The Nightingale S.T.Coleridge
And hark! the Nightingale begins its song,
‘Most musical, and most melancholy' bird!
A melancholy bird? Oh! idle thought!
In Nature there is nothing melancholy.
小夜鳴鳥の唄 S・T・コールリッジ
ほらおきき 小夜鳴鳥がうたひはじめる
もつとも耳にこころよく もつとも心いぶせき鳥――
いぶせき鳥? いいやちがう
And hark! the Nightingale begins its song,
‘Most musical, and most melancholy' bird!
A melancholy bird? Oh! idle thought!
In Nature there is nothing melancholy.
小夜鳴鳥の唄 S・T・コールリッジ
ほらおきき 小夜鳴鳥がうたひはじめる
もつとも耳にこころよく もつとも心いぶせき鳥――
いぶせき鳥? いいやちがう