私的海潮音 英米詩訳選


T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳/第三段落

2019-12-23 13:40:45 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
Selected prose of T. S. Eliot
Ed. By Frank Kermode
‘Religion and literature’



 I am not concerned here with religious literature but with the application of our religion to the criticism of any literature. It may be as well, however, to distinguish first what t consider to be the three senses in which we say that it is ‘religious literature’. The first is that of which we say that it is ‘religious literature in the same way that we speak of ‘historical literature’ or of ‘scientific literature’. I mean that we can treat the Authorized translation of the Bible, or the works of Jeremy Taylor, as literature, on the same way that we treat the historical writing of Clarendon or of Gibbon ―our two great English historians ―as literature; or Bradley’s Logic, or Buffon’s Natural History. All of these writers were men who, incidentally to their religious, or historical, or philosophic purpose, had a gift of language which makes them delightful to read to all those who can enjoy language well written even if they are unconcerned with the objects which the writers had in view. And I would add that though a scientific, or historical, or theological, or philosophic work which is also ‘literature’ may become superannuated as anything but literature, yet it is not likely to be ‘literature’ unless I had its scientific or other value for its own time. While I acknowledge the legitimacy of the enjoyment, I am more acutely aware of its abuse. The person who enjoy these writings solely because of their literary merit are essentially parasites; and we know that parasites, when they become to numerous, are pests. I could fulminate against the men of letters who have gone into ecstasies over ‘the Bible as literature’, the Bible as ‘the noblest monument of English prose’. Those who talk of the Bible as a ‘monument of English prose’ are merely admiring it as a monument over the grave of Christianity. I must try to avoid the by-paths of my discourse: it is enough to suggest that just as the work if Clarendon, or Gibbon, or Buffon or Bradley would be of inferior literary value if it were insignificant as history, or science and philosophy respectability, so the Bible has had a literary influence upon English literature not because it had been considered as literature \, but because it has been considered as the report of the Word of God. And the fact that men of letters now discuss it as ‘literature’ probably indicates the end of its ‘literary’ influence.
