーストリアに本拠を置く KTM が、その再建策の一つとして、インドで生産をしていた 125㏄ 車の生産を終了するという記事です。

This article is about KTM, one of Europe's largest motorcycle manufacturers, which declared bankruptcy in November 2024 and is based in Austria, and as part of its restructuring plan, it will end production of 125cc vehicles that were produced in India.



なお、KTM を CEO として率いてここまで急成長させた ステファン・ピエラー(Stefan Pierer)氏ですが、今回の破産宣告を受けて、KTM AG の CEO の座から退きましたが、以前として KTM AG の親会社である ピエラー・モビリティAG の コーCEO に留まっており、再建策がどこまで進むかが懸念されています。
また、125㏄ は世界で最も人気のあるクラスですが、市場は ヤマハ R15 や MT-15 などが席巻しているので投資効果が得られないと判断している様です。ただ、僕としては、1999年に KTM のグループ会社(子会社)になった、高性能サスペンションメーカーWP の行方が気になります。

Stefan Pierer, who led KTM to such rapid growth as CEO, stepped down from his position as CEO of KTM AG following the bankruptcy declaration. However, he remains CEO of Pierer Mobility AG, the parent company of KTM AG, and there are concerns about how far the restructuring plan will go.

Also, although 125cc is the most popular class in the world, it seems that they have decided that the market is dominated by Yamaha R15 and MT-15, so there is no return on investment. However, I am curious about the future of WP, a high-performance suspension manufacturer that became a KTM group company (subsidiary) in 1999. 




『 WP 』

というのも、1992年、僕が競技用車両としてホンダブロスを購入して、圧倒的な成績を収める性能を発揮できたのも、WP が独自にセットアップして発売していた ブロス用 前後サスペンションキットを装着したからです。 ホンダが発売したブロスは、購入してから初めて分かったのですが、完全にツーリング志向にセットアップされた車両で、スポーツ走行には全く向いていない状態でした。しかし、WP の前後サスペンションキット、特にフロントスプリングはスポーツ走行に適した車両に生まれ変わらせたのです。つまり、当時ヨーロッパでも販売されていたブロス(NT650)を購入して、自社のテストコース内でスポーツ走行に適したスプリングを設計とテスト走行を繰り返して作り上げられた作品だったのです、それ程に、メーカー標準設定のスプリングとは全く異なる仕様のスプリングで、スプリングレートだけでなく、スプリングのダンピング特性と固有振動数まで考慮された設計になっていたのです。 だから、その当時に在籍されて WP の設計・テストを行なったエンジニアに対して深い恩義を感じているのです。 それ以降、彼らの様に、その車両の能力を引き出す為に独自にテスト&設計を繰り返したサスペンション。特にスプリングですが、見た事はありません。殆どが 車両メーカーの仕様に準拠した設計で独自性はありません。

The reason is that in 1992, when I bought a Honda Bros. as a competition vehicle, I was able to achieve overwhelming results because I installed the front and rear suspension kits for Bros. that WP had set up and released. I realized that the Bros. released by Honda was a vehicle that was completely set up for touring and was not suitable for sports driving at all after I bought it. However, WP's front and rear suspension kits, especially the front springs, transformed the vehicle into one suitable for sports driving. In other words, they purchased a Bros. (NT650) that was also sold in Europe at the time, and designed and test-driven springs suitable for sports driving on their own test course. The springs were completely different from the manufacturer's standard springs, and were designed with not only the spring rate in mind, but also the damping characteristics and natural frequency of the springs. That's why I feel indebted to the engineers who designed and tested WP at that time. Since then, I have never seen a suspension that was tested and designed independently to bring out the capabilities of the vehicle like they did. Especially the springs. Most of them are designed to comply with the vehicle manufacturer's specifications and are not unique.

『 KTM 』

最後に、KTM が破産宣告に至った経緯と今後について、関連資料を調べた結果を以下にまとめています。




Finally, the results of examining related materials regarding the circumstances that led to KTM's bankruptcy declaration and its future are summarized below.

KTM is a well-known Austrian motorcycle manufacturer that began bankruptcy proceedings on November 29, 2024. This decision is the result of the company's poor management and worsening financial problems. KTM has achieved significant growth over the past 30 years and has been highly regarded, especially in the off-road motorcycle market, but the recent sluggish sales of luxury motorcycles and supply chain disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have had an impact.

When announcing the start of bankruptcy proceedings, KTM's management expressed its intention to implement a large-scale restructuring plan for reconstruction. In particular, maintaining the employment of more than 5,000 employees is considered a key challenge. Management is trying to find a sustainable solution through cooperation with creditors, and details of the restructuring plan are expected to be announced in the future.

The bankruptcy proceedings are a legal restructuring procedure selected by KTM through self-management, and it is necessary to formulate a restructuring plan and obtain agreement with creditors within 90 days. At the end of this period, in February 2025, KTM will have to decide whether to find a way to restructure or go into further insolvency proceedings.


